Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2232: Stone Throne


From humans to gods and even immortals, who can truly stop love and desire? Even the immortal saint who overlooks all sentient beings has many secret stories secretly spread.

Love is a word, the more you think about it, the more you can't break it. When you don't think about it for a long time and think it's over, you will often be suddenly aroused by a certain sentence, a certain place, or a certain scene, and you can't suppress it.

This kind of curse-killing technique is really impossible to solve. It is rumored that someone in the mythical age once practiced the way of forgetting love, but it turned out to be just a joke. Hence the proverb that has been passed down through the ages...

If the sky is sentimental, the sky is also old!

Zhou Mei is the most confused among the girls. I obviously have no true feelings for that boy. I hate him very much, but why am I also involved in the cause and effect

Isn't my deepest intention to discuss him

really weird

"Then what should we do

"Lingxin asked in a low voice. She had always been wise and intelligent, and could deal with anything calmly, but now she felt helpless.

"If we are killed by this nail-piercing arrow, what will happen to Chu... that person?"

Shen Qian couldn't help but ask.

"If the love thread is there, it will die. If the love thread is not there, it will have no effect."

Xu Yuan glanced at Shen Qian, "If that person is ruthless to you, he will naturally not be affected. If he is affectionate to you, he should also be troubled by the power of the nail curse at this time."

"This..." Shen Qian was silent for a long time, and suddenly said with a wry smile, "I don't know whether I hope he will be affectionate or ruthless."

The atmosphere fell into a subtle awkward state, but this awkward state did not last long. After the last ray of vitality of the strange-armored demon was completely wiped out by many monks, the dark depths of the insect nest suddenly became bright. A huge teleportation array appeared.

Even if he is about to die, he still has to take the path he needs to take. At least he must get out of this hellish trial realm first. Therefore, the girls were silent all the way, and just walked into the teleportation array in silence.

When the light of the teleportation array gradually extinguished, the surrounding area had turned into a vast hall.

This should be the last test!

This is a strange place. There is an inexplicable and disturbing atmosphere in the air. It is surrounded by large and small stone pillars. Each stone pillar is painted with unknown patterns of dim yellow and dark brown, which is strange and strange. , ghost.

Ten long stone roads run through the entire hall, and at the end of the stone roads are stone thrones of different shapes.

The shape of each stone throne is different, as if it is a mutation of some kind of organ. There are huge tentacles covered with thorns, there are twisted and weird triangular eyes, there are palms that are twisted in reverse and wrapped with poisonous thorns, there are huge tongues covered with layers of knots...

The atmosphere in the entire hall was full of depression, darkness, and depression. It seems that above this hall, there is an indescribable terror huddled in the dark void, staring coldly at everyone.

On each of the ten stone roads, there is a mottled stone tablet with densely packed small ancient seal characters engraved on it.

However, those seal characters are all defective, and it seems that some traces have been deliberately erased.

Elder Lingxin glanced at a stone tablet from a distance, his expression suddenly changed, and he warned, "No one should look at the stone tablet! Don't look at it, the inscription on the tablet has ancient prohibitions. Once you see the stone tablet, your mind will be affected!"

Ling Xuan also glanced at the stone tablet from a distance and frowned immediately.

[■■King Yi held a banquet in the land of ■■. It loves blood and tongue. ■■■ presented the touch of the seven stars. Blood filled the crown. The king gave ■■ the power to control hunger, fear, and ■■■. The king eats two tentacles, plays a tragic song, and achieves eternal life in the wailing ritual music.]

This is an inexplicable record, and large chunks of it have been wiped out, which greatly affects the expression of the meaning.

When she saw the inscription, Ling Xuan clearly felt that there were some more pictures in her mind, as if something had been forced into it.

It was a long tongue covered with pimples, with a strong feeling of nausea, horror and nausea.

It's like some kind of mental pollution that creeps into people's minds, causing people a strong sense of discomfort.

Ling Xuan cast three secret techniques similar to the "Heart-clearing Curse" in succession, and finally got rid of the images in her mind, but she felt a little shocked and surprised in her heart.

With her cultivation and character, just glancing at the inscription, her mind was actually affected to the point of nausea. If other people with lower cultivation and weak minds read the inscription, wouldn't they go crazy

In fact, some people are already starting to go crazy. Some people pulled their tongues wildly and stretched them to an extremely long length. Some people broke off their fingers one by one and put them into twisted and weird postures. Some people used knives to carve out weird triangular shapes on their eyes...

Roaring, wailing, roaring... the breath of fear and uneasiness gradually filled the void.

When those weird and distorted wails reached a certain level, they actually formed a vague and vague words in the void.

"Those who ascend the throne and become the new king can gain eternal life! Under the throne, everyone is a blood sacrifice of ants!"

Those who have been able to reach this point are the elite among the monks. Therefore, there are only a few monks who are directly restrained by the inscription, distorting their minds and going crazy. Most people still consciously looked away after hearing Elder Lingxin's roar. Therefore, they just had some more disgusting images in their minds, and at least they stayed awake.

An old monk said very uneasily.

"This is the Temple of the Old Gods, an existence older than the Temple of the Ancient Gods. The ancient gods worshiped in the Temple of the Ancient Gods often have human heads and animal bodies or animal heads and human bodies. These old gods are even weirder. They actually have tentacles, eyes, tongues... The gods formed by the gathering of these things were killed by the ancient gods as soon as they appeared. Unexpectedly, there is still a temple here. "

"Everyone, be careful! The old gods are the weirdest and most twisted ones. They often have unfathomable secret powers and powers. You must be extremely careful and alert!"

There were waves of turmoil in the hearts of all the monks. Since the birth of heaven and earth, many strange and inexplicable life forms have appeared in the hundreds of millions of years.

The era of wild giant beasts, the era of prehistoric mythical beasts, the era of ancient gods, and the era of new gods and myths. These are just general terms, because they once held the power of the world for a long time and left the most profound mark on this world.

But between these eras, there were actually many short periods, such as the Insect God Era, when giant insects once became the protagonists of the world.

For example, in the Stone God Age, there was a giant god made from a stone who ruled the world for hundreds of years. Another example is the Age of the Old Gods, which was full of twisted, weird, and cruel bloody sacrificial rituals.

(End of chapter)