Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 190: Old Ghost Shop (Part 1)


At this moment, the old man slowly raised his head. When he saw Li Qiye, his eyes suddenly burst into a terrible light, and his eyes flashed like the divine light of heaven and earth. The gaze that passed is sharp and can cut everything in the world, that is, Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao, who are following Li Qiye, take three steps back. They have not yet received the flashing gaze, but they are I feel that this flash of gaze can cut the gods, and slaughter the demons, I am afraid that they can be like ants!

At this time, Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao couldn't help sweating, and they realized that this old man who claimed to be an old ghost was so terrible that they could not guess.

"No—" The old man had already retracted his gaze at this moment, as if drowsy, he shook his head slowly and stiffly.

Li Qiye squinted his eyes, looked at the old man, and calmly said: "As far as I know, there are three kinds of hard currencies, one is true and false legends; two, an ancient saying of the people; three, dead bodies! I have two hard currencies, true Fake legend, an old saying of the ancestors! Do you want to choose the old saying of the ancestors?"

"No, it won't work." The old ghost still + shook his head stiffly, and said slowly: "At least, you can't! I have a pot of medicine, you give me a match!"

Li Qiye condensed his eyes, staring at the old ghost, and finally said slowly: "This is not your trading rule! At least, what I want is not worth the price!"

Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao behind them all listened to this very weird conversation. This kind of conversation was really weird, and even they were confused.

"I know. But. You are an exception. It has always been an exception!" The old ghost said slowly: "I smell your body! So, now your three hard currencies don't work!"

Li Qiye squinted his eyes and looked at the old ghost. He didn't speak. As a dark crow, he has been up and down for millions of years, and he has lived for endless years. He has seen everything, of course. He also knew what this old ghost was, and he knew that this old ghost was very difficult to deal with.

"I want to take a look at your pot!" Finally, Li Qiye let go.

The old ghost didn't look at Li Qiye too much. He stood up like a zombie and slowly said, "Follow me—" Then, he walked into the dark door behind.

"Three kinds of hard currencies?" At this moment, even Li Shuangyan couldn't help but look at Li Qiye, this kind of transaction was too weird.

"This is different from the outside." Li Qiye smiled, shook his head, and said: "The essence, elixir, life pills and even treasures commonly used in the outside world. They can't be traded here!"

"What is a true and false legend?" Chen Baojiao couldn't help but asked curiously: "Is this legendary story true or false?"

"Of course there is." Li Qiye said with a smile: "Here you can change what you want, of course. First of all, you can think of something rare and strange enough, the kind of general treasure outside, there is no such thing here. Yes. You change these things, it's very simple, you can tell the old ghost a story..."

"... Of course, the story needs to be outrageous and weird. You can experience this story yourself, or you can make it up by yourself. If your story is true, you can get what you want. Of course, if you tell the false story true enough, you can also change things. First of all, you can fool him!" At this point, Li Qiye smiled.

Hearing this, Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao couldn't help but glance at each other. Such a thing is too outrageous.

"Where is the dead body?" Chen Baojiao couldn't help asking.

Li Qiye shook his head and said, "Dead corpses are even harder. The dead corpses that he can admire are absolutely remarkable. They can definitely become such things as earth immortals! Of course, you can also swap out the most amazing ones from here. s things!"

"Let's go, don't make him wait in a hurry." Li Qiye said with a smile, and walked into the small dark alley.

Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao couldn't help but glance at each other, hit a jealous spirit, and hurriedly followed in.

Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao thought that the door was dark, but after entering, they realized that it was not the case. After opening the door, it turned out to be a yard. The yard is very large, and it is a cave of its own. Here, wisps of sunlight are shining down, which is extremely comfortable and lazy.

However, when I saw the things in the yard clearly, whether Li Shuangyan or Chen Baojiao, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't close at all! They looked at everything in front of them incredulously.

The yard is very large and green. Here, there are medicine gardens, jade ponds, and hills... Everything is available. What's more terrifying is that the things that are planted and raised here are shocking.

"Nine, Nine, Nine Transformation Dragon Silkworm Cordyceps—" Li Shuangyan yelled out of voice when he saw an exotic grass growing like a dragon in the medicinal garden.

Nine Transformation Dragon Silkworm Cordyceps, this is the top main medicine of life refining pills, not to mention it is the Great Religious Kingdom, even the ancient country does not necessarily have such a thing!

"That, that, isn't that the legendary yin and yang dragon fairy tortoise?" An old tortoise lying lazily in Yuchi, this old tortoise swallows yin and yang, making Chen Baojiao look aghast, such things, she is only in the strange book I have seen it in the picture album, and it has always been a legend. Even the ancient country could not capture such a thing. However, in this small courtyard, there is such a turtle!

"Then, that is the Bayeux sacred tree..."

"This, this, this is the dangling stone in the legend that only appeared in millions of years..."

"Eight leaves and a sword sacred grass. Legend has it that the sacred grass that was once promoted to the supreme fairy grass can nourish soul, reversible life, and change longevity!"


Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao were shocked when they saw the shocking treasures one after another. Not to mention the existence of the Nine Sacred Demon Gate and Baozhu Shengzong as the spiritual medicine treasures in this courtyard. There is no such existence, let alone a treasure in a courtyard.

This shocked them too much. Anything spreading out here is enough to make the world beaten to death, and even the ancient country could not have such a shocking property.

However, in such a yard, there are treasures that everyone from the outside world covets. Any piece of fairy grass, any treasure here, I am afraid that many monks will not be able to obtain it in their lifetime!

The Nine Saint Demon Gate and the Baozhu Saint Sect are both martial sects, both in the Great Frontier Kingdom. However, Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao have seen enough treasures as the proud daughters of the sky. However, compared with what they are in front of, they used to The treasures I saw were nothing but a pile of broken copper and iron.

"Let's go, the things here need to be exchanged for the three hard currencies." Li Qiye said with a smile: "Of course, don't think too much about it, you can't make up enough legendary stories to make the old ghost tempted."

At this time, Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao couldn't help but glance at each other. They have so many amazing treasures and grasses, but they are not afraid of others to snatch them. How terrible is the old ghost

In the end, Li Qiye and the three walked into a room. Before they even entered the room, Li Shuangyan and Chen Baojiao smelled an indescribable smell of medicine. The smell of medicine made people nauseous, but they slowly smelled it. There was another unspeakable medicinal fragrance. This medicinal fragrance seemed to fascinate the soul, making people throb, a feeling that was completely indescribable.

When they walked into the house, Chen Baojiao and Li Shuangyan only saw that the house was filled with countless medicine jars, and they didn't know what medicine was in the medicine jar!

There was an iron pot in the house, and under the iron pot was a small Qingyou Qingyou fire, which looked like a ghost fire.

And the things cooked in the iron pan are even darker. This dark thing is moving, as if there is life, for a time it is like a worm crawling; for a time, it is as if there are some evil spirits coming out of it. The same; for a while, it's like a stream gurgling...

Seeing such a weird thing cooked in the iron pan made Chen Baojiao and Li Shuangyan's horror.

At this time, Li Qiye closed his eyes, took a deep breath of medicine, and murmured: "Iron ghost snake, world-weary heart, eternal grass, god blood crystal, time-devouring ghost brain..."

Li Qiye read out the names of the medicines one by one, as if they were endorsing. Chen Baojiao couldn't help but feel dumbfounded when he saw Li Qiye smell the scent of medicine. Li Shuangyan who had seen Li Qiye's supernatural powers was almost used to Li Qiye's supernatural powers!

And the old ghost standing next to Li Qiye read out the name of the medicine one after another, and he shook his head moment by moment, as if he heard whether Li Qiye had made a mistake.

Li Qiye read a long list of medicine names. Finally, he opened his eyes, looked at the old ghost, and said movedly: "You have found the ancient prescription!"

The old ghost said slowly: "The effort pays off, but it's just a remnant formula. It's only the first stage now, and the various medicines have not been formulated yet!"

"I don't necessarily deserve it." Li Qiye shook his head and sighed softly.

Li Shuangyan, who knew Li Qiye, couldn't help being moved. She knew Li Qiye better than others, and it was the first time she heard Li Qiye's unconfident words! For a long time, it seems that there is nothing difficult to get him, but today he said this sentence, but he was not confident! What exactly is this ancient recipe? The unbelievable son who could make them shake their confidence.

"I can smell the medicine on your body, I smell the scent of the toad on you, you should be someone who knows the goods!" The old ghost said slowly.

Li Qiye looked at the dark concoction in the iron pot without speaking, and kept staring at the dark concoction, as if he wanted to see through the concoction.

At this time, Li Qiye's mind came up with one old pill after another. You know, in those days, he used to match countless pill prescriptions with Yao Shen, and he also found many pill prescriptions left over from ancient times, some of which are too old to be traced back. (To be continued...)