Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 22: Holy Cave (Part 1)


The next day, the elder of the Nine Saint Demon Gate was ready, so he invited Li Qiye to go. The chief guardian, Yu He, works as a driver for Li Qiye! Sent Li Qiye into the deepest part of the sect of the Nine Saint Demon Gate!

Yu He, the strength of the prince, his Taoism, not to say that it is in the Nine Saint Demon Gate, that is, in the entire Ancient Niu Jiang Nation, that is also a big man who suppresses one side, at the level of the prince, with a foot stomping, the earth trembles three times.

However, today, a big man like Yu He can only serve as a coachman for Li Qiye. If such a thing is said, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

The Nine Saint Demon Gate was created by the great sages of the Nine Saints. After the ancestors of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, today’s Nine Saint Demon Gate is already very powerful. The strength of the entire sect is absolutely top-notch in Zhongdayu!

The ground veins of the Nine Saint Demon Gate are vast and majestic, the heaven and the earth are full of spirit, and it is very rich. It is like a mist that envelopes the Nine Saint Demon Gate. Rich, it is even more difficult to dissolve.

In the deepest part of the sect of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, there is a solitary mountain. On this solitary mountain, there is an ancient cave. The ancient cave is sealed. I don’t know how old this ancient cave is. , Zizhi is even the size of an umbrella. Before the ancient cave, it has been stained and old, and has been eroded by countless years.

This is the forbidden area of the Nine Saint Demon Gate. Among the Nine Saint Demon Gate, only figures above the elder level can come here.

The holy cave, this is the place where the Nine Saint Demon Gate has always been itchy, because the holy cave hides heaven-shattering treasures. This cave was left by the Nine Saints, the ancestor of the Nine Saint Demon Gate. For millions of years, the powerful masters of the Nine Saint Demon Gate have not been able to open this hole.

Legend has it that after the Nine Sages and Great Sages established the Nine Sages Demon Gate, although they left the orthodoxy and passed on many exercises and secret techniques throughout their lives to the next generations of disciples, the Nine Sages still sealed some things in the holy cave. .

There is a legend that the Nine Saints and Great Sages are afraid of unfilial piety from their offspring. Therefore, they still have the background. If the Nine Saints Demon Gate falls one day, as long as the holy cave is still there, the Nine Saints Demon Gate will rise one day.

Regarding what treasures are left in the holy cave, this is one of the puzzles guessed by the disciples of the Nine Saints Demon Sect in the past. However, the heads or elders of the Nine Sacred Demon Sects in the past believe that there is definitely one in the holy cave. Xiandi treasure.

Because, according to the legend, Emperor Renxian carried the destiny, and after the king came to the world, in order to reward the great merits of the nine sages and great sages, he gave a special treasure to the emperor. However, later, the Nine Saints Daxian never passed this Immortal Emperor's treasure to his disciples' descendants. Therefore, the disciples of the past generations of Immortal Emperor Mingren guessed that there was definitely an Immortal Emperor's treasure in the holy cave!

Immortal Emperor Treasure, this is an invincible weapon created by Emperor Mingren himself. It used to fought nine heavens and ten grounds with Emperor Mingren. Such a treasure is much stronger than Daxian's real tool.

Although this is not the real weapon of the Immortal Emperor, but the treasure of the Immortal Emperor alone is already full of violence for everyone.

Before the holy cave, the elders of the Nine Saints Demon Gate held their breath. The holy cave was mottled and extremely old. The old trees outside the cave were already sky-high, extremely tall, and the cracked bark was like dragon scales.

There is a line of words on the left side of the extremely old holy cave. Although the holy cave is mottled and old, this line of words is still shining.

"The sky demon is me!" These four characters are carved on the left side of the holy cave, majestic and majestic, with dragons and snakes in the pen, and one character is like a sky that can penetrate the sky. Although it has been eroded by countless years, it is still permeating. The breath of Daxian.

These four characters were personally left by the Great Nine Saints, and all the disciples of the Nine Saints Demon Gate believed that to open the holy cave, these four characters were Guan Jian.

The left side of the holy cave is "the sky demon only me", while the right side is blank. Therefore, all the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate believe that this may be a couplet, as long as the holy cave is matched, the holy cave can be opened.

However, there are also people who think that the four "Sky Demon Only Me" contains the supreme Taoism, because every stroke of these four characters is in harmony with the Dao Wu, as long as you understand the four characters The true profound meaning can open the holy cave.

No matter what kind of conjecture, the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate have tried it. The disciples with the highest talent of the Nine Saint Demon Gate have enlightened the Dao here. If you want to understand the ultimate meaning of these four words, there are also the palms of the Nine Saint Demon Gate. The doorman, once in the world, invited the most talented talent, and wanted to match the couplet on the right.

Regardless of the method, no one has ever opened the holy cave for millions of years!

"The sky demon is only me", Li Qiye couldn't help smiling when he saw these four words, and the scene of the year couldn't help but come to mind. At that time, he invited the Nine Saints and Great Sages to come out of the mountain to defend the way for Emperor Mingren.

At that time, the Nine Saints and Great Sages were not yet called the Nine Saints and the Great Sages. Regarding Li Qiye’s invitation to the dark crow, the Nine Saints and Great Xian refused at the time. His slogan was still very arrogant, saying: "The sky is only me!"

Therefore, seeing this incident again today, Li Qiye couldn't help but smile. After Emperor Mingren carried the fate of his life, his state was unstable, and he was about to go into deep sleep and seal himself up.

When he locked the door, the Nine Saints Daxian had hoped that his Nine Saints Demon Gate could continue, so he left the holy cave and told Li Qiye that he hoped that in the future, Li Qiye would be able to recite his love. Go up, take one or two of the Nine Saint Demon Gates.

As soon as he saw these four words, Li Qiye knew how to open the holy cave. However, under the eyes of the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, he certainly couldn't open the holy cave all at once.

Li Qiye approached the holy cave, fumbled here, and knocked there. Li Qiye fought for a long time and shook his head. Finally, he looked very serious, thinking about "the sky demon is only me." "These four words.

Seeing Li Qiye tossing for so long, there was still no movement in the holy cave, which made the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Gate a little uncomfortable, but they still did not say anything, holding their breath, staring at Li Qiye's every move.

In the end, Li Qiye simply sat down in front of the holy cave, looking as if he was immersed in meditation. Time passed from morning to afternoon, and finally, the sun went down and the sky was dyed red by the setting sun.

Li Qiye sat like this for a full day, and finally, even a big figure like the elder of the Nine Saint Demon Gate couldn't hold back his breath.

"Can this work?" An elder couldn't help but muttered, "This kid, isn't he pretending to be a fool!"

Seeing that Li Qiye did not move, the other elders had no bottom in their hearts, but they had to admit that Li Qiye’s evil door first passed through the chaotic heart forest on the fourteenth floor, and then they were able to communicate with the patron saint. This is really true. It doesn't make sense, it's wicked.

"Hmph, maybe he was just lucky for a while." An elder said dissatisfiedly. After all, the holy cave is the forbidden place of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, and now letting an outsider come to understand it has already made some elders dissatisfied.

"Get pen and ink!" In the end, when the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sect were restless, Li Qiye stood up all of a sudden and said calmly. After sitting here for a day, his butt hurts.

An elder immediately sent a pen and ink, Li Qiye was pretending to be a ghost, and shook his head and said, "That's it, that's it! The Nine Saints and Great Sages are really amazing." As he said, he dipped the ink and picked up the pen, and he was at the right threshold of the big book.

"One place chicken feathers!" Li Qiye's words couldn't be mentioned as a masterpiece, he wrote casually, which could not be compared with the aura of the Nine Saints and Great Xian.

"The sky demon is only me, a chicken feather!" The completely unworthy couplet, two completely incompatible fonts, are as funny as they are. In the eyes of others, this is a complete spoof!

When Li Qiye wrote the words "chicken feathers in one place," the elder's face changed drastically. These four words simply insulted their Nine Saint Demon Gates. These four words are insulting to the gentleman, and they are fundamentally insulting to the Saints. The four words "Sky Demon Only Me" in front of the cave do not match.

"Presumptuously, humiliate my Nine Saint Demon Gate!" The elder said with an ugly expression.

Li Qiye gave him a glance, and said calmly: "You are a martial artist, and you know the essence of a fart. You don't even know the conscience of your ancestors, so let's scream here!"

"You—" Li Qiye was so arrogant that the elder's complexion flushed, his eyes sharpened, and he suddenly wanted to go wild.

"Rolling-rolling-rolling -" Just when the elder was about to go crazy, a heavy voice sounded, and the holy cave slowly opened.

Suddenly, the eyes of all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Sects were wide open. They couldn't believe their eyes. The heads and elders of the Nine Sage Demon Sects had once allowed the most talented disciples to understand "Heaven". The profound meaning of the four words "Demon only me" has also invited the most talented talents to face the couplet of "Demon only me". However, neither method will work!

However, today's crooked "chicken feathers in one place" can open the holy cave, which is totally unbelievable! The four words "one place chicken feather", no matter what they are, are not compatible with the four words "sky demon only me", but the completely impossible thing actually opened the holy cave.

Suddenly, all the elders of the Nine Saint Demon Gate couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"This, this, how is this possible!" An elder murmured, he couldn't believe his eyes, this matter was too outrageous.

Li Qiye raised his mouth, smiled, and said calmly: "That's because your ancestor was a chicken essence, so it's a chicken feather!"

Of course, it is impossible for Li Qiye to tell them the secret. Back then, the Nine Saints and Great Sages were arrogant and refused Li Qiye's invitation. However, the arrogant and powerful Nine Saints and Great Sages finally turned into a dark crow. In the hands of Li Qiye, who was suppressed by Li Qiye, Li Qiye forced him to show his true shape at the time, stripped off his chicken feathers all over, and laughed as "a chicken feather"!

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