Emperor Seal

Chapter 103: Civil strife (fourth more)


"You leave Longhushan first!" I said in a deep voice.

Hei Jiaolong and An Qi wanted to stay to watch the show, but their instinctive feeling made them unable to resist, so they had to leave and wait for me outside Longhu Mountain.

The Longhushan Mountain Guarding Formation is open, and you can only enter but not exit.

However, under the joint hands of Zhang Jai and the old blind man, the speed of the large formation slowed down, which also caused some flaws in the protection formation of Longhu Mountain.

Many disciples of the local Taoist sects rushed out of Longhu Mountain under the orders of the elders of the sect.

Some elders of Dao Sect started to assist Zhang Jai and the old blind man to completely stop the operation of the Longhushan Formation, and at the same time blast it.

The Longhushan Great Formation has not known how many years it has existed. It has gathered the painstaking efforts of the sages and predecessors of the Heavenly Master Mansion. Now it has not been able to exert its strongest power, and it has been blasted, which is embarrassing.

The most important thing is that it was still ruined in the hands of his own people, and there is really no place to cry!

There are some old people from the local Dao Sects who have started working on the Wai Dao Sect.

However, a golden light enveloped that side, defending against the attack on the local door.

A figure appeared at the Waidaomen, and it was he who stopped the attack on the local Taomen.

Zhang Mu!

One of the three celestial masters of the dignified Dragon Tiger Mountain, turned out to betray!

The local sect was in an uproar, and they all looked at Zhang Mu in disbelief.

Zhang Jai and the old blind man roared, and the two celestial masters were so angry that they stared at Zhang Mu fiercely.

"Why? Why do you do this?" Zhang jaw growled.

Zhang Mu's face was calm, he looked at this side faintly, and said: "I still wanted to wait and wait for the letter to come over there before doing it. The plan can't keep up with the change!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Qing asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Mu beckoned, Chen Jiu and the others laughed at the Waidaomen, their bodies flashed, and they changed suddenly. They were all in disguise.

Where are the real Chenjiu and others

Zhang Mu looked at Zhang Jai and the others, and said quietly: "Daomen convention, I am waiting for this day, now you old guys are all gathered here, all the Daomen resident guards are empty, you think we will let it go. Chance?"

As soon as these words were spoken, many old people at the local sect changed their expressions drastically, staring at Zhang Mu with murderous intent and anger.

"What on earth do you want to do?" an old man in the local door shouted angrily.

Zhang Mu lightly sighed and said, "The local Taoist gates occupy too generous resources, but they don't know how to use them and waste too much. When we extract the power of the dragon veins, disrupt the Yin and Yang worlds, and merge all the Taoist gates in the secular world, we may be able to become this. The strongest Taoist in the world. At that time, perhaps becoming a fairy is expected..."

"Zhang Mu, why do you want to betray? Master is not good to you? Longhushan is not good enough for you?" Zhang Jay roared.

Zhang Mu shook his head, showing a weird smile, and said softly: "Brother, I am an overseas monk, and always have been! For so many years, I have hidden my identity and become one of the three celestial masters on Longhu Mountain. I feel quite surprised!"

"you… "

Zhang-jaw eyes were bloodshot, and he roared, "You are not afraid of the old man from the master..."


Zhang Mu glanced at a certain mountain peak in Longhu Mountain, which was the retreat of the old head teacher of Longhu Mountain of this generation. Zhang Mu's expression was a little complicated, and he said softly, "Master, you have almost sat down now! The grace of many years of cultivation, As a disciple, it should be a good time to send him off!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another uproar on the local Taoist door, and the bodies of Zhang Jai and the old blind man trembled, and their faces were pale.

"Let's start!" Zhang Mu whispered to those people in the Waidaomen.

The people of the Waidaomen, their handprints fluttering, all shouted violently.

They are not manipulating the ground vein attack, but awakening the violent big man under Longhu Mountain.


The earth trembled, the ground cracked, and the fiery red hot air rushed into the sky.


Accompanied by a low roar, a huge fiery red figure protruded from the ground, a hot and crazy aura swept across this area like a storm.

It was a cow with scaly armor, blood red all over, enveloped by crimson blood inflammation, and its size was more than ten feet high, comparable to a small hill.

The breath of this blood cow was very violent. After it appeared, it did not attack the local Taoist people, but directly rushed to a certain place in Longhu Mountain, transforming its blood with extremely fast speed.

Which direction is...

Entrance to the Secret Realm of Dragon Tiger Mountain!

"Boom boom boom..."

In just a blink of an eye, the mountain over there collapsed, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the roar continued.

The Secret Realm of Longhu Mountain is the most important place in Longhu Mountain, and Zhang Mu and the blood bull are aiming there.

The old blind man's figure flashed and shot directly towards that side. At the same time, Zhang Jai made an angry shot at Zhang Mu.

Zhang Mu didn't get entangled with Zhang Jaw, but shot towards the secret realm of Longhu Mountain, glanced lightly at the local Taoist door, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, don't do it yet, when will you wait?"

The moment the voice fell, the blood rained down on the local Taoist door, and the screams came out, making all of us stunned.


Along with the brilliance of a few lights, the heads of the older generations of local Taoist sects flew up, and the blood and fog filled them.

There were a few others, their bodies trembled abruptly, a transparent blood hole appeared on their chests, their hearts were directly smashed, and their stomachs were broken.

A traitor appeared on the local Taoist door!

Moreover, these traitors were extremely high in status, they were quick and accurate, without the slightest hesitation, the people around them had no defense at all, and more than 20 people were killed or injured in an instant.

The two elders of the tortoise and the crane are like a dragon, and the blood is scattered with them.

Who could have imagined that the two respected seniors in Taoism would suddenly kill their own people!

Head Teacher Maoshan, a huge wound appeared on his chest and abdomen. Fortunately, he dodged in time. He roared in grief and anger, looking at the man who attacked him in disbelief.

"Junior, you..."

The one who did it was the Lord of Heaven in the seventh cave of Maoshan. At this time, he looked at Master Maoshan coldly, and said quietly: "Brother, I am also an overseas monk, and I have been hiding for many years..."

It's messed up, it's completely messed up!

On the local Taoist side, there are many defectors, all of them are powerful and powerful, and many people have no defense, and deaths and injuries have increased.

At the same time, the Waidaomen also began to frantically encircle and suppress the older generations of the local Taoism, with various means.

This plan, I don’t know how many years it has been implemented, the penetration of overseas monks into the local area has reached a very crazy point!

I thought of annihilating the Waidaomen in one fell swoop today, but now, depending on the situation, it would be good not to be wiped out by the Waidaomen.

The situation is very unfavorable for the local Taoist side. One party has been planning for a long time, and the other party hastily challenged. The gap is too obvious.

But at this moment, the insignificant old man who has been invisible, suddenly changed his breath.

The expression in his eyes has changed, no longer the insignificant look, he has an extremely fierce feeling, like a peerless sword hidden in the scabbard for many years, blooming with a brilliant edge.

As soon as he pointed it out, the sky above roared, and an illusory giant sword appeared, directly locking the two old turtles and cranes, and crashing down.

Immediately afterwards, the wretched old man took a step and clicked again.

Dao rays of light appeared around his body, the rays of light turned into endless illusory sword lights, and burst towards the people of the overseas sect, mainly attacking those of the immortal sect.


When the illusory giant sword fell, the two elders of the tortoise and crane joined forces to contend, and were directly bombarded with a breath of blood, exploding a lot of blood mist.


Dao Dao Jian Mang penetrated the bodies of the people of the Wai Dao Sect. Although the people of the Earth Immortal Sect used the method of Earth Master to defend, the Jian Mang directly ignored their defense and passed through.

I saw that the handprints of my grandfather and some people from the overseas sects changed, and the black glow wrapped them up, instantly disappearing and leaving the battlefield.

Their goal has been achieved, and they don't want to entangle with this side, just run away!

Lu Qing pulled me out of this area and headed straight to the entrance of the Longhu Mountain Secret Realm.

With that wretched old man, even if there is damage to the local door, it will not be too severe.

Now the key is the Secret Realm of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Zhang Mu's goal is there, I don't know what he wants to do!

The entrance to the Dragon Tiger Mountain secret realm was originally opened by three celestial masters holding jade charms, but now, under the impact of the violent blood cow, the secret realm entrance has collapsed, and Lu Qing and I rushed in directly.

Entering into the secret realm of Dragon Tiger Mountain again, I saw a scene of the twelve mountain peaks collapsing one by one, with smoke and dust everywhere, eight peaks have collapsed, and the violent blood cow is madly crashing against the ninth peak.

But Zhang Jai and the old blind man were being blocked by Zhang Mu, not allowing them to block the violent blood cow.

what's the situation

Zhang Mu's purpose is to destroy the Twelve Peaks in the secret realm of Longhu Mountain? (End of this chapter)