Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 233: The Hongtian Empress (Part 2)


Empress Hongtian, Li Qiye couldn't help but lose his mind. As a dark crow, the immortal emperor he raised up and down for endless years, the immortal emperor Mingren raised by himself is not the most amazing and brilliant one!

However, the Empress Hongtian is not the one with the best talent, but she was once one of the most amazing and stunning fairy emperors!

Once they swept the world, when they reached the summit, she cried with joy, once, in the time of suffering, she wept deeply, no matter when they swept the world, no matter when the great road was stumbling, there was an unknown shadow Stay with her, laugh with her, and sorrow with her!

Once, all the laughter, all the joy, all the weeping, all the sorrows were all in their memories!

Unfortunately, in the end they parted ways and almost turned into enemies. Everything in the past became a cloud of smoke in an instant, and everything in the past was wiped out!

In the world, the most distressing thing is not to watch the people around you die alone, but the break between life and death!

Thinking of the past, thinking of the long-lasting things, thinking of that period of time that had been covered in dust for countless years, Li Qiye was lost for a while, and could not get back to his senses for a long time.

Empress Hongtian! Millions of years have passed, whether it was then or now, he doesn't blame her, but there are some things that he doesn't want, and some things he has to make a decision. Whether in the most difficult times or the most difficult years, he always has a bottom line, no matter what happens, he never crosses!

Empress Hongtian! A long-lasting memory, the break of the year, is still vivid. Even after millions of years. Li Qiye couldn't help but feel gloomy in the end!

"My son. What's the matter?" When Li Qiye lost consciousness, both Chen Baojiao and Li Shuangyan were strange, and they always felt that their son's demeanor was weird.

Li Qiye came back to his senses, smiled, shook his head, and said, "It's okay." When he said this, he fell silent.

Chen Baojiao and Li Shuangyan glanced at each other. They always felt that their son was very concerned, and they looked like they were not worried about getting on the Nether Boat.

In the next two or three days. Styx still hasn’t floated out of the Nether Boat, and within these two or three days, there have been very few Dajiao border states, and all the schools that should be coming have already come, and I’m afraid that the future ones will not be able to make it. .

However, in these two or three days, more than a dozen treasure masters and two or three earth immortals came, these were extremely terrifying existences, in their own era, they were invincible generations who had swept through all the wastes.

In the end, these treasure masters and earth immortals were unable to withstand the temptation of the Nether Ship, and they hesitated for a long time before rushing over. For them, the treasure master is also good. No matter the earth immortals, they are far away from their geomantic treasures. Far away from their own ground vein dragon cave, this already means that they have spent countless years of praise, they have no retreat, either successfully renew their life, leave the ancient corpse land, or become eternal land from now on corpse!

Unlike the earth corpse, the treasure lord and the earth immortal still have their own wisdom and consciousness. Although the treasure lord and the earth immortal were buried in the ancient corpse land after death, they can still say that they still have their own wisdom and consciousness. Can be regarded as a living person.

All the corpses are squeezed into a mass, far away from the living beings. They are like real dead corpses, without consciousness and wisdom. They have only one instinct, board the Nether Ship!

After the treasure lord Earth Immortal came to the Styx Ferry, they squatted on each side, did not communicate with people, but all were dignified. This is their last fight. If they can succeed, they will be able to change it. Hundreds, even hundreds, or even thousands of years of Shouyuan left the Tiangu Corpse Ground and since then got rid of the shackles of the Tiangu Corpse Ground. If it is not successful, becoming an eternal corpse would be more terrifying than death. Legend has it that people will reincarnate when they die, but the eternal corpse can never reincarnate!

At the Stygian Ferry, the breath was very depressed, everyone was waiting quietly, everyone was staring at the water of the Styx flowing silently.

Finally, on the fifth day, the Nether Ship finally came out! In the boundless river of Styx, the first Nether ship floated out of the layers of mist.

"Nether Boat!" When the first Nether Boat floated out, the entire Styx Ferry was boiling. At this moment, everyone couldn't sit still and stood up all at once, whether it was a living or dead. At the same time, a pair of eyes in the ancient coffin opened. Except for the people who really died, the old immortals who were enclosed in the ancient coffin and in the bloodstone of the dust, all opened their eyes one after another to watch them float out. Ghost ship.

A nether ship floated out of the layers of mist, silently and completely black, whether it was the sail or the hull, it was all black. When it floats silently out of the fog, it makes people truly feel that this is a ghost ship!

One, two, three, four... After the first nether ship floated out, more and more nether ships floated out of the fog.

"It's starting—" When the first Nether ship floated out, Li Qiye slammed and stood up, staring at the Nether ship. At this moment, Li Qiye's eyes were like torches. It seemed to light up every nether ship, without letting go of any detail of any nether ship.

At this moment, the camp of the God of War was opened suddenly, and the elders of the God of War in black clothes and big hats suddenly lifted the ancient coffin and stood behind Li Qiye all of a sudden, moving as fast as lightning, silent.

When the first ghost ship floated out, it can be said that the entire Styx Ferry stood up all at once, including the corpses, everyone stood up all at once.

At this time, Mo said that he was going to bury the ancient coffin in the Great Religious Kingdom on the Nether Ship, and even all the monks who were watching the excitement couldn't help but get nervous.

In the mist, a series of nether boats floated out, silently, this kind of scene is very strange.

"Wow!" It was the earth corpses that moved first. In the blink of an eye, countless earth corpses were like dumplings being put in a pot, and countless corpses rushed into the Styx at once.

You know, the water of the Styx has great harm to most monks, especially the monks of ordinary physique. The water of the Styx can destroy the vitality of their bodies. However, the water of the Styx has a great impact on the corpses. Tiny!

"Boom—Boom—Boom—" At this moment, all the corpses rushed into the Styx, and they wanted to rush to the Nether Boat. For a while, the scramble started immediately, and some corpses sacrificed their treasures and killed themselves. Conquer the opponent of the Nether Ship, whether it is a dead or alive!

For the earth corpses, they have no strategy and no calculations. All this is instinctive. They have only one consciousness and rush to the Nether Ship. As long as they grab the Nether Ship, they will all be killed!

All of a sudden, pieces of treasure weapons rose from the sky. The first thing to do was the earth corpses. All of a sudden, the earth corpses started to tear and kill.

The first corpse who successfully killed the Nether Ship drifted into the vast Styx River downstream with the mist layers.

"Get on the ship—" Then there were Dajiao Jiangguo from all walks of life and all ethnic groups who couldn't sit still. Some powerful people from Dajiao Jianguo personally opened the way, and the disciples under the door carried the coffin and rushed to the Nether Boat, and began to compete with the corpses of the earth. The dark ship.

Some ancient coffins flew by themselves, and the whole ancient coffin rushed directly to one of the ghost ships on the Styx.

"Boom-boom-boom-" A loud bang sounded. Amidst the banging noise, there were screams and broken bones. All of a sudden, the bright light soared into the sky, and the incomparably powerful aura swept turbulently. On the surface of the Styx River!

Then, the treasure master also moved. When the Nether Ship floated out, the treasure master Earth Immortal was always paying attention to each Nether Ship. Then, some treasure master thought that he could board the ship, so he immediately rushed to it. Xiandu couldn't calm down.

Suddenly, whether the treasure master or the earth immortal, they all opened their eyes one after another, and their eyes were bloody, terrifying.

"Zheng—" A magical sword smashed into the sky, domineering incomparable, and killed hundreds of corpses in one breath, splitting three ancient coffins, and even the treasure owner died tragically by this sword.

Don’t underestimate the ground corpse. Don’t think that the ground corpse is the weakest corpse at the lowest level. In fact, it is not the case. Some ground corpses are far beyond people’s imagination. The corpse was extremely powerful, and the corpse gas was overwhelming. When the sacred sword came out, it not only killed the other corpses, but also the treasure owner was beheaded by it. Three ancient coffins of the ancestors of the Great Religious Kingdom were split open, and the coffin was still alive. The three ancestors were beheaded on the spot.

"Kill—" At this moment, all the ancient coffins that he rushed into the Styx were suddenly opened. Inside the ancient coffins, there were one after another dead existence in the legend, and these old people never died from oneself. Rushed out of the ancient coffin, immediately beheading the opponent and conspiring to seize the Nether Ship.

"That, that, isn't that the eighth sacred Buddha taught by Tiancong?" The ancient coffin opened, and the ancient Buddha rushed out. At this time, the ancient Buddha killed all opponents with a posture of demon, and rushed into a Netherworld ship. ferry.

"That's the Vulture Demon in the Heavenly Blood Pond. It was said that it was dead 80,000 years ago." A blood shadow burst out of the ancient coffin. When the blood shadow came out, everyone was horrified. It was really terrifying. .

"Ah—" However, this once powerful existence failed to board the Nether Ship, and was split in half by a treasure master who descended from the sky. The treasure master suddenly boarded a Nether Ship in a domineering and invincible posture. Then drifted into the vast river downstream.

"Bang—" At this moment, above the Styx, an old woman and a treasure master were smashed into pieces, and both were robbing a ghost ship! When the two treasures came out, they swept across the world, and the creatures trembled.

"The guardian old woman of Jiangshenshan, she can still live to this day! Her opponent is said to be the Emperor Junsheng Baodi from the time of Emperor Swallowing Sun. They are all invincible in their own time!" Watching these two men fight. The sky fell apart, and someone recognized their origins and couldn't help but said in amazement.

In the end, this old woman beheaded the treasure master with a tyrannical and invincible posture, and boarded the Nether Ship. (To be continued...)