Emperor Seal

Chapter 123: Earth Dragon Seal (fourth more)


No one thought of such a situation!

I was a little excited to watch the scene of the dark and brawny rushing towards that side. If the two forces can fight together, the crisis on Qingyang County may be resolved!

Of course, I thought things too simple!

People from these two forces are not fools, so how can they be in conflict at this time!

Before the dark-skinned man rushed over there, he was stopped by a few big demons. Even though the dark-skinned man yelled, he just didn't let go or let him fight at this time.

"Lao Demon, you wait for Lao Tzu, there is no end to this!"

The roar of the swarthy brawny made the ten peak powers of the Purple Mansion Realm look helpless.

And the small old man, his face flushed at this time, and he was very angry.

You can't scold you. He thought it was him, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

I saw him take a deep breath, ignore the roar and curse of the dark-skinned man, came to the front of the city and looked at us.

"Which one made the move just now? Come down and discuss with the old man!" The little old man's eyes were dark, suppressing his anger.

Seeing this little old man declare war, Qing Yao and others' faces became serious.

"This old guy became famous very early, he is superb with one hand, and he has a record of unbeaten victories against three masters of the same rank..."

When Qing Yao said this, the others in Qingyang Sect gave me a vague look, their eyes were weird.

Back in my mansion, Wang Tong and others sneaked into something that was suppressed by me. They all knew and knew that I had the same methods as the Earth Demon.

It's just that the Earth Demon is a long-established peak powerhouse in the Purple Mansion realm, and I am just a person who has just been promoted to the Purple Mansion realm. The strength gap between this...


Qing Yao sighed and said, "The old man will meet him, at least I can delay a little longer..."

"You should always stay here and sit down!"

I interrupted Qing Yao's words directly, and said softly, "He gave it to me. I dare not say that I can kill him, but if he wants to hurt me, it won't be easy!"

Without waiting for Qing Yao's response, I jumped down to the top of the city.

The Earth Demon looked at me, squinted his eyes and said: "You just made trouble? The Qingyang Sect did not have a character like you before. You are the Zhou Yan who has just been promoted to the Purple Mansion realm, right?"

When I was about to respond, I noticed a faint fluctuation coming from behind, without any hesitation, I stomped my foot suddenly.

In an instant, a thick soil wall rose behind me to protect my back.

"Boom, boom..."

The earth wall burst, dozens of ground thorns exploded the earth wall, if the distraction just didn't react, the old man would surely succeed in a sneak attack.

"Good response!"

The Earth Demon squinted at me, with a slight dignified expression in his eyes, and said, "Where does your hand control earth technique teach you?"

I looked at him and said in a cold voice: "Dignified at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm, this method is really overcast, you..."

Before I finished speaking, I also made a move, and I didn't say anything indecently!

This is not a friendly competition, and there is no such thing as mean or mean.

The earth veins turned into sharp chains, violently violent from under his feet, and instantly entangled them. He seemed stupid without any reaction. Those chains directly pierced his limbs, chest and abdomen.

However, there was no blood flowing from the place where his body was pierced.

That was not his real body, but a muddy puppet.

At this moment, a piece of mud was rippling around me, and the earth-yellow light flickered, and the earth demons rushed out of it. The whole body was covered with a layer of earth-yellow spiked armor, and it slammed directly at me.

I grabbed it casually, and the power of the earth veins turned into a huge earthy yellow giant axe, slashing towards him.

The method of manipulating the ground veins, the ground demons are worthy of being a veteran purple mansion realm powerhouse, with many tricks and various changes, which really made me rushed for a while at the beginning.

However, no matter what kind of changes, the ultimate essence is still the strength of the ability to control the earth veins.

The Earth Emperor Sutra is definitely the king who controls the earth veins!

I learned a lot from the cumbersome methods of the Earth Demon, and it seemed that someone opened a door for me and opened a new world.

Therefore, our battle fell into a weird stalemate.

He wants to destroy me as soon as possible, but I want to see what other methods he has, and continue to learn during the battle.

After half a stick of incense, the attacks surrounding me suddenly disappeared. I looked at the Demon not far away in a daze, and subconsciously said, "Go on! These methods are very good and worth learning..."

The demons turned dark, gritted their teeth and looked at me, and roared: "You treat the old man as a grindstone? Asshole!"

When the voice fell, the hands of the Earth Demon slammed together, and the seal was quickly sealed.

After seeing his gesture of seal decisiveness, my face became weird.

If I am not mistaken, this seal must be the seal of the earth dragon.

This was the twelfth mudra out of the 18 mudra on my back, but I didn't have the ability to use it before, and I can almost use it now.

His handprint is a bit different from the earth dragon seal, it seems to be simplified, like a high imitation version.

I didn't hesitate, and I was quickly forming the Dragon Seal.

The earth demon was taken aback for a moment, and then roared with a sullen face: "I don't believe it, you can still learn this trick secretly!"

Immediately afterwards, he slammed his hands on the ground, and the earth roared.

A deep roar came from the ground, the earth cracked and the veins gathered.

A fierce dragon head over a hundred meters in size protruded from a crack in the earth, and the sky changed. The earth dragon is not a real dragon, but it contains the breath of a real dragon. With such power erupting, the majestic city of Qingyang County trembled violently.

The earth demons were full of arrogance, and roared wildly, accompanied by the protruding of the huge dragon head, quite a kind of pride that scorned the world.

At this time, my seal was also completed, and I slammed the ground.

In an instant, there was a ripple on the ground, and there was no movement in the ground under my feet.

On the contrary, on the ground demon's side, the ground veins converge faster, the huge dragon head skyrocketed more than several times, and the low roar gradually turned into the sound of dragons.

The earth dragon, which was originally in the form of mud, seemed to be alive at this time, and its scales shone with brilliance.

The sky not only changed color from the wind and clouds, but also gave birth to the abnormal shape of thunder and lightning.

Seeing such a scene, the people of Qingyang Sect on the head of the city looked extremely ugly, looking at the huge dragon head that was constantly changing with extreme vigilance.

And the great monsters and several purple mansion peak powerhouses who were onlookers in the distance seemed to be shocked, as if they did not expect that the earth demon would summon such a tyrannical earth dragon. Those fellows of the Earth Demon couldn't help but laugh, and looked very envious of this method of the Earth Demon.

At this time, the Earth Demon looked at me with a wild smile, full of mockery and disdain, and said: "Boy, this method is impossible to learn. This kind of inheritance. For so many years, many strong men have died in the hands of the old man. You should be honored to see this trick!"

After speaking, the earth demon roared at the earth dragon vigorously: "Swallow him!"

However, Earth Dragon did not respond.

The earth demon's face changed slightly, his handprints changed several times, and he shouted at the earth dragon again: "Swallow him!"

The earth dragon still did not respond. The huge dragon body protruded from the ground a little bit, which was several tens of feet long, but only two huge dragon claws were revealed. I don't know how long the body is still underground.

The face of the earth demon changed completely at this time, turning his head and looking at me, he seemed to have noticed something.

"you… "

The corners of the earth demon's eyes twitched, and he said with a trembling voice: "This is impossible... The earth dragon was obviously summoned by me, how could you..."

I smiled and waved gently to him.

The next moment, the huge earth dragon uttered a loud dragon roar, and the huge dragon claws slammed towards the earth demon.

This scene stunned everyone who was watching. The smiles of those in the distance from the peak powers of the Purple Mansion Realm froze on their faces, their eyes widened, and they were all in disbelief.

The most shocking thing is naturally the Earth Demon!

The earth dragon that he summoned has actually done something to himself. Who is going to make sense

The earth demon roared in grief and anger, and the big hands that thorns and ground veins gathered bombarded the dragon claws, but those powers couldn't resist the dragon claws.

The earth demon's body glowed with earthy yellow light, and he did not dare to resist, the earth under his feet flashed, and he sank into the ground.

But at this moment, the underground veins trembled abruptly, and the dragon tail of the earth dragon slammed into the ground, directly hitting the earth demon's body.

The earth golem burst out of the ground like a cannonball, spurted blood and flew out, and just hit the dragon's claw that looked like a small hill.

"Boom, boom..."

The earthy yellow armor covering the earth demon directly exploded, and patches of blood mist also exploded from the earth demon's body.

Caught by that huge dragon claw, the earth demon was full of blood, with red eyes looking at me, screaming frantically: "Impossible, how could you control the earth dragon I summoned? Who did you learn from your earth dragon seal? Yes? This is obviously lost in ancient times..."

Before he finished speaking, the huge dragon head opened its mouth and swallowed the demons directly.

Speaking of it, this earth dragon should be regarded as the result of the power of me and the earth demon, but my earth dragon seal is more authentic, so it will naturally listen to me.

At the moment when the Earth Dragon swallowed the Earth Demon, the peaks of the Purple Mansion Realm that were onlookers in the distance shot together, bombarding the Earth Dragon with all their strength, intending to rescue the Earth Demon. (End of this chapter)