Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2235: A fatal situation


Among the clan of extraterrestrial demons, high-level intelligent demons are no big deal. Every portion is extremely heavy! !

Even with the status of Prince Huangquan or Gu Zi, being able to kill three intelligent demons is enough for the big guys in the human world to feel happy.

There is never a shortage of disciples or successors.

"This is a deal, respectable Master Liu Yan. Even if we are exposed and can destroy you, it is still a very cost-effective deal."

The tone of the Sky-eyed Demon is very strange, it seems a bit frivolous, and it is not at all as steady and solid as the human world.

The name Liu Yan Zhenren is not famous...

As the purple-bearded old man himself said, although he is considered a dominating figure in the world of monks, when compared to the entire human world, he is indeed not worth mentioning.

"So, among us, there is a very important person hiding? Is it so important that you would kill three high-level demons even if you give up?"

Senior Brother Tushita Palace asked thoughtfully.

Tushita Palace is one of the five holy places in the monk world. As the senior brother of the Holy Land, he knows many secrets that outsiders don't know, including some specific divisions of strength and power of the extraterrestrial demon clan.

The more I understand, the more I am surprised by what is happening in front of me. Is it possible that the leaders of these extraterrestrial demons have brain problems? "

"I can't disclose too much detailed information. You should understand that this matter is confidential." The Sky-Eyed Demon was very patient and actually started chatting with everyone in a leisurely manner.

"To be honest, I really envy the speed of evolution of your human race. Do you know how long it takes for one of our demon clan to evolve from a cub form to a threat to humans? At least a thousand years!"

"But you, a little-known pawn, has grown up to be a serious threat to our clan in just a few years. If he hadn't set foot in a forbidden place, our clan would not have discovered his existence. … The human race is truly the darling of heaven and earth.”

"The person you mentioned doesn't seem to be here."

Prince Huangquan frowned, "To be praised so highly by the High Demon, he must be a genius who has risen recently. However, there are so many heroes in the world of human monks that I'm really not sure which one you are talking about... So, here is that person A relative of a young genius or an extremely important person? I know that the Demon Clan has always been good at the cunning and curse-killing technique."

"My lovely Prince Huangquan, you are almost guessing the correct answer!"

The Sky-Eyed Demon exaggeratedly shouted, stroking his palms and exclaiming, "In time, you will definitely be one of the people on the list. Unfortunately, this time it affects Chiyu, and you are destined to perish before you have officially grown up."

"List? The Demon List really exists?"

Nu Guzi couldn't help but exclaimed, "It is said that the Heavenly Demon Clan has formulated a Heavenly Demon Ranking. The people on the list are all the young heroes of our human race, the truly amazing and beautiful people. Once on the Heavenly Demon Clan, the Heavenly Demon Clan will They will send high-level demons to assassinate them or create various accidents and conflicts to assassinate them... Does such a list really exist?"

"Of course, our clan has been planning the human world for tens of thousands of years. The existence of the Heavenly Demon Ranking is certainly not a secret. Many young and powerful human beings even feel honored to be selected on the Heavenly Demon Ranking... The human world is originally ours. You humans are just a group of outsiders who have invaded our world! To assassinate you is just justice!"

Ling Xuan instinctively felt that although the Heavenly Demon clan was very honest, it was because of the Heavenly Demon Ranking that they set up this situation.

But she felt that maybe this was just an excuse for the Demon Clan.

The truth may be hidden behind the Demon List.

In other words, this killing may not be related to the Demon Ranking, but maybe someone made a deal with the Demon Clan.

Then use this to activate the causal weapon to deal with them.

Who is the person behind this? It must have something to do with Xiaoying, and maybe it has something to do with myself.

The people behind this are the most terrifying, but the first thing to solve now is the terrifying demon crisis!

The establishment of this bureau must have assessed the strength of the women, including myself, as well as the strength of other participants.

Therefore, the killing move must not be taken by people like myself. It should be a fatal situation!

The Sky-Eyed Demon suddenly screamed ferociously, his bright eyes showing a bit of madness.

"What did you say?"

The amount of information contained in this statement was so great that many people were even stunned on the spot.

"Okay, I've said enough."

As if realizing that he had made a mistake, the Sky-Eye Demon suddenly roared, and his eyes suddenly shone brightly!

At the same time, among the ten stone thrones, the one with the shape of a twisted eye suddenly shined brightly, instantly filling the entire stone palace. Everyone in the hall felt that their eyes suddenly went dark in an instant, and they were deprived of vision and became blind.

At the same time, Tianwen Mo and Tiankou Mo also roared at the same time.

The two stone thrones shaped like ears and mouths are equally majestic.

Shrouded in this light, everyone suddenly felt that their hearing and speech abilities were also deprived. Their ears could not hear the slightest sound, and their mouths could not speak.

The three high-level demons activated the restrictions in the temple of the old god, depriving everyone of their vision, hearing and language abilities.

This kind of weird secret technique was really unheard of and caught everyone off guard.

Then, the three demons began to attack the remaining twenty or so people.

The monks who can reach this point and still maintain their sanity without transforming into monsters are indeed the true elites.

Regardless of his cultivation, mentality, perseverance or fighting instinct, he is extremely powerful.

The moment the three demons activated, they sensed the strong fluctuations of demonic energy in the void and began to fight in unison!

The first wave of demonic energy bombarded the three demons, but none of them got any advantage.

Especially the four half-step Tianhe old monsters. They had already broken the boat and forcibly joined forces to activate each other's divine energy. They briefly entered the realm of Tianhe, so every blow was so powerful that they did not dare to compete head-on...

High-level intelligent demons are not good at combat power, and they seem to be slightly inferior to combat-type demons such as the Zerg demons or the blood-colored demons.

Especially the woman in black standing quietly under the stone throne. The dangerous aura exuding from her even made the three demons afraid to approach...

She is like an extremely sharp knife, anything that comes close to me will be cut and chopped into pieces!

Such a scene is really embarrassing... depriving the other party of vision, hearing and language communication skills, the three demons can't gain the upper hand!

It can only be said that all intelligent beings have the same common problem. The more intelligent a being is, the more afraid of death it is.

(End of chapter)