Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 286: Shentong Qianbingdao


After trying countless attempts, Chi Xiaodie was unsuccessful, and finally Li Qiye said, "Let me take a look at your eyes."

Chi Xiaodie turned around. At this moment, Li Qiye held her face, opened her eyelids, and carefully watched her eye pupils.

The two are so close, even the breath has been sprayed on each other’s faces, Li Qiye fell into the air, and Chi Xiaodie couldn’t help but her face became hot. She grew so big, and it was the first time she was so close to the opposite sex. Can't help but be overwhelmed by embarrassment.

Chi Xiaodie's pupils have a faint golden color, if you don't look closely, you can't see it. Li Qiye carefully observed her pupils, and finally let go and shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Li Qiye shaking his head, Chi Xiaodie had an ominous premonition, as if she had missed something.

Li Qiye didn't answer her question, and said, "You stay here, I'll go out for a while." After that, he left without instructions.

Chi Xiaodie couldn't help but stayed for a while. Before she could ask, Li Qiye had already left.

Chi Xiaodie is not so easy to accept failure. After Li Qiye left, she pointed to the recipe pointed by Li Qiye, and looked at the eyes of their ancestor statues time and time again, but no matter what she was Efforts, no matter what she tried, she couldn't succeed, and she couldn't see the eyes of her ancestor statue.

In the end, Chi Xiaodie had to give up. She knew that she was missing something. As for what she was missing, she didn't know, or Li Qiye knew it.

However, after Li Qiye left, day after day passed. He still has no news. There is no shadow of Li Qiye. At first, Chi Xiaodie thought that Li Qiye was delayed by something and didn’t care, but as day after day passed, Li Qiye still did not come back. This made Chi Xiaodie’s heart feel cold, could it be said that Li Qiye was already Will you leave or come back? In other words, Li Qiye has given up on her!

This made Chi Xiaodie stunned. With thousands of twists and turns in her heart, a lot of distracting thoughts came, but in the end, Chi Xiaodie stood by and stayed alone in the temple of the ancestors.

Li Qiye went there for three full months, and finally, one morning, Chi Xiaodie got up early. When she was about to practice, she just came out of the lobby. She was shocked because there was a person in the lobby.

"You're back." Chi Xiaodie, who was taken aback, saw that Li Qiye was sitting in the lobby, and said with joy.

At this time, Li Qiye ignored her. He held the God of Ten Thousand Furnace in one hand, and mobilized the fire in the other hand, refining a certain kind of plaster. At this time, a refreshing medicinal fragrance was already wafting out of the medicine cauldron.

"Qi—" With Li Qiye's deep drink, he turned over the jade bowl in his hand, and immediately called the ointment in the furnace. The ointment was green. Although the ointment was only out of the oven, it was not hot at all. On the contrary, there was a chill, even Chi Xiaodie, who was standing by, felt the chill.

"Come here quickly." Li Qiye told Chi Xiaodie without saying much. When Chi Xiaodie came over, Li Qiye told her to sit down and said: "I want to put the ointment in your eyes, it will be very painful, you can hold it back."

Hearing Li Qiye's words, Chi Xiaodie couldn't help but hesitate, but Li Qiye waved his hand and said, "Don't linger, in order to refine this ointment, I am selling a love to the Temple of War! If you rub the medicine, it will be hot. , It just wasted my rare medicinal material!"

When Chi Xiaodie heard this, she couldn't help being embarrassed. She gritted her silver teeth, raised her pink face, and said nothing, letting Li Qiye do it. At this time, Li Qiye carefully applied the emerald green ointment to Chi Xiaodie's eyes.

At the beginning, Chi Xiaodie just felt that the ointment was cold and icy, very comfortable, no big deal, but the next moment, she screamed "Ah", and suddenly a tingling pain came from her eyes, which was extremely uncomfortable. , As if her eyes were pierced, it seemed that the extreme cold shattered her eyes, as if plunged into darkness all at once.

"Don't move, hold on, let the essence of the treasure medicine refine your eyes!" When Chi Xiaodie was suffering and uncomfortable, Li Qiyeyi grasped her hand, held it tightly, and shouted, like Drink it on the head.

"Ah—" Chi Xiaodie still couldn't bear the pain, and screamed. Although Li Qiye's stubborn drink made her dare not move, the pain made her unbearable. At this moment, she felt that her eyes were broken, which made her fall into fear, whether she would be blind.

When he fell into darkness, Chi Xiaodie's heart fell into fear. Only when Li Qiye's hands were holding her jade hands tightly, Li Qiye's firm and powerful hands gave her strength. , This made her heart calm down slowly, at this moment it seemed that Li Qiye's firm and powerful hands gave her a kind of support.

When Chi Xiaodie slowly calmed down, she felt that the pain slowly disappeared. At this time, Li Qiye ordered: "You have to put on one pair of eyes with ointment for one month, until you are trained."

"Why is this?" Chi Xiaodie could not see anything at this time, she felt at ease only when Li Qiye was by her side.

"Your eye pupils are deformed, I must help you correct it." Li Qiye said: "Fortunately, your eye pupils are not deformed too much. Otherwise, even if the old men in the Temple of War are willing to take out so many treasures, it will be the same. Can't change your pupils."

"Have you gone to the Temple of the Gods of War?" Chi Xiaodie couldn't help but stayed for a while. After Li Qiye went there for three months, she unexpectedly prepared rare and rare medicinal materials for her.

"No." Li Qiye said calmly, "I just went to see their elders stationed abroad."

Chi Xiaodie couldn’t help being moved. The Temple of War in Zhongdayu is as famous as the Tiandao Academy in Dongbaicheng. Liu's characters also couldn't see the elder stationed abroad in the Temple of War. However, Li Qiye not only met the other party, but also asked for such a precious elixir from the Temple of War.

Under Li Qiye’s guidance, Chi Xiaodie’s eyes were covered with ointment for a full month. During this month, Li Qiye was by her side. With Li Qiye by her side, Chi Xiaodie felt relieved. many.

In the end, Li Qiye helped her remove the ointment, and then looked at her eyes carefully, then nodded in satisfaction, and said: "It's okay, fortunately you are naturally slightly deformed, otherwise, you really won't be saved. "

Seeing the light again, Chi Xiaodie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and couldn't help asking: "How are my eyes?"

"Look at it." Li Qiye handed her the mirror. Chi Xiaodie glanced at her eyes and found that her eyes had changed. Before that, her pupils had a faint golden amber color. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't have noticed it.

However, at this time, her pair of eye pupils turned into golden color. They were completely golden pupils. They were very obvious and could be seen at a glance. This pair of golden pupils seemed to have an indescribable charm, as if the golden pupils contained in them. The order is the same as the avenue.

"Roll your eyes." Li Qiye ordered.

Chi Xiaodie didn't even think about it, so she flipped her eyes, "Ah", Chi Xiaodie was shocked, and with a "pop", she was so scared that she threw out the mirror in her hand.

Because when she rolled her eyes, she saw an incredible pair of eyes, a pair of golden eyes, the whole pair of eyes are golden, as if they were made of pure gold, even golden light, these eyes are cold and terrifying, even Chi Xiaodie himself His eyes were frightened.

"This, this, what's going on?" With great difficulty, Chi Xiaodie eased her fright. When she took a closer look in the mirror, when she turned her eyes, her eyes changed, a pair of golden eyes. , Without eyes, nothing, just like being cast by gold! However, despite this, she can see things, and she sees clearly, which she finds incredible.

"This is called the Divine Eye!" Li Qiye said slowly: "Your ancestor Hundred War God Emperor's life spanned all the time. Although he had a unique skill and involved a wide range of skills, the most powerful exercises in his life had two unique skills. ! However, these two fascinating studies have not been passed down to your Chi family."

"Why?" Chi Xiaodie couldn't help asking. She had never heard of such a statement.

Li Qiye said: "Because not everyone can practice these two faculties. Your ancestor was born with a heavenly tortoise divine pupil, peerless, he created the two faculties for his own talent!"

Having said that, he glanced at Chi Xiaodie and said, "You have continued your ancestral lineage. Unfortunately, it is very thin. Although you were born with a god pupil, the lineage you inherited is too thin. You were born. Your divine pupil is deformed, so even if you have a divine pupil, it is just a waste of the pupil, without its magical powers."

"I brought you here this time. I originally wanted you to have a try. Can you inherit one of your ancestors' two great masters, the'Shen Tong Qianbing Dao'." Li Qiye shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, your god The pupil is a natural waste pupil, but there is no way to see the eyes of your ancestors. Fortunately, unfortunately, fortunately your divine pupil is not very deformed. Fortunately, I happen to know that there is an ancient prescription that can correct your divine pupil! "

When Chi Xiaodie heard Li Qiye's words, she couldn't help being stunned. On that day, Li Qiye said that she was missing a person and asked her to be called. She agreed like a demon. As the princess of the Lion Roar Kingdom, she was actually present to others, which is really incredible.

At that time, she agreed as if possessed by a demon. She didn't understand what kind of mentality it was, either to repay Li Qiye for changing her brother's fate, or to avoid Sima Longyun's courtship, or both...

This Saturday is over, I wish you all good night and good dreams (to be continued...)