Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 194: Cheating the Valkyrie (Part 1)


In the end, Li Qiye led everyone up to a peak. This peak is a mountain range, which stretches for thousands of miles, and finally ends here. This peak looks like a dragon's head, and the whole mountain is like a dragon. Occupy here.

Li Qiye led everyone into a hidden gorge on the peak. If Li Qiye hadn't led the way, it would be difficult for Li Shuangyan to find such a gorge!

Inside the gorge, the stream is gurgling, and the stream washes over the rocks, which sounds particularly pleasing! Above the peak, there is such a gorge hidden in secret, as if there is a cave in the sky. Stepping into this moment, it is refreshing and pleasant.

In the end, Li Qiye took Li Shuangyan and the others to a stop in an inconspicuous shallow bay, surrounded by lush trees and desolate grasses. Except for a stone wall, there was nothing in front of them. The only thing that made people noticed was that The stone wall in front of me is smooth and flat!

Li Qiye motioned to Fang Shi Gandang and Niu Fen to put down the offerings, and then began to scatter the guide money. After sprinkling it round and round, Li Qiye said to himself like a great god, "The descendants of Qi Shengwu’s family, the six hundred and thirtieth The seventh-generation descendant Wu Binglan, brought her husband and son-in-law, and brought slaves, to worship the holy ancestor. The holy ancestor glory, take the tomb of Panlong Mountain, titled "Panlong Mountain Lord. The descendants of the Wu family, for generations to think of the virtuous, remembering the holy ancestor's heroic wind, sleepless day and night …"

Li Qiye danced round and round like a great god. I don’t know where he took out a yellow bell. In the end, "dang, dang" all rang the yellow bell, and the sound of the yellow bell was deep and deep. The sound of Huang Zhong seemed to have been introduced into the underworld.

"Sun-son-in-law Qiye, and his wife Wu Binglan, the 637th Wu Binglan, one worships Tiangu. Two worships Jiuyou. Three worships the saint ancestor..." After Li Qiye finished the dance. He winked at Li Shuangyan, bowed his body and bowed, Li Shuangyan also hurriedly praised him, and then bowed.

Chen Baojiao and the others also followed suit. This kind of ritual made Shi Gandai feel a little creepy in their hearts. They felt that this was not worshipping the dead, but worshipping ghosts!

After a set of rituals, Li Qiye burned the sacrifice on the table. Only the Tianji soup was left. After burning all the things made of yellow paper, Li Qiye uncovered the lid of the Tianji soup and sang: "My saint ancestor of the Wu family, this is the day when the descendants worship the sky. Please order to pay for the soup with the heavenly sacrifice, and invite the saint ancestor to leave the house to taste the heavenly soup..."

Li Qiye's such singing made Li Shuangyan and the others horrified. but. At this moment, something strange happened. The Tianjitang actually floated in a curling mist, and the mists were like falling fairy curtains, they seemed to go up to Qingming and go down to the ditch.

"Rolling-rolling-rolling -" At this moment, an unbelievable thing happened. The smooth and neat stone wall in front of it slowly cracked, and an ancient coffin slipped out of it. The ancient coffin was extremely delicate, made of god gold. The cast has ancient texts and dragons and phoenixes carved on it. It is very particular. When people look at it, they will know that the people buried in it are incredible figures.

At this moment, the ancient coffin opened, and a person came out of it! Although this is not the first time I have seen this scene, Chen Baojiao and the others are still terrified.

The person who stepped out of the ancient coffin was an old man with a crown on his head and a dragon robe.

Such an old man stepped out from the inside, although he didn't look like a dead person at all, but his eyes were closed, as if he was asleep, his attitude was the same as the treasure lord!

"Wu's 637th grandson-in-law and his wife Wu Binglan worship the ancestor..." When the old man walked out of the coffin, Li Qiye leaned over and sang.

Li Shuangyan also bowed immediately, and the others followed suit. At this moment, the old man just stretched out his hand, and the tile in Li Shuangyan's hand fell into his hand.

The old man gently stroked the tile, his calm and expressionless face did not show any excitement. Although he closed his eyes, he stretched out his hand to caress the tile and murmured: "Wu family, Wu Family!"

After a while, the old man raised his head. At this moment, he opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with blood, falling on Li Shuangyan's body.

At this moment, Li Shuangyan's heart was pounding, and she couldn't help becoming nervous. You know, her descendants of the martial arts family are counterfeit goods. Once they are discovered by the second-generation ancestors of the martial arts family in front of them, I'm afraid they are in danger!

Li Shuangyan was not sure at all. She did this for the first time to pretend to be someone else's blood.

Only Li Qiye was extremely calm, and people who didn't know his expression really thought he was the 637th grandson-in-law of the Wu family! In fact, Li Qiye didn't dare to mind at all.

This is not the first time he has used this method of hiding from the sky, unless it is the emperor, otherwise, even if it is an invincible existence, he will not be able to see through this method.

After a while, the old man closed his eyes, and the Wa Dang in his hand flew back to Li Shuangyan's hands. He slowly said, "Child, don't be afraid, although I have been buried here for countless years, but when I was buried here , Still a living person, and now also a living person."

The old man's words made Li Shuangyan breathe a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "The first time my descendants came to Heaven Ancient Corpse Land, I couldn't help being gaffes. Could it be that my husband and my son-in-law had consulted with a famous teacher, and I couldn't get started, my descendants. Nor has this courage to enter the ancient corpse land."

Li Shuangyan is also a smart person. Before coming here, she was instructed by Li Qiye, and she was busy speaking according to the method Li Qiye taught. Although this was said according to Li Qiye's pre-arrangement, when it came to "husband-in-law", she couldn't help but burn her face!

The old man hummed, nodded, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed it, and for a while, he inhaled the squishy soup wafting from the Tianjitang.

With the sound of Zizi, the old man was sucking the gas of Tianjitang one after another as if swallowing haze. At this time, the Tianjitang in the basin had a vision, with the sound of dragon roar and phoenix crying. Yin, in the big basin, there are all kinds of scenes, sometimes reflecting the underworld, sometimes showing ghosts, sometimes fierce beasts rushing up, and the soup is full of waves, as if there are fierce beasts about to rush out of the soup... The vision of surfacing appeared in the soup.

As the old man swallowed the soup gas, the Tianji soup in the big basin unexpectedly changed. The soup, which was green and yellow, and red, slowly became clear, and finally became extremely clear, just like clear water.

Before that, there were pieces of things in the soup, including dragon breasts, chicken feet, tortoise whips... and even human heads. Li Shuangyan and the others didn’t know what these disgusting pieces of meat were, but at this time all these things disappeared. , Only clear water was left in the big basin.

After swallowing the Tianji soup, the old man slurped his mouth, seeming to be aftertaste, and muttered: "The fireworks in the world, the ghost meat of the underworld..." Finally, the old man said: "What do you want?" At that time, he still did not open his eyes.

At this time, it was time for Li Qiye to play, and Li Qiye said, "The time is fast, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, after the saint ancestor left, it has been millions of years, the descendants are incompetent, and my martial arts power has not been promoted. Today, the martial arts are already Decline, the sun is shining on the west, all treasures, and all techniques are lost. Son-in-law and his wife want to rejuvenate the martial arts and regain the glory of the martial arts. Therefore, the son-in-law and the husband poured their wealth and asked the famous teacher to show the way. Face the saint ancestors. I also hope that the saint ancestors will pity the descendants of the future generations, and put the martial arts back from the decline, and ask the saints to point out a clear way!"

"Time is merciless, the sun and the moon change—" The old man sighed softly. He still closed his eyes. In the end he took out something from his ancient coffin and handed it to Li Shuangyan, saying, "Go to Xuanlong Cave to see the ancestor. His elder's name is Xuanlongdong Martial God!" After speaking, he stopped staying and lay back in the ancient coffin.

"Rolling-rolling-rolling -" Finally, with a loud noise, the ancient coffin slid back into the stone wall, and the cracked stone wall closed again, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Li Shuangyan and the others couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. They didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Not to mention that it was Li Shuangyan. It was also the first experience for the older generation of people like Shi Gandang and Niu Fen.

When the ancestor of the Wu family lay back, Li Qiye slowly burned the guide money, and waited until the guide money was all burned, then he paid his respects and took Li Shuangyan and the others away.

After leaving Panlong Mountain, Li Shuangyan handed the things the ancestor took out to Li Qiye.

Everyone saw that it turned out to be a base. I don't know what material the base was made of. It was very heavy and heavy. On the base, there are two words "swallow the sun"! These two characters are extremely domineering, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. What's more terrifying is that it is like an immortal emperor sitting here, which is awe-inspiring.

"What is this?" Seeing this, both Li Shuangyan and others, Shi Gandang and Niu Fen couldn't help but be moved.

"Emperor! Gifted by Immortal Emperor Tunri." Li Qiye said slowly: "This imperial seat and tile are one. When Emperor Tunri was young, the ancestor of the Wu family was given a piece of tile, which was young and poor. But. After he became the immortal emperor, he cast a throne for this tile." He said, putting the tile on the throne. After the tile was placed on it, it immediately made people feel that the imperial spirit was compelling. At a glance, you can see that it is an incredible emperor!

"Only a one-piece emperor can you see Emperor Wu, the ancestor of the Wu clan. He is stronger and more important than his son. More than a hundred warriors will be buried in the Dragon Cave. Without such a key lock, you cannot enter the Xuanlong Cave. !" Li Qiye said calmly.

Hearing such words, everyone couldn't help but glance at each other, this turned out to be a series of tricks, first lied to the ancestor of the Wu clan, and then went to lie to the ancestor of the Wu clan!

"Prepare new sacrifices, we sacrifice our ancestors!" Li Qiye said to Niu Fen and the others.

Li Qiye and the others prepared new sacrifices and placed the sacrifices they brought on the table. Finally, Li Qiye placed the last pot of Tianji soup in the center of the table. (To be continued...)