Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2210: Giant life form


Sure enough, she is another beauty, her temperament is extremely charming.

She has a pair of watery peach blossom eyes, her pupils are moist, her jade face is shy, and she is timid before she speaks. Her whole body exudes a deadly charming aura, and the translucent purple gauze makes a large area of her snow-white skin looming.

Beside her, there were six or seven young talents who were very attentive, looking like flower protectors.

However, Ling Xuan's female intuition could tell that the extremely charming girl with purple gauze was completely taking advantage of those seven people. She just regarded them as useful servants who could come and go as they were called. .

Of course, if Chu Chen were here, he would naturally find that the charming and flawless purple gauze girl was Zhou Mei whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

At this moment, two other figures walked in from outside the store. It was the beauty in gray and the long-legged woman in green that Ling Xuan had seen before.

She didn't know that this beauty in gray was an extremely famous genius in the Biquan Immortal Sect. At a young age, she became the spiritual heart of the Medicine Dao Elder and his eldest disciple Qing Yue.

Elder Lingxin was still wearing a gray robe at this time, but her figure was too good and exaggerated. Even the loose gray robe could not cover up the fatal bumps. A slight movement could reveal the thrilling arc.

She frowned slightly and stared at the pile of corpses in the lobby, her face full of solemnity.

"It is like the work of the Blood Demon Path, but it is more cruel and violent. The poisonous blood curse is used as a prison, imprisoning all three souls and seven souls, trapping them in the body, and draining away all the spiritual power, making people unable to To suffer endless pain between life and death is really heartbreaking!"

"Your Majesty is saying... they are not dead yet?"

A monk heard the whispers of Elder Lingxin and asked in surprise.

"Yes, their souls are all imprisoned in their bodies by the poisonous spells transformed from their own blood, forming a cage to lock their souls. They are neither alive nor dead, just like the living dead."

The cold light in Elder Lingxin's beautiful eyes was solemn.

All the monks gasped in unison. To be honest, the scar on the head is no bigger than a bowl, and the killing is no more than a nod on the ground.

Faced with normal death or massacre, many monks can accept it in their hearts.

Anyone who can gain a foothold in the world of monks, who hasn’t faced things like killing people and seizing treasures

But the situation before us far exceeds the bottom line of most people. Refining people into living dead is something that no one can accept from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's not good, it's not good..."

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded from outside the hall.

The monks turned around and saw a panic-stricken Lingxi realm monk flying over with a flying sword in a panic, then fell to the ground with a thud, his tone full of uncontrollable fear.

"Not just this one, the whole town, all the restaurants and inns in the entire world of mortal world, the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper's wife, the waiter, the attendants, and the maids are all dead, all dead..."

"…The way all those people died was exactly the same as this group of people!"

“Who on earth did such a horrific thing??”

Some monks couldn't help shouting loudly, filled with righteous indignation.

Half of it was because of genuine anger, and half of it was because of inexplicable panic.

Under the eyes of so many monks, he silently killed all the shopkeepers in the entire city. This method was enough to make the monks feel chills all over.

"No, I found it!"

At this moment, the soul who had been carefully observing the deceased suddenly raised his eyebrows and said something shocking, "These people did not kill themselves, but committed suicide!"


"Everyone kills themselves?"

"So many shopkeepers have committed suicide. What is it? Is it some evil sacrificial ritual?"

The conclusion reached by Elder Lingxin was so alarming that even the purple-clothed monk and the man in white, who were evil cultivators in the crowd, frowned and looked at each other, seeing some hidden worries in each other's eyes.

Some evil sects do have evil god worship and sacrificial rituals. The most famous one is the Corpse Demon Sect, which was once powerful 1,300 years ago.

It is said that the highest doctrine revered by the Corpse Demon Sect is to awaken the legendary ancient evil god "The Nine Infants of the Corpse Demon Emperor".

That day, the entire Corpse Demon Mountain was shrouded in rich blood and death energy.

All the members of the Corpse Demon Sect, from the sect master to the servants, no one survived, and all of them perished.

As a result, the rich death energy and blood energy not only turned the entire Corpse Demon Mountain into a land of death, but also did not summon the Nine Infants of the Corpse Demon Emperor. Not even the shadow of the time and space channel was visible.

This absurd and even somewhat comical result has become the eternal laughing stock of the monk world. The Corpse Demon Sect is probably the only sect in the history of the monk world that was destroyed because everyone went crazy.

And this result also completely eliminated the sect inheritance of the evil lineage that advocates sacrificial secrets...

You must know that more than a thousand years ago, there were many such sects in the evil way.

The world of monks is so big, there are always some weird ones.

The legend of the Corpse Demon Sect has now become a joke.

But now, when this scene really happened before their eyes, many monks did not feel how ridiculous it was. Instead, they felt cold air coming from the bones of their bones.

What kind of fanatical belief and absurd idea is this that leads to such a crazy scene

It's already so terrifying that all the people in this restaurant sacrificed themselves. How terrifying would it be if all the people in the restaurant in the entire mortal world did this

Think back again, on the Corpse Demon Mountain more than a thousand years ago, when one hundred and eight thousand monks committed suicide at the same time, how horrific the scene must have been

This is simply more frightening than a bloody battle!

The other party can beat you to death, that's nothing, it's just that your skills are not as good as others.

But the other party can make you willingly die without knowing it, which violates everyone's bottom line.

"Everyone, be careful!"

At this moment, the spiritual elder who was closest to the front suddenly took a few steps back and shouted, "The poisonous blood curse on these corpses has begun to act, and it seems to be..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw many corpses in the lobby suddenly exploded with a bang!

It was a real explosion. Whether it was the fat shopkeeper, the skinny waiter, or the charming maid, all the corpses exploded into a ball of blood mist in an instant.

Then the blood mist rose up as if it had a life of its own, turned into a torrent, and gathered towards the window. .

Not only this one, but at this moment, a dark red blood mist rose from all the restaurants and wine shops in the entire Hongchen Mysterious Realm. There were different sizes, and there were hundreds of them at a rough count.

These hundreds of blood mist finally gathered, condensed, and merged in the sky above the center of the city, forming a giant with a height of thousands of feet and a blood-red body!