Emperor Seal

Chapter 116: Steal some faith (first more)


In Qingyang County, if there is a strong person who does not belong to the Qingyang Sect, the masters in the jurisdiction will send out invitations.

Either join the Qingyang Sect or leave Qingyang County, there is no third choice!

Of course, if someone dared to cause chaos in Qingyang County, if the masters in the jurisdiction of their jurisdiction cannot solve it, there will be Qingyang Sect's purple house realm powerhouse to come forward to solve it.

I have heard Sun Tang talk about these things on the way to Luo Yancheng.

I am unfamiliar with the place of life. Now that I have come to other people's territory, I naturally don't want to offend such a force as soon as I come up!

Joining the Qingyang Sect also has many benefits, at least you can use the power of the Qingyang Sect to find the whereabouts of An Qi and others, and also to be able to find out how to return to our realm.

At the beginning, the wolf demon in the Penglai waters brought two maids to the side of Mount Tai. It didn't make sense that I couldn't do it!

The main thing is that I don't know much about the world, there must be a way!

Entering the mansion, came to the hall, Shi Fei sat in the first place, several masters sat in turn, prepared a lot of good wine and food, and the hospitality was very enthusiastic.

When chatting with Shi Fei and the others, they consciously or unconsciously asked about my origin.

For this kind of thing, I opened my mouth and made up the name of a place casually, saying that I was going out to sea with my friends, but I met the big demon and ended up living on the island and was rescued by Han Shan...

After speaking, seeing Shi Fei and the others' apparently disbelieving look, I smiled and ignored it.

I don't care if they believe it or not, they can't find out where I came from anyway.

"Friend Zhou, what are your plans next?" Shi Fei asked with a smile.

Hearing his question, the other masters stopped their chopsticks and stared at me, waiting for my reply.

I sighed softly and said, "This place is unfamiliar with people and I don't know where to go... By the way, do you know where the Penglai sea area is?"

Hearing what I said, the masters were all taken aback, looking at me with weird eyes!

Shi Fei asked curiously: "Friend Zhou Dao wants to go to the Penglai waters?"


I smiled and nodded, and said, "I said with a few friends that I wanted to take a trip to the Penglai waters, but I was separated. Now... alas!"

An Qi and others don't know where they fell at this time. I can't look for it aimlessly. The Penglai sea is a direction. I hope that the place where they come to this world is near the Penglai sea.

Shi Fei hesitated, and said with a wry smile: "Friend Zhou, the Penglai Sea is in the southeast of Qingyang County, millions of miles away...too far!"

Hearing this, I was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

For millions of miles, this distance is indeed too far!

Space teleportation is really a thousand miles away!

Shi Fei went on to say: "Normally, even if it is a non-stop driving day and night, it will take several years. This is not counted as the troubles and delays encountered in the journey..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said: "Of course, if Fellow Daoist Zhou can become the enshrinement of my Qingyang Sect's Purple Mansion, he would save a lot of time if he wanted to go to the Penglai waters! "

"Oh, what do you say?" I asked curiously.

Shi Fei smiled and said: "A strong person in the Purple Mansion Realm of the Qingyang Sect can use the teleportation circle in the county city. Although he can't directly reach the Penglai sea area, he can span several counties and directly reach the periphery of the Penglai sea area. County Town..."

Shi Fei's words made my heart move!

However, I also understand that Shi Fei said this deliberately, and the meaning in his words wanted me to go to the county city instead of staying in Luo Yan city for long.

I didn't intend to stay in Luo Yancheng for a long time. This is just a temporary stop for me. After I figure out the power of faith and figure out the pattern of Qingyang County and even the entire Beiju Luzhou, I will naturally. go away.

After realizing that I didn't seem to have the intention of staying in Luo Yancheng for a long time, these masters breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, one of the masters kindly asked to discuss with me.

I understand that this is the highlight. They are still a bit unwilling to see my strength in person.

In the wide martial arts field, the servants and maids in the mansion were driven away, only Shi Fei and other masters and their disciples were watching.

In the time of a stick of incense, three matches ended in a tie.

I was still smiling, but the three masters were all wet with sweat, pale and trembling with hands and feet. The onlookers Shi Fei and others looked weird, and their eyes were full of awe.

As long as you are not a fool, you know what these three draws are all about!

In addition to awe, the three masters looked at me with a little gratitude, at least not too embarrassing for them.

"Friend Zhou, you..."

Shi Fei looked at me strangely, and said in awe: "You have already opened up the Dantian Purple Mansion?"

I smiled and didn't respond to Shi Fei's words. I turned the subject away and said, "Friend Shi Daoist, are there any historical records or the like?"

There is no purple mansion in my dantian, but I think my strength should not be weaker than that of the purple mansion realm. There is no way to explain this. I just want to find information about the power of faith and other things.

Shi Fei took me to a courtyard loft in the mansion. Inside the loft were rows of bookshelves. Many bamboo slips, animal skins, books and other records were placed for me to watch.

I am like a sponge, soaking up here.

Most of the records are about Qingyang County. Today's Qingyang County is Qingyang County many years after the decline of the Qingyang Sect, and it cannot be compared with the peak period.

At its peak, Qingyang County was home to the ancestors of the primordial spirit. The land of a county encompassed nearly three hundred cities, and there were no demons or ghosts who dared to make trouble.

Since the disappearance of the ancestor of the primordial soul, the Qingyang Sect has gradually declined, and the territory has been gradually swallowed by surrounding forces, leaving only the 87 cities nowadays, and will be harassed by certain demons and ghosts from time to time.

There are few records on this land of Beiju Luzhou.

I only know that Qingyangzong is located on the edge of Beijuluzhou. For the whole Beijuluzhou, Qingyangjun is as inconspicuous as a sesame seed.

Although I don't have a complete understanding of this world, the land of Beiju Luzhou alone seems to be bigger than the world in my hometown!

After reading these materials, I began to look at some of the origins and introductions of the power of faith.

The ancient animal skins and bamboo slips record that on Luzhou, Beiju, there are not only many mountain gods and earth temples built here in Qingyang County, but also in many places. The purpose is to gather the power of faith.

Belief in this thing is very vague. Some records say that this method of collecting beliefs came from Nanzhan Buzhou, because there is the Buddhist holy land, where the Buddha kingdom is, and all the places on the continent are believers, even there The demon is also a believer of the Buddha.

However, there are also records that some methods for collecting beliefs on the southern side of the province were stolen from the northern side of Luzhou.

I don't know which is true and which is false!

One thing is certain is that the power of belief is related to merit and the soul.

The doctrine of merit is also ethereal and ethereal. This thing seems useless, but it is recorded on a bamboo slip that if one possesses enough merit, it can carry the memory of reincarnation.

When I saw this place, I was stunned!

After coming to this world, I overlooked a problem.

After the people of this world die, where will their souls return


It's a pity that there is no news about the underworld in these records, only one place is mentioned, the land of Jiuyou!

I took note of this place, and my instinct told me that this Nine Nether Land must be related to the underworld.

Afterwards, I focused on the division of the 147 novel app download addresses in the records, such as the Rongling Realm and the Purple Mansion Realm, as well as some practice experience and so on.

After leaving the attic, I returned to the residence that Shi Fei arranged for me and closed the door directly.

I sank directly into the ground, and while feeling the veins of the earth, I also felt the power of faith that was always shrouded in Luo Yan City.

Especially the large earth temple building in the city is like a beacon in the night, even if you don't pay attention to it, it will also shine with light and heat there.

Well, steal a little, it shouldn't be a big problem!

Once this idea came into being, it was like weeds, and it couldn't be contained at all.

I want to try it to see if the combination of the full strength of my earthly emperor and the strong power of faith will change the power in my body again.

The ground veins linger, and the power of faith comes from the ground veins underground in that large earth temple, and it penetrates into my body.

The power of the emperor scripture in the body is running, and he is fully absorbed, not dare to be careless, if it is accidentally detected by Shi Fei and other masters, it will be troublesome. (End of this chapter)