Emperor of The Cosmos
Author: 梦入神机
Latest: Chapter 1054
Status: Completed
Views: NaN
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Sci-fi, Martial Arts
Tags: aliens artifact crafting artifacts body tempering clever protagonist
When humans step into the Galactic Era, the ancient art of cultivation thrives once again.
Regardless of the time, cultivation is never obsolete. In the Vajracchedika-prajna-paramita Sutra (a Buddhist scripture), Subhuti (expounder of emptiness) asked Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism,
“How does one control his heart to become a buddha?”
This one sentence reveals the essence of cultivation: mastery over one’s heart.
The heart is very powerful, which is the reason why the Monkey King is also called the ‘Heart Monkey’. Everyone’s heart is like a Monkey King; mastering the monkey, one can become something else.
Allow me to demonstrate to you the essence of cultivation.
当人类开始踏入星河时代,古老的修行就焕发出来了新的生命力。 修行,无论在任何时代永远不会过时。 金刚经中,须菩提问释迦牟尼,“要成佛,如何降服其心?”。 一句话,就道尽了修行的真谛,四个字,降服其心。 心神通广大,所以孙悟空又叫做心猿。每一个人的心灵就是…