Emperor Royal Highness Enchanting

Chapter 55: go to the ancient forest 11


The night is dark and cold.

It's a good night for killing people

Gusts of cold wind passed by, raising layers of ice. Qin Yanhua stood by the window sill, looking at the dark sky in the distance, her face was stern, and a wisp of fascinating coldness moved back and forth in her eyes.

"Chu Mang." Suddenly, Qin Yanhua raised her hand, straightened her fingers together, and made a downward gesture in mid-air. The corners of her lips raised a sinister arc, and she saw the dark In mid-air, a strange black bird suddenly appeared. It was called a strange bird because the bird was so small, about the size of a thumb, and its body was covered with thick, dark hair. It made people feel the most. What's weird is that this strange bird has two pointed ears as big as a palm on its head.

It fluttered steadily in the air, its flesh-colored ears swinging up and down like wings, and its two big round eyes glowed with a demonic luster in the black.

Qin Yanhua spread his hands, and the strange bird called "Chu Mang" immediately disappeared into the night sky and appeared in Qin Yanhua's palm.

"Bring me a message!" Qin Yanhua's face was as cold as ice and she spat out a sentence numbly.

"Chu Mang" stared at Qin Yanhua with its big eyes flashing. Then it moved its ears slightly. Qin Yanhua smiled slowly, but there was no extra emotion in his eyes.

Qin Yanhua maintained this posture, suddenly walked around it, and looked far away with his deep eyes.

"Tell your master." Qin Yanhua spoke slowly, his deep eyes cold and mysterious.

"Zhong Li Yanqing is not dead!" Every word seemed to be punctuated with ice blades. Qin Yanhua suddenly turned his head, the look in his eyes was dark and terrifying.

"I'm going to finish her off once and for all!"

"Gucheng" Chu Mang's pointed ears fanned wildly, and it flew into the air again, disappearing into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yanhua looked at the direction in which it disappeared, and the cold darkness in the depths of her eyes slowly widened. For a moment, it was as if she had fallen into a dark bottomless pit, shrouding her whole body in a terrifying whirlpool.

Her hands were still spread out in the air, and she didn't realize it. She just kept her original posture, motionless, but the corners of her mouth raised little by little, slowly and gently, pulling out a bloodthirsty and cold smile.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Zhongli Yanqing informed Si Xiang that she would be away temporarily for three months.

Si Xiang was frightened to death and said in horror, "Miss, didn't you say you wanted to practice?"

Zhong Liyanqing felt that the girl's expression at this time was really cute, so she couldn't help but reach out and pinch her, and said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about this."

"But" Si Xiang said with a sad face and his calves shaking violently, "What if the madam and the third lady find out that you secretly left the general's mansion."

Zhong Liyan gave her an innocent look, turned her back and sat down, facing the mirror, her hands beating rapidly on her face!

White lights flashed past, and in just a minute, Zhong Li Yanqing's beautiful face was replaced by an ordinary facial feature.

Moreover, it still has the facial features of a man.

Si Xiang's eyes were full of shock and he stuttered when he spoke, "You, you, you! Miss!"

Zhongli Yanqing had completely trusted this girl, and she didn't hide it. She summoned a rice ball in front of Si Xiang and ordered, "Use your trick to turn my hair and eyes into normal black."

Rice Ball knows many kinds of magic, among which Zhongli Yanqing's favorite and most commonly used blindness method is.

Blindfolding, as the name suggests, is to blind other people's eyes. You can cover your true self with a thick layer of frost so that others cannot see who you are. To put it bluntly, it is the art of disguise.

But the blinding technique is more powerful than the disguise technique!

The general disguise technique can be seen at a glance by those with a slightly higher level of cultivation, but the blinding technique is a very rare technique in the entire continent. Even warriors cannot practice it. Fantuan said that only noble ancient foxes can use this technique. The skills that only the clan possesses cannot be learned by others.

Because of this, warriors with ordinary blindness cannot detect it. Only warriors who have reached the Lingxuan level and become an immortal-level warrior respected by everyone on the mainland can see it.

Zhong Li Yanqing has lived in this continent for fifteen years, but has never seen an immortal who has reached the spiritual realm. Luoying's father said that the only one who reached the immortal realm in the Xiongxiong Continent, the Baicao old man, had already gone to the spiritual world a few years ago. Practice, no news at all.

Fantuan nodded and looked up at Zhong Li Yanqing. His silver-white eyes suddenly burst out with a beam of transparent light. The speed of the light was so amazing that it quickly enveloped Zhong Li Yanqing's body. Si Xiang was dazzled by the sight. , breathing stopped.

Then, she blinked and realized that her lady had turned into a man.

Although not half as good-looking as the original appearance of the young lady, she still has the appearance of a handsome young man. The purple pupils have also been replaced by black. The pupils are dark and bright, as if they have been soaked in lake water, glowing with the warm brilliance of black pearls.

Looking at the cute look of her girl whose eyes were about to fall off, Zhongli Yanqing blinked her eyes, raised her hand, gently lifted Si Xiang's chin, raised her red lips into a frivolous smile, and teased her with a man's voice. He said, "Girl, give me a smile."

Si Xiang was petrified.