Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 383: The secret of Feihuai Village


There is a string of big and round Buddhist beads hanging around the neck of Monk Dazhi. If Monk Dazhi does not look like a high monk, then the Buddhist beads hanging on his neck must make people believe that he is a high monk.

The buddha beads hanging on the neck of the monk Dazhi are flickering of Buddha's light. Inside each buddha bead, it is as if the Buddha is sitting solemnly.

Therefore, whether or not Monk Dazhi is an eminent monk, the Buddha beads hanging around his neck are awe-inspiring.

The Dazhi monk is the presiding officer of the Dazhi Temple. In fact, he is the only person in the Dazhi Temple. The presiding officer is him, the monks are also him, and the fire-burning man is also him.

Although Dazhi Temple was built outside Feihuai Village, in fact, Monk Dazhi was not a local, and there was no Dazhi Temple outside Feihuai Village before.

I heard that Monk Dazhi came from Beize, smiled bitterly on foot, and walked all the way outside Feihuai Village. In the end, he said that he saw that this place had a great fate with him, and he built Dazhi Temple outside Feihuai Village. He also became the presiding officer of Dazhi Temple and the only monk.

I heard that Monk Dazhi is boundless in Buddhism. There were villagers in Feihuai Village: Seeing him subduing a white tiger, he can use a white tiger as his mount.

When the old village chief invited Monk Dazhi in, he invited Monk Dazhi to the backyard and said to Monk Dazhi: "The monk, it is here. The shadow sometimes appears, sometimes does not appear, and there is no limit to the time of appearance, sometimes During the day, sometimes at night."

Monk Dazhi heard the words of the old village chief and couldn't help but pinpoint his words, and then decided what to do. The appearance of a monk. A Buddhist name was announced. Said: "Amitabha Buddha, my Buddha is merciful. The benefactor, the poor monk gives you the calculation of the ghosts here. This belongs to the hungry ghost. This hungry ghost starved to death and failed to have a full meal. Why not do this, the benefactor does Come with a great meal, let the poor monk lead it out to see if you can surpass it."

I heard Monk Dazhi say this. The old village chief didn't say much, and he made a big table with his old wife and put it in the backyard.

"Amitabha Buddha, my Buddha is merciful." When monk Dazhi saw a table of sumptuous meals being laid out, he declared the Buddha's title and said: "Donor, this hungry ghost is not easy to provoke, so the poor monk will lead him out. The poor monk practices, I don't want a second person to be there, in case the hungry ghost comes out and commits an attack. It won't be easy to do if it hurts someone." As he said, he took out the magic sword. Talking about divine thoughts in his mouth, as if he wanted to evoke spirits and spirits.

"Then there will be a senior monk." When the old village chief heard this, he went out with his old wife hurriedly.

When the old village chief and his wife left, Monk Dazhi put away the sword and rubbed his hands. Seeing no one was around, he smiled and said, "Goodness, goodness, my Buddha is merciful. Meat and wine are poison in the intestines. To the Buddha, be compassionate, and for the time being, let the hungry ghosts wear the intestinal poison for the time being." As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves, fucked a big fat duck, and feasted on it.

After a while, the monk Dazhi swept through the wind and ate the feast on the table cleanly. His mouth was full of fat and fat. At this time, there was still the appearance of an eminent monk.

However, the so-called haunting in the old village chief’s backyard is not a ghost, but Li Qiye.

It’s just that Li Qiye is in another cave sky. He is already refining the chaos and is about to break through from it. It is precisely because Li Qiye is refining the chaos and is about to break through from the inside. People outside saw a shadow floating, as if there was a ghost.

Li Qiye chose this place as a foothold for his reason, because this place has a secret. There is a stunning cave in the place where Feihuai Village is located. This is an independent space and an absolute field. .

This place involves a secret, a secret about the most controversial Emperor Feiyang of the Desolate Age.

Immortal Emperor Feiyang is one of the oldest immortal emperors in the human race. He enlightened in the Desolate Age, and he was born in the Southern Heavenly Family of Zhongda Region. Although it is said that Emperor Feiyang was born in the Nantian family, he himself has never admitted that he is a disciple of the Nantian family.

What's more interesting is that since Emperor Feiyang came out of the Nantian family, he never returned to the Nantian world, even after he became the Emperor.

And the attitude of the Nantian family was also very strange. In the age of Emperor Feiyang, and even in the long period of time, they did not dare to announce to the public that Emperor Feiyang was a disciple of their Nantian family.

It was not until a long time later that the Nantian family dared to tell outsiders that the Emperor Feiyang was a disciple of their Nantian family, and the Nantian family was proud of the Emperor Feiyang.

Despite this, the Nantian family, who was born as Emperor Feiyang, failed to get the inheritance of Emperor Feiyang, and Emperor Feiyang Zeng Ran did not pass his inheritance back to the Nantian family.

The matter between Emperor Feiyang and the Nantian family, as well as some later things of Emperor Feiyang, became mysteries in later generations, and no one can explain them clearly.

However, Li Qiye knew things that outsiders didn't know, and he also knew some secrets of Emperor Feiyang, secrets that the world didn't even know.

Immortal Emperor Feiyang, just like his title, he is a person who is willing to fly. When Emperor Feiyang was young, he was a man of good words. Moreover, when Emperor Feiyang was young, he did many things that caused controversy in later generations. Among them, stealing abduction was one of them.

Legend has it that when Emperor Feiyang was young, he opened or vomited lotus flowers. Even the stone Buddha of the Buddhism Plateau was deceived by him. This can be imagined how eloquent he is.

Moreover, the fairy emperor Feiyang has a very good relationship with women. When he heard that he had not yet become the emperor, he had no idea how many women fell in love with him. Among them, there were princesses and saints, fairies and goddesses, and many women had great backgrounds. Even the descendant of Emperor Tongxianmen.

However, although Emperor Feiyang had many women in his life, he never married a strange thing, even after he became the Emperor, he did not marry a wife.

Since the ages, there are not many immortal emperors who have not been passed down to future generations. Feiyang Immortal Emperor is one of them, and Feiyang Immortal Emperor is the only immortal emperor who has many women in his life but never marries!

Feelings are ruthless for a long time. It is precisely because of this that this has caused a lot of turmoil, and it has also attracted many people's discussion in later generations.

After Feiyang Immortal Emperor became the Immortal Emperor, something happened that future generations did not know.

Among the many women of Emperor Feiyang, there are many who are peerless and intelligent. However, although Emperor Feiyang has many women, he never marries in his lifetime!

This made a woman next to Emperor Feiyang not know how to borrow from Emperor Feiyang to succeed, and after this woman became pregnant with the blood of Emperor Feiyang, she didn’t ask for a name from Emperor Feiyang. The world has disappeared, just like disappearing from the world, no one has seen her again.

This peerlessly wise woman loved Feiyang Immortal Emperor very much. She successfully became pregnant with the blood of Feiyang Immortal Emperor, not for the sake of becoming an emperor, nor for her reputation. After successfully borrowing the seed, she left Feiyang Immortal Emperor, secretly hid, and disappeared from the world, raising the son of Feiyang Immortal Emperor, and continuing the blood of Feiyang Immortal Emperor.

For many years, this woman seemed to disappear into the world. What no one knew was that she was hidden in the mortal world and turned into a mortal in the mortal world.

In the end, this woman passed away in a sitting position, and she and the descendants of Emperor Feiyang did not step into the monk's way, and passed on as mortals in the mortal world.

The village built by this woman is Feihuai Village. This village was named Feihuai Village, which means to miss Feiyang Immortal Emperor.

However, the story does not end there. For the Immortal Emperor, there are few things in the world that can be concealed from his eyes, and the same is true for the Feiyang Immortal Emperor.

Immortal Emperor Feiyang knew this, and also knew where the woman was hiding in the world, but Immortal Feiyang hadn't done anything.

It wasn't until a long time later that the woman passed away while sitting, and his descendants continued to multiply in Feihuai Village as mortals, passing on from generation to generation, or because of the infatuation of this woman who moved the Emperor Feiyang, or the woman and his descendants flowed His pedigree... In short, I don't know what the reason is, Immortal Emperor Feiyang has set up a peerless overall situation in Feihuai Village.

An immortal emperor spent a lot of effort to set up a peerless overall situation in this place, leaving a lot of things. And the unparalleled overall situation he laid out was that he had existed in this place for millions of years, and he had been silently sheltering Feihuai Village.

It is precisely because of this that Feihuai Village has produced many talents for millions of years, and Feihuai Village has also visited many great people for millions of years.

Whether it is Feihuaizhuang who has produced many talents or Feihuaizhuang has come to many big people, this is a passer-by for Feihuaizhuang. No matter who comes, no matter who leaves, it is a silent shelter in the overall situation of the peerless. Under the circumstances, no one has ever been able to break the tranquility of Feihuaizhuang.

Because of this, Feihuai Village has existed in this world for millions of years, just like a small village in a paradise.

Millions of years have passed, Feihuai Village has passed by generation after generation, and the descendants of Emperor Feiyang have multiplied for generations. However, Feihuai Village is still quiet and unknown.

This incident is also strange. Although Emperor Feiyang created a peerless overall situation in Feiyang Village and left a lot of things, he, as the Emperor at the time, did not teach his descendants a little bit of Taoism. .

Later, Feihuai Village also had a monk, and even a big figure among the monks. However, this was not born in the Taoism of Emperor Feiyang. It has nothing to do with Feiyang Immortal Emperor’s orthodoxy.

Ten thousand years passed, I was afraid that no one knew the secret of Feihuai Village, even if someone knew the secret in the time of Emperor Feiyang, that was no longer alive.

However, Li Qiye is the one who knows the secret, and he has been alive until now! (To be continued...)