Emperor Seal

Chapter 100: Why didn't Zhang Mu come? (The first one)


Lu Qing was like a know-it-all. He knew many people. After talking about some inconspicuous people, he discovered that they were the kind of giants in sheep's clothing.

In addition, he also knows a lot about certain people in the Waidaomen.

"You haven't been in Cangshan in the past few years?" I asked.

Those people from the Waidaomen invaded a few years ago. If Lu Qing had been practicing in Cangshan for several years, it would be impossible to know the people from the Waidaomen so well.

Lu Qing shook his head, touched his sloppy beard, and said casually: "In the past few years, in accordance with Master's instructions, Hong Chen has refined his heart, traveled the world, walked many mountains and rivers, and saw a lot of people and things..."

I don't know what Lu Qing's so-called "Red Heart Refining" is, but I can feel that Lu Qing has indeed changed a lot from before.

In more than four years, he changed, so did I, and so did An Qi.

As a person's experience increases, as time goes by, there will always be changes. There is no need to worry about this.

"Those guys are from the Xiaoyao Sect. They are ranked in the top three among the overseas powers..."

After hearing Lu Qing's words, I narrowed my eyes slightly and looked in the direction he was pointing.

The people of Xiaoyao Sect are uniformly dressed, all wearing cloud-embroidered clothes, all of them have a kind of dusty atmosphere, giving people a touch of arrogance.

"Which is Rongjue, do you know him?" I asked.

Lu Qing heard the killing intent in my tone, was taken aback for a moment, looked at the people of Xiaoyao Sect, pointed to one of them, and said: "It's the guy with the scar on his face. I saw him make a move. His sword is very fast, and his practice is the imperial swordsmanship in Xiaoyao Sect..."

I looked at the young man whom Lu Qing was referring to. He looked handsome, but a scar broke his appearance. The scar stretched from the brows and feet to the corners of his mouth, which was quite hideous.

There was a fierce aura on his body, looking from a distance, it was like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

When we looked at him, he glanced at us, swept his eyes coldly, and ignored it.

"This guy can be regarded as the top arrogant among the younger generation of Xiaoyao Sect. In the past few years, he has won a lot of names, and many older generations have been planted in his hands... Big brother, do you have hatred with him? Lu Qing asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, I came to Longhushan this time, partly because of him!"

I whispered: "I'm going to remove one of his arms!"

He chopped off Ah Da's arm, and I had to chop off his arm too.

Lu Qing didn't ask the reason, but talked about some methods he knew about the Xiaoyao Sect. Let me be prepared for it in advance!

When we came to the gate of Longhu Mountain, many people gathered here, and they were entering Longhu Mountain under the guidance of the Taoists in the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

At this time, I saw a figure, and my pupils shrank slightly.

That familiar figure was mingled among a group of foreigners, chatting and laughing with those around him. Perhaps he noticed my gaze and glanced at me, and he was also stunned.

My grandpa, Zhou Zhenyao!

After a brief stupor, he looked complicated, hesitated for a moment, said something to the people around him, and then walked directly towards us.

After coming to us, he ignored the others, he looked at me, and he stopped talking.

"Don't want to say something?"

I looked at Grandpa with mixed feelings.

I once hated him, blamed him, and even thought of killing him at some point.

However, in the eighth hell in the past few years, I have been reborn, and certain things have faded a lot in my heart, including the hatred for him.

Grandpa took a deep look at me, sighed, and said, "I don't want to say anything like sorry, it doesn't make sense! Don't say anything else, don't enter Longhu Mountain, big things will happen today, and many people will die! "

After saying this, Grandpa hurriedly turned and left and entered Dragon Tiger Mountain.

I can feel that there was a little apology in his eyes just now, and the words he said to me seemed to be faintly dotted with the download address of the 147 novel app.

Those people in the Waidao Sect are not fools. They know that the local Taoism has a strong background, knowing that the local Taoism will target them this time, and they have entered Dragon Tiger Mountain without any scruples, and they must have some kind of tyrannical trump card.

I always feel something weird, as if I have overlooked something, but I can't remember it for a while.

Regardless of him, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth.

The fight between the local gates and the overseas gates has nothing to do with me. I just need to do my own affairs when I come here.

After entering Longhu Mountain, I found that this place is no different from when I came more than four years ago. It still looks like a fairyland on earth, but this time there are a lot of people.

Longhushan specially opened up a huge dojo to entertain those who enter Longhushan.

According to Lu Qing, there have been several Daoist conferences in Longhushan. It was nothing more than preaching. The younger generations of the Daoist schools competed with each other.

However, this time is obviously different!

The huge dojo is divided into two opposing sides. One is the local people, and the other is the foreign people. There is a wide area in the middle, as if the two sides are going to fight.

I don't understand what this is doing, so I can't help but ask Lu Qing.

Lu Qing said casually: "This was proposed by the Waidaomen. I want to see the strength of the younger generation of the local Taoism. To put it bluntly, I want the younger generation of the Waidaomen to compete with the local younger generation. I want to suppress it. Suppress the prestige on our side!"

I frowned slightly and said, "What's the point of doing this?"

Whether it is winning or losing, it is inevitable that the overseas sects and the local sects will inevitably fight and fight, and there is no point in making such a formal thing.

Lu Qing shrugged, seemingly casual, but with serious eyes, and said: "The ghost knows what those people from overseas sects want to do, and they always feel like they want to implement some plan! However, this is the site of Longhu Mountain, and they can play again. What's the trick? Once the Longhushan Mountain Guardian formation opens, people like the Waidaomen will have to be caught in the urn... I don't understand, what kind of trump card they have, they are so confident!"

I looked at the situation in the dojo, my brows became tighter, and said, "Where is Zhang Mu? Why didn't he come on such an occasion?"

The three celestial masters of Longhushan, Zhang Jaw and the old blind man all came, sitting with some old guys from the local Taoist school, not knowing what to talk about, except that Zhang Mu was not seen.

This situation is very wrong!

Lu Qing shook his head and said: "I heard that he has been shut up, but I don't know what happened!"

I was silent, with a not-so-good premonition in my heart. I always felt that there would be a special sudden situation this time, and this situation had a lot to do with Zhang Mu, who was not showing up.

An Qi and I and the Black Dragon are not part of the Dao Sect’s power, but Lu Qing next to us is in the Celestial Master's Mansion, so we sit next to the people in the Celestial Master's Mansion, and no one dares to make irresponsible remarks.

Many people in the younger generation of Maoshan stared at me, especially Zhao Ling and others. They wanted to greet An Qi to sit next to the group of Maoshan people, but they were directly rejected by An Qi. Since An Qi returned to the An family land more than four years ago, she has basically severed contact with Maoshan.

At the local sect, the two elders of the tortoise and crane in Wudang, the two celestial masters of Longhushan, the master of Maoshan and the seventh cave god...

They are all famous older generations. The wretched old man I met before in front of Longhu Mountain was huddling with some younger generations. Seeing that excitement and wretched look, I don’t know what to do, anyway. It seems that those younger generations are a bit impatient. If it weren't for such occasions, they would have already beaten people.

Among the many Taoist gates facing overseas, there are also a group of elderly people sitting on the main seat. Headed by the Dixianzong, Lu Qing also pointed me to the so-called Chen Jiu and other powerful old monsters.

These guys were all the bastards who followed me and Cang Yu in my previous life. Although it is a bit familiar, I always feel a little weird, and there is a feeling that I can't say it.

At this time, the black dragon, who was gnawing on the roast pork leg, said dullly: "It's a bit strange, how did those bastards become so weak? Even hundreds of years ago, their auras were stronger than they are now. , Is it going back more and more? With this strength, I still want to take the place here, just kidding!"

Hei Jiaolong's words shocked my heart and thought of a certain possibility.

However, now I am not sure, staring at the Waidaomen, thinking about how to confirm my guess. (End of this chapter)