Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 21: Domineering does not need to look at the place (below)


"No—" Lunri Demon Sovereign resolutely said, "Yes, open the holy cave, let Li Gongzi take one of the things in the holy cave!"

"Smart man." Li Qiye nodded and said: "You are ready, then look for me, I will go back first." After speaking, he turned around and left, and left the temple.

Lunri Demon Emperor ordered Yu He to escort Li Qiye back.

When Li Qiye left, in the temple, an elder couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, the matter of the holy cave, even hastily."

"Not necessarily." The words of the Lunri Demon King sounded, and said: "Our Nine Saint Demon Gates have been established until now, who has opened the holy cave? The holy cave has always been closed, and no one has ever opened it! Or, this is an opportunity. This is consistent with a mantra left by the master."

The great elder nodded and supported the Lunri Demon Emperor, and said: "Why don't you give it a try. Since your majesty has decided, let Li Qiye give it a try."

"Your Majesty, why haven't I heard of the guardian deity? The guardian deity of our Nine Saint Demon Gate, is it a Heavenly Beast or Shou Jing?" Another elder couldn't help but said. ``

"I don't know this either." Lunri Demon Emperor said: "There are very few records about the patron saint I sent. There are only a few mentions in the Patriarch's Secret Book. The Patriarch only said, only the nine of us When the Saint Demon Gate is facing the disaster of extinction, the patron saint will show its supernatural powers. This secret book is only impressive for the masters of the past dynasties."

"However, this time it shows magical powers." Another elder couldn't help saying.

"This is also something I don't understand." Lunri Demon Emperor said: "The guardian god chooses him. That is the truth of the guardian god."

"This kid is really evil." As the great elder, Elder Yun couldn't help but said: "As Yu He said, he first walked through Chaos Heart Forest with ease. Both times are easy! This is completely impossible, now guarding God chose him again, which is really unreasonable!"

In this case, the other elders can't help being silent, Chaotic Heart Forest, they, as elders, can't be clearer, after the fourteenth floor of Chaotic Heart Forest, they know what this means!

"This is really evil." Some elders couldn't help saying: "Our Nine Saint Demon Gates can be said to be thriving today. The younger generation, in terms of Taoism and deeds, regard Master Leng as the best, in terms of talent and potential, and the princess as the best. However, the patron saint did not choose Master Leng, let alone a princess, but chose a non-cultivator, and he was still a junior of Fan Ti Fan Lun Fan Ming!"

Speaking of this, the elder couldn’t help complaining, but the patron saint of his sect chose an outsider and took a 10,000 steps back. Even if their patron saint chose an outsider, it would be a genius who was unparalleled in the world. That's it, at least they were convinced in their hearts, but they chose a kid who was called a trash.

"Eternal things are not something we can fully understand." In the end, Lunri Demon Sovereign had to be convinced. What happened today is really weird. He is a vertical and horizontal man who has experienced countless major events. However, , He also couldn't figure out what happened today.

"Your Majesty, step back ten thousand steps and say, Li Qiye really opened the holy cave, really let him choose a treasure?" Another elder couldn't help but said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I heard that there may be a treasure of the Immortal Emperor in the holy cave." Some elders are not reconciled, after all, this is a treasure of the Immortal Emperor.

"Really, he can open the holy cave, that is the direction of the destiny." Lunri Demon Emperor said: "Old Jian has said, no one in our life can open the holy cave! Li Qiye or a miracle may be. Since it is a miracle. Can't open it, why not let him try."

Hearing the "Old Sword" in the mouth of the Lunri Demon King, the elders of the Nine Saints Demon Sect didn't say anything, because among the Nine Sage Demon Sects, no one was more authoritative than the old Sword!

"If the order continues, no disciple must divulge a word about the sect today, otherwise, the important point is that this is the iron law!" In the end, Lunri Demon Emperor gave such an order!

Regarding the guardian deity of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, their Nine Saint Demon Gate was unwilling to let outsiders know too much.

When Li Qiye returned, their place of residence had been changed. They had been taken into the residence of the Nine Saint Demon Gates to meet the most distinguished guests. Only the king of the upper country and the emperor of the ancient country could receive such treatment.

This kind of treatment made Nan Huairen and Mo Hufa flattered. Mo said it was a small person like them, even if they were the elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect or even the head of the ancient sect, they did not receive such treatment.

Now, both Mo Hufa and Nan Huairen understand that with such treatment, everything is because of Li Qiye.

When Li Qiye was sent back by Yu He, Mo Hufa and Nan Huairen couldn't help but look at Li Qiye, but they couldn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, even Mo Hufa didn't dare to ask what Li Qiye had talked about with the Lunri Demon Emperor in the Temple of Heaven. After all, this was no longer something he could deal with at his level.

Now, Mo Hufa and Nan Huairen were speechless and speechless. In the past two days, Li Qiye spoke too madly and madly. First he killed Du Yuanguang, then looked at Xu Hui, and even uttered wild words to destroy the Nine Saints. Demon gate. Especially today, Mo Hufa felt several times that Li Qiye, this kid, was simply mad and terribly ignorant!

But, think about it carefully now, calm down to reflect on it, and now they understand that Li Qiye is not ignorant at all, he is not ranting at all, he is just telling a fact, he has long been confident.

Nan Huairen couldn't understand, and Mo Hufa couldn't understand the same, how did Li Qiye walk past the chaotic heart forest on the fourteenth floor of the Nine Saint Demon Gate? That invincible stone man, why would guard Li Qiye, their masters and apprentices couldn't understand everything here.

However, at this time Nan Huairen finally understood one thing, that day Li Qiye was going to climb onto the shoulders of a huge stone man, that was not for fun at all, Li Qiye was simply prepared.

Now that I think about it carefully, Nan Huairen can't help but feel that his knowledge is still superficial.

"If you have anything, just say it." Seeing the two masters and apprentices, Li Qiye laughed, and Da Ma sat on the head, as if nothing had happened.

Mo Hufa opened his mouth and said, but he didn't know what to say. He was a reticent person. In the end, he simply sat on the side and said nothing.

Nan Huairen is much more flexible compared to the few words that don’t protect the law. He looked at Li Qiye, opened his mouth and closed it again. It’s best. He mustered up his courage and said to Li Qiye, “That, that Did it happen?"

"That? What's the matter?" Li Qiye was taken aback by Nan Huairen's words, not knowing what Nan Huairen was referring to.

"That's right, that's about the marriage, the matter of marrying Princess Li." Nan Huairen was a little stuttered.

"You said Li Shuangyan, right?" Li Qiye couldn't help but smile, shook his head, and said: "I haven't asked about this, and I don't bother to bother about it. It's just a woman, so why bother."

When Li Qiye said so arrogantly, Nan Huairen was speechless. To know what kind of person Li Shuangyan was, the descendant of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, the future demon emperor, the princess of the ancient Niujiang Kingdom, not to mention her peerless appearance, just rely on it. She didn't know how many people were amazed by her talents such as the emperor body, the imperial wheel, and the holy fate.

You know, don't say it's the ancient cattle country, even if it's the entire Dazhong area, the young talent who wants to marry Li Shuangyan can queue from the east to the west of the ancient cattle country.

Fortunately now, Li Shuangyan, a goddess who is loved by thousands of people and amazing by countless people, turned out to be an insignificant woman in Li Qiye's mouth. This is as arrogant as she is, and as overbearing is as overbearing.

But now, Nan Huairen doesn't feel that Li Qiye is arrogant. Now that Li Qiye says no matter how arrogant he is, Nan Huairen doesn't feel arrogant, he will take it for granted.

What Li Qiye did today completely overturned his ideas and completely broke his common sense!

Nan Huairen had to shut his mouth, but his eyes still couldn't help but look at the snake stick on Li Qiye's body. Only this inconspicuous wooden stick drew Xu Hui, a master in the realm of life. His skin was flawed and he couldn't get up, which impressed him too much.

"If you want to see, just take it." Seeing Nan Huairen's weird eyes, Li Qiye took off the snake stick, threw it to him, and said lightly.

Nan Huairen took the snake stick, hurriedly held it in his hand, and watched carefully. At this moment, even his master Mo Protector couldn't help but move his head, and the two masters and apprentices studied this snake stick.

However, no matter what their master and apprentice is, this is just an ordinary wooden stick.

"Well, is this really the fire stick in the ancestral hall?" Nan Huairen couldn't help asking Li Qiye, he couldn't believe that this fire stick could make Xu Hui cry out!

"Yes." Li Qiye nodded and said.

Nan Huairen swallowed his saliva and boldly said to Li Qiye: "Brother, me, can't I play a trick?"

"Look at how timid you look." Hearing Nan Huairen's words like this, Li Qiye couldn't help but laughed and said, "Just play it."

Seeing Li Qiye's promise, Nan Huairen immediately started playing with the snake stick, Mo Hufa didn't turn his eyes on the sun, and wanted to see what magic this fire stick had!

However, Nan Huairen played a trick. In his hands, this snake-snake stick did not have the power of Li Qiye's hands. This snake-snake stick was in his hand, not like Li Qiye did.

"Brother, why does it turn decay into magic in your hands?" Nan Huairen didn't understand at all, why was it so powerful when such an ordinary wooden stick reached Li Qiye's hands.

Li Qiye glanced at him, and then slowly said: "Sincere is spirit." As soon as he clicked, he couldn't easily tell others the true meaning of beating a snake and stick.

Of course, the Snake Stick in the hands of Nan Huairen could not exert the power of Li Qiye. After all, the Snake Stick was brought out of the ghost forest by Li Qiye, and no one in the world knew this strange stick better than Li Qiye!

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