Emperor Seal

Chapter 122: Misunderstood (third more)



A violent roar came from the gate of Qingyang County.

The huge gate was directly turned into fragments, and the guards guarding at the gate exploded and died instantly, turning into patches of blood mist.

Outside the city gate, the eight great monsters and ten purple mansion realm peak powerhouses are divided into two square formations, staring at Qingyang County City, they are all disdainful and mocking.

The one who had just shot was a sturdy dark man with a height of more than two meters, with sharp horns on his nose and a pair of curved horns on his head, which looked very similar to the beheaded rhino horn king.

Now, the head of the rhino-horned king is still hanging on the head of the city, and the dark and strong man outside the city gate is pointing to this side of the city wall, very murderous.

"That kid named Zhou Yan, roll me down and die!"

The dark, strong man said in a loud voice, and said coldly: "Lao Tzu's ineffective brother was killed by you. Let Lao Tzu see where your Zhou Yan is, come down!"

Above the city wall, the strong purple mansions of Qingyang Sect, except for Sect Master Qingfeng, are all here!

Facing those big monsters outside the city and the experts in the Purple Mansion Realm, everyone on the Qingyang Sect had extremely ugly expressions.

The rebellion of the three Wang Tongs resulted in the Qingyang Sect's side with less than twenty Zifu realm experts. Although they were about the same number as those outside the city, the difference in strength was too great.

There are only three peaks of the Purple Mansion Realm on Qingyang Sect's side, and the rest are the primary and middle-level Purple Mansion realms.

"Is the sect master not out yet?" I asked an old man beside me in a low voice.

This old man is the oldest person in the Qingyang sect. His name is Qingyao. He is a figure of Qingfeng's master and uncle, and has a high reputation in the Qingyang sect.

Qing Yao shook his head lightly, and said in a deep voice, "Try to delay the time!"

I sighed helplessly, now there is nothing left but to delay time!

During this period of time, I also thought about secretly leaving the teleportation circle in Qingyang County City and heading to the Penglai sea area. However, the teleportation circle in the city was closed by Sect Master Qingfeng, and it was not allowed to be opened without his order.

He was worried that when he was breaking through the retreat, someone would come and disturb from the teleportation circle. Just in case, it would be better to close it directly.

In this way, I can only stay here.

Now, the dark and brawny man below the city is asking me for trouble. If the Qingyang Sect should not fight, there will definitely be trouble.

These great monsters and the peak powerhouses of the Purple Mansion Realm did not directly rush into the city, they must have scruples.

One is scrupulous about my strength. After all, the uproar in the previous reports said that I had destroyed the Rhinoceros Horn and many little monsters. They have not yet understood my true combat power and dare not rush to do it.

The other is naturally scrupulous about Sect Master Qingfeng.

Therefore, the dark and brawny man provoked first, wanting to test my strength.

I sighed secretly, when I was about to go to fight, I was stopped by Qing Yao.

"Qingji, you go to fight that guy, be careful!"

Qing Yao looked at a certain middle-aged man in the Qingyang sect. This man named Qing Ji was also the pinnacle of the Purple Mansion realm. He was cold on weekdays, and it was the same for everyone. It was related to his personality and practice.

Without saying anything, Qing Ji's figure flashed, rushed directly out of the city, and fell tens of meters in front of the dark and brawny man.

"I'm not looking for you!"

The dark brawny man glared at Qing Ji, and shouted: "Let Zhou Yan come down, I will squeeze his head!"

Qing Ji responded in a cold voice, "After passing my level, he will naturally come over!"

Hearing that, a fierce look flashed in the dark brawny man's eyes, and he grinned and said, "Also, I will kill you first!"

After the words fell, the dark and brawny figure suddenly flashed, and afterimages appeared, and he came to Qing Ji's body in an instant, and a bowl-sized fist slammed into Qing Ji's head fiercely.

Qing Ji did not fight hard with the dark brawny man, his figure turned into a number of phantoms, and while dodge the punch, purple light flashed all over his body, and ice spikes appeared, piercing violently at the eyes and throat of the dark brawny man. go with.

The dark brawny man snorted coldly, his body also blooming with purple glow, and a huge rhino phantom appeared, covering the dark brawny man.

"Boom, boom..."

After the ice spikes touched the rhino phantom, they burst apart and turned into cold mist.

However, as Qing Ji's handprints turned over, those cold mists did not dissipate, but showed a growing trend, wrapping the dark and brawny.

Layers of crystal clear ice appeared on the body surface of the dark brawny man. With only breathing effort, the dark brawny man became an ice sculpture, wrapped in crystal clear ice.

Qing Ji did not stop, and several spiral ice thorns as tall as a person appeared around him, preparing to attack the dark brawny in a violent manner.

At this moment, Qing Ji's complexion changed slightly, as if he had noticed something, and his figure retreated violently.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the thick ice covering the swarthy man directly exploded.

At the same time, a black light passed through the cold mist and shot towards Qing Ji.

Several spiral ice thorns around Qing Ji's body also burst out, facing the black glow, and slammed together fiercely.

"Boom, boom..."

The spiral ice thorns burst one after another, only blocking the black light for a moment, and the black light continued to explode towards Qing Ji.

Qing Ji's complexion is solemn, and there is an ice wall more than a foot thick in front of him. This ice wall is not crystal clear, but with a little blue color, and the power contained in it is not comparable to the ice power just now. of.

"Boom Kaka..."

Heimang bombarded the ice wall, directly causing cracks in the ice wall, densely covered like a spider web.

The ice wall shattered, and the black light was also blocked.

A black corner is shining with a weird black light!

In an instant, the figure of the swarthy man appeared in front of the black corner, grabbed the black corner, and stabbed towards Qing Ji.

Qing Ji shook his hand, and the blue ice sword appeared in his hand, fighting with the dark brawny man, his figure fluttering, very fierce.

On the city wall, Qing Yao's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Qing Ji is not his opponent. The corner in that guy's hand was refined after his own corner fell off. It is one body..."

Everyone can see that there is still a little gap between Qing Ji and the dark brawny. Although the realm of strength is almost the same, the gap in combat power is obvious.

Most of the monsters and humans of the same level are monsters with relatively high combat power. After all, monsters are uniquely endowed, and their physique at birth is much stronger than that of humans.

Qing Ji has been crushed and beaten by the dark and strong man. If this situation continues, Qing Ji will definitely lose if it takes less than half a stick of incense.

Just when Qing Ji and the dark brawny were fighting like a raging fire, I noticed that in the area under the feet of Qing Ji and the dark brawny, the power of the veins seemed to change a little.

I glanced at the ten people at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm in the distance, among them, a short old man in a black robe was slightly changing his handprints.

Want to play yin

I squinted, my handprints moved slightly, and the power of the emperor's scripture of the earth entered directly under the earth from under my feet.

The two forces collided at the feet of the dark brawny and Qing Ji, and the ground veins changed.

At this time, Qing Ji was almost unable to support it, gritted his teeth and roared, and when he was about to let go, the sudden change occurred.


There was a loud roar from the earth, and the figure of the dark brawny man disappeared in an instant. A big hole appeared in the direction where he was standing, and the dark brawny man fell into it unexpectedly.

Not only that, the veins in the big cave continued to bombard, and the entrance of the cave continued to shrink, and in a blink of an eye the dark brawny man was buried alive.

This scene stunned everyone.

"Qing Ji, come back!" At this time, Qing Yao shouted.

Qing Ji is now sweating all over, and he is about to lose his strength. If he continues to fight, there will definitely be no small danger.

Qing Ji didn't hesitate, and his figure flashed up to the top of the city, staggering under his feet and almost fell. He sat down hurriedly, took out a few pills from his arms, and after throwing them into his mouth, he adjusted his breath and recovered.

The big monsters outside the city yelled furiously, saying that we were despicable and shameless, and even used secret methods and so on. The ten people at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm all glanced at the little old man speechlessly. They obviously knew the little old man well, and they all thought that the little old man had made a mistake.

The little old man was stunned, his mouth twitched, and he looked very aggrieved.

At this time, the ground where the swarthy man was buried shook abruptly, followed by the mud exploding, and his figure rushed out from below.

The dark and brawny man looked a little embarrassed at this time, with ragged clothes, a gray-headed face, and a little blood on the corners of his mouth.

The killing intent on his body is very serious at this time, but it is not aimed at us, but fixedly staring at the ten purple mansion peaks in the distance, focusing on the short old man.

"Lao Demon, you bastard dare to yin Lao!"

The swarthy man roared, his red eyes rushed towards him directly. (End of this chapter)