Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 98: Recognizing the ancestor and returning to the ancestor (Part 1)


"It's impossible—" The news was too shocking. For the elders present, he couldn't believe it. Elder Wu stood up and said: "The Patriarch has not married in his life, so how come the future generations say?"

"Yeah, it's impossible, the sect records never mentioned anything about the descendants of the patriarch." Elder Qian couldn't help but said.

"This is absolutely true." Tu Buyu, standing behind Emperor Su Yong, said: "I am under the responsibility of the elders to look for the descendants of the ancestors. Although it is not in the official records of the sect, there are some anecdotes. Among them, some clues can still be found."

Speaking of this, Tu Buyu looked at Elder Gu and said: "Elder Gu, it was about more than one thousand six hundred years ago. Do you remember that you once had a chance to meet Elder Liu. At that time, you came with the old head. At that time, it was not only Liu Lao, but also me."

Gu Tieshou looked at Tu Buyu, and after a while, he stood up suddenly and said movedly: "You, you are the young man who supported Liu Lao back then!"

"Elder Gu really hasn't forgotten it." Tu Buyu nodded and said, "Yes, I am a named disciple of Liu Lao. I had an important responsibility at the time, and I could not reveal my whereabouts. Among the disciples of the ancient school."

"Lao Liu, who is Lao Liu?" The elders present were all shocked in their hearts. It seems that in the Ancient School of Cleansing Yan, there is only one person who calls Lao Liu.

Gu Tieshou sighed softly, and finally sat down and said, "Lao Liu is the first apologist of the Ancient School of Cleansing Yan, Master Liu Sanjian."

"Master Liu Sanjian!" The words came out of Gu Tieshou's mouth, which shocked the elders present!

After the Xiyan Ancient Sect continued to Mu Xiaodi, Liu Sanjian had the most prestigious name. He was the first apologist of the Xiyan Ancient Sect. When the Holy Heaven Sect attacked the Ancient Kingdom of Xiyan, Liu Sanjian personally presided over the overall situation.

"Master Liu is still alive?" The news shocked the elders present, and Elder Qian couldn't help but lose his voice. If Master Liu was still alive, it would mean that there is still a figure in the Xiyan Ancient Sect who can fight against the ancestor of the Holy Heaven.

"That was the last time I saw Lao Liu." Gu Tieshou shook his head and said, "I didn't know that Lao Liu was Master Liu. At that time I was still young, and I had never seen Lao Liu before. At that time, I accompanied Master to see his old man in Jin. However, at that time, Liu's situation was already very bleak. His old injury had relapsed and he was already sitting and standing in need of support. Since that time, I have never seen Liu Lao again."

At this time, the elders all looked at Tu Buyu. Tu Buyu was the words of Liu Sanjian's disciple, even if it was a named disciple, his status in the Xiyan Ancient Sect was higher than that of the ancient elders.

Under the eyes of the elders, Tu Buyu shook his head and said, "In fact, that was the last time I saw Master. Since then, I have never seen his old man again."

Tu Buyu said this, which made the elders present could not help being discouraged. There is no doubt that Master Liu Sanjian is no longer alive.

Tu Buyu said: "In the first battle 30,000 years ago, our Yanyan Ancient Sect suffered a terrible defeat. By chance, the ancestor of Liu Laode once had a queen, and I just worshipped Liu Lao. At that time, Mr. Liu's situation was very unoptimistic, so he sent me to look for the descendants of the ancestor. Because the clues were very limited at that time, I have been wandering outside. Because I have a heavy responsibility, I can’t tell anyone about this matter, and I’m not in the list. The ancient sect of Xiyan, among the ancient sect of Xiyan, I directly contacted the old head. Elder Gu should have met me several times."

Gu Tieshou nodded. He knew that Tu Buyu was a disciple of the Ancient Cleansing Sect. In the past, he thought Tu Buyu was an expatriate disciple who was responsible for liaising with outsiders. In addition, Tu Buyu rarely returned to the Ancient Cleansing Sect, so he only knew that Tu Buyu was a disciple of the Ancient Cleansing Sect, and he didn't know exactly what he was responsible for.

"Looking for the descendants of the Patriarch, I wandered for thousands of years, and my efforts paid off. In the end, I found the descendants of the Patriarch." Tu Buyu said to the elders present.

"This, how does this prove that the head is a descendant of the Patriarch?" The elders looked at each other, and finally Elder Zhou couldn't help but say.

There is no problem with Tu Buyu's identity, but how does this prove that Su Yonghuang, the head of the family, is a descendant of the patriarch? After all, this is an extremely important matter.

"The descendants of the ancestor, return to the ancestors and recognize the ancestors. I am also entrusted by the ancestors to dream." At this time, Li Qiye said: "So, I asked the ancient elders to bring out the portraits of the ancestors."

The elders looked at each other, and finally, the elder Gu Tieshou solemnly took out an old mottled wooden box, and Gu Tieshou solemnly held the wooden box with both hands.

"The Empress is the Su God General who followed the Patriarch all her life. She followed the Patriarch all her life to build and wash the ancient sect and the ancient kingdom. She once made indelible feats. After the Patriarch carried the destiny, in order not to hinder Influenced the ancestor to reach the peak and seek eternal life, so the emperor took the ancestors and descendants to hide their surnames and stay away from the ancestors." At this time, Li Qiye solemnly said: "This matter has never been known to the world, and the ancient sect of Xiyan has never known it. Until last night, Patriarch entrusted my dream to me."

At that time, he failed to rectify Su Nuv’s name. Su Nu devoted too much in her life, but she eventually lived far away, did not ask for fame or merit. As a crow, he has always been ashamed of this matter. Today, he used this method to rectify Su Nuv's name, although it was too late, at least to allow Su Nu's descendants to return to the ancestors!

The words of Li Qiye made the elders look at each other. In the end, Gu Tieshou nodded earnestly and said: "I have read the historical records of the Patriarch. The Su Shenzhan that the Patriarch sat down at that time was a peerless goddess general, and she was also the first to assist the Patriarch. People, when the ancestor was young, she followed the ancestor. After the ancestor carried the destiny, all the generals were appointed, except for the Su God General. Later, there are very few records of the Su God General, and the Su God General is also missing. The general is the empress!"

Li Qiye slowly said: "This matter is unfounded. Since all the elders have said that we have a self-portrait of the patriarch, then we can check whether the head is a portrait of the patriarch. The self-portrait is an autograph of the patriarch. The portrait painted is of the emperor Yunxian prestige that contains the master, and the head can recognize each other with blood!"

Hearing Li Qiye's words, the elders couldn't help but feel shocked. Why didn't they think of this.

In the end, under the solemnity of Gu Tieshou, he opened the ancient box and took out a portrait from the inside. The scrolled portrait was extremely old, and it is no longer known how many years have passed.

When the portrait was opened, there was a "wow!" and suddenly a billowing breath flowed out from the portrait, the breath of the emperor, the breath that only the fairy emperor had!

Unfolding the portrait, I saw a middle-aged man depicted on it. Although he didn't have much pen and ink, he sketched out his unparalleled imperial power in just a few strokes!

In this portrait, a billowing emperor's breath poured out. Although the emperor's breath did not suppress anyone, when the emperor's breath flowed, people's souls would tremble, and they could not help but worship. Awe in the deepest part of the soul!

The elders once again looked at the statue of the emperor and felt the emperor's breath of the patriarch. All the elders could not help being extremely pious. In the devotion, the elders compared the appearance of the patriarch with that of Emperor Su Yong.

Emperor Su Yong is a beautiful woman. If you don't take out a portrait for careful comparison, it's really hard for anyone to think about Immortal Emperor Mingren.

Li Qiye is the person who has seen the Immortal Emperor Mingren the most. He watched him grow up with his own eyes. Therefore, when he first saw Emperor Su Yong, he was moved by it. When he saw Emperor Su Yong’s appearance, he You know the origin of Su Yonghuang!

"This, this, is too similar, especially the eyebrows, this, the charm of the eyebrows is exactly the same as the Patriarch!" In careful comparison, the elders couldn't help being shocked, feeling incredible, especially the sword eyebrows of Emperor Su Yong. , Can be said to be exactly the same as Emperor Mingren.

This is also what impressed Li Qiye the most. Emperor Su Yong's eyes look like Su Nu, but her eyebrows are exactly the same as Immortal Emperor Mingren!

"The head can be recognized by blood. This is a self-portrait of the Patriarch. The Patriarch once entrusted a dream to me. If the head is a descendant of the Patriarch, he can be recognized by Emperor Yunxianwei." Li Qiye said slowly at this time.

Emperor Su Yong glanced at Li Qiye. In fact, she didn’t believe in Li Qiye’s so-called Patriarch’s dream, but besides what Patriarch said, what else could make Li Qiye treat Immortal Emperor Mingren and Tianya Su Do you know so much about home affairs

Looking at the portraits of his ancestors, Emperor Su Yong couldn’t restrain himself. He couldn’t help being excited. Their Su family also had a portrait of Emperor Mingren, but that was not from the hand of Emperor Mingren, although the paintings were very similar. However, there is no that kind of emperor's breath, this is the emperor's breath that only the immortal emperor's self-painting can have!

In the end, Emperor Su Yong pierced his finger, and a drop of blood dripped into the portrait. In the blink of an eye, the drop of blood was absorbed by the portrait.

"Boom—" In this instant, the terrifying emperor Yunxian might erupted, and in an instant, a shadow walked out of the portrait. As soon as this shadow came out, it came over nine heavens and ten places, sweeping away the gods and demons!

An invincible shadow came out, and in an instant, the terrifying emperor rushed into the world! Under such invincible divine power, the sun and the moon are dark, and the heaven and the earth are eclipsed!

In this instant, countless big figures in Dazhongyu felt this invincible imperial prestige, and this fleeting imperial prestige suddenly shocked countless people.

"Emperor Prestige—" Numerous ancient figures suddenly opened their eyes, but this imperial prestige disappeared so quickly that it was impossible to follow.

As for the ancient sect of Xiyan, all the disciples were shocked by the sweep of the dili prestige, and all of the disciples of the ancient sect of Xiyan fell under the emperor's prestige!

In the ancestral hall, Gu Tieshou and the others were lying on the ground on the spot, under the emperor's might, they can't blaspheme!

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