Emperor Seal

Chapter 11: Your blood is precious


I was completely stupid, staring at the direction of the convenience store entrance.

what's the situation

The handsome young man just now turned out to be An Qi's third brother!

This is not the point. The point is that I just drew a blood charm, and then An Qi’s third brother flew out...

the fat is in the fire!

I shivered suddenly, and hurriedly rushed out of the convenience store, ready to help An Qi's third brother, worried that he would never get hurt.

As soon as he rushed to the door of the convenience store, An Qi's third brother stood up from the ground with his waist and frown, looking at me with weird eyes.

"You just attacked me?"

I was speechless and wanted to explain, but I didn't know where to start, so I could only keep saying sorry.

An Qi glanced at me weirdly, then glanced at the young man, and said disdainfully: "Okay, you are being attacked by someone who has just learned the art of talisman, you are ashamed to blame, you are not ashamed, I will still It's so embarrassing!"

The young man smiled and shook his head, looking at my fingertip wound that was still dripping blood, he said deeply: "This kid, he uses no ordinary runes! Can he almost make me without being noticed by me? Bombardment, the power of this rune...huh?"

Halfway through what the young man said, he suddenly stopped, and suddenly grabbed my wrist.

His speed was so fast that I didn't have time to react at all, and suddenly felt like my wrist was clamped by large iron tongs.

"Brother, you..." An Qi's expression changed drastically at this time, she wanted to stop the young man.

"Sister, what's going on?"

The young man's face was a little dignified, staring at the pattern on my wrist, looking at An Qi, and asked in a weird tone: "Between you and him, shouldn't it have been..."

"It's not what you think!"

An Qi's face was reddened, she glared at the young man, and said, "This is a misunderstanding. I'm trying to solve it. Don't be nosy!"

The young man ignored An Qi's words, took a bit of blood from the wound on my fingertips, put it in his nose, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the young man let go of my wrist, looked at An Qi with a smile, and said, "Sister, let's go home with my brother! Go and explain to my father and grandpa, and see what they say!"

"No, I won't go back... At least I can't go back now!" An Qi shook her head like a rattle.

"Also, if you don't go back, I will take this kid away now!"

The young man said in a deep voice, "Brother is not kidding you. Fortunately, I am here today. If you let the eldest brother and the second brother know, this kid will have to peel off if he doesn't die today! You go back with me first, this kid can at least be safe. day!"

An Qi wanted to say something more, what the young man said in An Qi's ear, An Qi's face was a bit ugly, and she nodded unwillingly.

Then, An Qi looked at me with a weird gaze and said: "I'll go home first, and you will tell Uncle Zong when you turn around! Also, don't use your runes indiscriminately, the province will cause big trouble!"

Before I could respond, An Qi glared at the young man and walked out of the convenience store.

The young man glanced at me and said meaningfully: "It is not easy to be the son-in-law of our settlement!"

After speaking, the young man quickly left the convenience store.

I looked at the back of the brothers and sisters leaving, confused.

I didn't understand what they said. It seemed that because of the pattern on my wrist, An Qi had to go home.

However, this thing on my wrist was bitten by the ferret that An Qi raised. It has nothing to do with An Qi!

An Qi's departure made me feel a little disappointed.

I don't know when she will be back!

Afterwards, I buried this emotion in my heart, cleaned the wound on my fingertips, and sat at the cash register in a daze.

At more than eight o'clock in the evening, Uncle Zong walked into the convenience store with a cigarette in his mouth, and saw me sitting alone at the cashier counter in a daze. He knocked on the cashier counter.

"Boy, after get off work, go back to sleep!"

I came back to my senses, glanced at Uncle Zong, smiled bitterly, and told Uncle Zong what happened today.

Uncle Zong's mouth fell to the ground, looked at me blankly, and muttered: "You did something to that girl's third brother, and he saw the pattern on your wrist? The girl followed home. …What the hell is this!"

Uncle Zong squeezed his eyebrows with a very distressed look, waved to me, and said helplessly: "Don't worry about An Qi's affairs, you go back first, I have a headache! The mess is getting together these days, it seems that recently It’s hard to have a leisure time..."

After I got back to the apartment, I got something to eat, and I was going to go to Angel's room to feed her ferret.

Although I don't have a good feeling for the ferret that bites, An Qi attaches great importance to it. When An Qi is not at home, I naturally have to take care of the little thing a little bit.

Pushing open the door of An Qi, she looked around and didn't find the little thing. Did she run out

I didn't think too much, put the food in the small dish in An Qi's room, and returned to my room.

The excitement to me today was great, mainly because my fingertips were stained with blood to draw runes.

I still wanted to try, but I was afraid that it would damage the things in the room, so I finally gave up this idea and fell asleep with my head covered.

I don't know how long I slept, but a chill came, causing me to curl up in a daze, with sleepy eyes.

A touch of green light appeared at the end of my bed, and in a daze, I saw a figure standing there, swaying gently.

Suddenly awakened, I saw the figure clearly.

It was a pale man with green lights in his eyes, sharp fangs in his mouth, bones in his rotten arms, black blood flowing on his body, and he smiled grinningly at me.

Moonlight came in from the window, but the man had no shadow.


I screamed, panicking, almost an instinctive reaction, and quickly drew a rune through my fingertips.

This process was extremely short, and even when the rune appeared in my mind, my brain hadn't reacted yet, but a ray of blood flashed across my fingertips.

The little blood talisman flew out of my fingertips and instantly sank into the man's chest.

In an instant, the man's body suddenly stiffened, his face showed pain, and black smoke emerged from the man's body.

In just a few breaths, the man turned into black smoke and disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

I was gasping, my heart beating fast, and it felt like a nightmare.

At this time, there was a sound of applause from the window sill.

I subconsciously turned my head and looked over, and I was taken aback again.

On the other side of the window sill, a little girl didn't know when she sat there, with a large wave of sugar in her mouth, clapping her face in admiration.

It was the little girl with an umbrella that I saw in the convenience store before!

How could she appear here

I watched her vigilantly, my hands trembling a little. At this moment, if I couldn't guess that the ghost was related to this little girl, then I would be too stupid.

"What the hell do you want to do?" I asked with a trembling voice.

The little girl licked the bobbin candy, her big eyes flickered at me, showing a sweet smile, and said: "Brother don't be afraid, can I still eat you? To be honest, the posture you just shot is really good. Handsome, okay to be my boyfriend?"

Being molested by a kid, according to my previous temperament, I have already slapped it!

The problem is, this little girl with red lips and white teeth is not an ordinary bear kid!

My fingertips trembled, and I was ready to draw a talisman!

Although there is no bottom in my heart, the scene just now gave me a little confidence. I don't know if I can shock the little girl.

And at this moment, the little girl showed a weird smile on her face, as if she could see through the thoughts in my heart, and said: "Big brother, your blood is precious, don't waste it! Originally I wanted to take you I took it away, but I’ve changed my mind now, and I’m asking you something, the rune you used should have been learned from that sheepskin scroll? Is that sheepskin scroll still on you?"

Is it for sheepskin rolls again

I took a deep breath and said, "The sheepskin rolls are gone, stop pestering me..."

"Is it melted by your blood?" The little girl interrupted me suddenly.

I was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "How did you know?"

"Good job, now those guys are going to jump, there is a good show to watch!"

The little girl smiled with a weird smile, as if she was a little gloat, and said, "Brother, remember! If you meet those guys in Lingnan, it's best to kill them before they don’t do anything to you. I'm so easy to talk, don't be soft-hearted, or you will be in big trouble!"

"By the way, there is one more thing. Since your blood can melt the sheepskin scroll, it shows that you are related to the Lingnan ancient tomb. If you have time, you can go there and have a look. Maybe there will be surprises! "

After speaking, the little girl jumped out of the window without waiting for me to respond.

This is the sixth floor!

I hurried to the window and looked down. The figure of the little girl was already in the dark. (End of this chapter)