Emperor Seal

Chapter 110: Coming (third more)


Blood sacrifice

Need our flesh and blood essence

Is it possible that Xianzong of this place is really ready to kill all of us here

There are not only local people from Taoism, but also people from the Guoan group. If you want to sacrifice everyone here, has the Dixianzong ever thought about how much it will cost

This old man in black doesn't seem to be joking, he is serious!

When I was collecting information about Dixianzong, I didn’t have any information about this old man in black. Could it be...

He is the master of the generation of Earth Immortal Sect

I feel that he is a little familiar, but I have never seen him. The breath on his body makes me feel like deja vu...


I squinted at the old man in black, and said in a deep voice, "Are you the body of Styx?"

Neither in my previous life nor in this life, I have never seen the body of Styx. Although it was only the first time I saw this old man, my instinct told me that he was the body of Styx!

The black-clothed old man looked at me with black and red eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "The blue wind of the past life has disappointed us! Zhou Yan in this life, do you think you can stop our plan?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Lu Qing shouted violently.

When he said this, Lu Qing was still gesturing, ready to attack in an all-round way.

"What do we want?"

The old man in black smiled, and said, "Wedding the new era, nothing more!"

"Boom, boom..."

Several talisman lights burst out from the hands of Master Maoshan and others, and exploded in the air, sound and light spread more than ten miles away. This is a signal to the people of the local gates who are ambushing outside, ready to attack inside and outside!

Originally thought that the people of Earth Xianzong would be rushing, but their faces showed a weird smile, as if they had already guessed our plan.

The people from the Guo'an group had taken action at this time, but they weren't targeting the people of the Dixianzong, but rather the people of the local Taoist sect.

This incident surprised all of us.

At this time, even anger is useless, I can only do it hard!

The wretched old man took the lead and flicked his fingers lightly. The sword flashed all the way, ignoring the others, and attacking the Stygian body with all his strength. Lu Qing and the others roared with all their strength, making this place an Asura battlefield in an instant.

The blood shed, the stumped limbs flew horizontally, and the wailing and howlings were endless.

My main goal is to explode the dragon veins, do my best, and keep my handprints flying.

However, the next second, I was stunned!

I found that under the resident of Dixianzong, the dragon veins moved, split into several strands, and exploded directly.

The dragon veins were not detonated by me, as if they had burst by themselves.

The earth roared and trembled, and the dragon veins did not spread out after exploding, but directly gushing out from the ground, madly gathering towards the altar.

Perhaps we have been guessing wrong all the time!

The Earth Immortal Sect had never thought about using the Dragon Veins of the Hot Summer for long-term development and inheritance here. They didn't care about the dragon Veins or the luck of the atmosphere at all. The Yanxia dragon veins extracted have only one purpose, which is to use strength to flood the altar!

On the other side of the altar, blood gleamed, and it continued to spread to the surroundings.

The blood on the ground seemed to be attracted by some power, and merged into the blood, and the flesh and blood of the tragic corpses seemed to be rapidly dissolving.

The people in the Dixianzong and Guo'an group were defying death, and felt as if they had lost their minds. The wretched old man was very strong, but he was entangled in the body of Styx, unable to attack the altar.

On the side of the altar, Chen Jiu, Zhang Mu and others kept changing their handprints, seeming to control the altar to constantly devour the surrounding flesh and blood.

The sound of fighting here shook the sky, but there was no movement outside, which made my heart sink.

It's impossible for the people who ambush the local gates outside to see the signal here. They haven't rushed here yet, so it can only explain one thing.

In the count!

At this time, there was no time to worry about what happened outside. I shouted at An Qi and the others: "Kill out, don't stay!"

When the words fell, I flipped over my handprints, and several huge palms covering the black flame came out from the ground, frantically slapped at the people of Xianzong and the Guoan group, trying to give An Qi a bloody way out.

However, the ground veins under my feet were blocked by some special means, and there was very little ground vein power I could control.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a roar, the earth cracked, and the big hands of mud covered with black inflammation that I had displayed exploded.

It wasn't that someone blocked my attack, but the ground vein suddenly became chaotic and burst open on its own.

On the surrounding mountain peaks, bright red flags suddenly appeared, emitting bright red light, forming a huge mask, as if covering this place. Because of the appearance of those bright red flags, the earth veins here were instantly disordered, which greatly reduced my methods.

These bright red flags seem to form a special formation, exuding surging coercion, causing us to have a huge burden out of thin air. However, the more vigorous vietnam war between Dixianzong and Guoan group, the more and more, the casualties on our side suddenly increased a lot.

At this time, it was basically impossible for An Qi and others to rush out.

The people around him fell one by one, and at the same time, there were bursts of ** from the outside of the Earth Xianzong.

Many people in the local Taoist sects were carried in by the people of the Earth Xianzong, all in a coma, and they don't know what happened.

The people of the Earth Immortal Sect threw the people from the local Taoist door to the side of the altar, and directly dropped the knife with their hands, their heads rolled on the ground, and the corpses spurted blood.

The essence of flesh and blood was constantly being absorbed and swallowed by the red glow emanating from the altar. This so-called blood sacrifice did not know how many people were killed.

The local Dao Sect's counterattack plan completely failed this time. I didn't expect that the Guoan Group would stand on the side of the Dixianzong, nor did it expect that there would be these weird things in the Dixianzong.

I couldn't help cursing in my heart. If I had known this a long time ago, I would never agree to the angler's intervention. If it's only me who is okay, if I let it go, no one on Earth Xianzong may be able to stop me.

The problem is, there are An Qi and others around me, and I want to take them out of here safe and sound. Judging from the current situation, it is a bit difficult.

Head Master Mao Shan and others were very angry, and they were almost crazy. They watched their disciples and old friends be beheaded. At this time, no matter what plan, I just want to fight to the death, I can kill more!

At this moment, the many blood red flags on the surrounding mountain peaks suddenly bloomed with bright red awns, which seemed to be real, covering hundreds of us in an instant.

They bombarded the wretched old man with all their strength, and the red light was like a strong cage, and it was impossible to blast it away in a short time.

"It's almost there!"

The black-clothed old man ignored our side, those black and red eyes flashed through the faint light, and with a wave of his hand, the earth roared and cracked.


The huge strange blood cow figure appeared, irritable.

I thought that Styx would direct the blood bull to rush towards us. After all, we are trapped. The force of this blood bull can cause the mountain to collapse. If it hits us, it will never survive. Will be more than half.

However, Styx did not do this. Instead, he drove the blood bull to the side of the altar, pointed it like a knife, and directly chopped off the huge head of the blood bull under our shocked gaze.

The surging blood was like a rising flame, spraying frantically on the altar, and Zhang Mu, Chen Jiu and others were also covered with blood from a blood cow.

The blood cow did not resist from beginning to end, it seems that its ultimate mission is to fill the altar with its own flesh and blood essence.

The corpse of the blood bull was wrapped in the light on the altar and gradually disappeared, and the light on the altar became more and more exuberant.


Accompanied by a strong spatial trembling sound, the altar burst into the sky with blood, rushing straight into the sky.

The space was distorted, and three hazy figures appeared on the altar and walked out of the distorted space.

The billowing breath was raging, and the three figures became clear.

A young man, holding a paper fan with a haughty face, looked at everyone present with pride. Behind him, there are two women dressed as maids, who seem to be uncomfortable with the atmosphere here, frown slightly, and look at everyone here with a little disdain.

The fairyland envoy

Has it really come

"Who used the blood sacrifice method to summon the ambassador to come?"

The arrogant young man snorted coldly: "In the barren and filthy lower realm, there are still people who know how to use this method. It's a bit surprising!"

Styx glanced at the young man, and said with a smile, "It was made by the old man, the blood food is ready, please enjoy it!"

With that said, Styx pointed towards us.

The arrogant young man nodded and glanced at us. A greedy color flashed across his eyes, and said, "The essence and blood are good. I haven't eaten this kind of blood food for a long time. You did a good job. If you go to the immortal world, the envoy will say something nice in front of the adults and let the adults down the decrees..."


A cloud of black awns directly crossed the arrogant young man's neck, and his head flew up instantly.

It was not someone else who shot, it was Styx!

Stygia's sudden shot, not only was stunned, but the two maids who followed the arrogant youth were also stunned, and did not react for a while.

Styx grabbed the head of the arrogant young man with mocking and disdain on his face. Sen sneered: "The shit immortal world, just fool others. Is it true that the old man doesn't understand that world? The old man came to this world back then. At that time, your ancestor of the little wolf demon was probably not born yet!" (End of this chapter)