Emperor Seal

Chapter 134: Mass transmission (third shift)


Hearing Mo Lin's words, somehow, I felt a panic in my heart.

It seems that there is some not-so-good premonition.

I looked at the master, waiting for him to give me an answer!

The master was a little silent, as if hesitating about something, when he was about to speak, the magic lotus on the other side of the mountain spoke again.

"Zhou Yan!"

Mo Lian looked at me with a weird smile, then looked at Master, and said, "Your past life, Cang Feng, and your brother Cang Yu, the two brothers depended on each other since childhood! Do you still remember, where did your brothers come from? Remember your childhood memories in your previous life..."

Her remarks shocked my heart, and I stared at Molian with wide eyes.

I understood what she meant, and it was because I understood that I felt shocked, and I felt a sense of disbelief.

She was saying that Cang Yu and I in the previous life were not originally from this realm

In the memory of my previous life, there is really no memory of childhood. The first memory only stayed in the wind and snow of that night. I took my brother to the streets, helpless, cold and hungry...

Where are our parents in our previous lives

Where did Cang Yu and I come from

"Ji Zang accepts you as a disciple, I accept Cang Yu as a disciple, do you think it is really good luck for your brothers? Hahaha..."

I stared at Mo Lin in a daze, and at her weird laughter, I felt my heart trembling.

I never asked about Cang Yu back then, and I don't know who adopted him in those years. As for the bastards who used to be like Styx, Cang Yu first contacted them, and I joined later!

Molian seemed to be talking about something, but I couldn't hear it anymore.

Because the master waved his hand, a golden Buddha light was released, which enveloped us, the master and the disciple, and cut off the voice of the magic lotus.

Why don't you let me listen to Molian continue to talk about it

Is your heart guilty

I looked at Master, the corners of my mouth twitched, and said with a trembling, "Master... You erased my childhood memories of my previous life?"

In the master's eyes, a slight guilt color was more intense. Although he did not speak, the silence was already responding to me.


I clenched my fists and yelled a little excitedly: "Why do you want to do this? Where did Cang Yu and I come from?"

The master sighed and looked at me with soft eyes, and said in a gentle voice: "There are some things that I can't answer to you as a teacher! I used to be a teacher but I did have selfishness, but now I see something through it..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Before the master had finished speaking, he was interrupted by bursts of roar.

On the opposite side of the mountain, the huge black lotus under the Devil's Lotus Seat is constantly bombarding this side, and the golden light of Buddha covering our master and apprentice is constantly trembling.

At the same time, I also saw two figures appearing beside Molian, standing with hands down respectfully.

One is the main body of Styx, with dark eyes looking towards this side, with awe-inspiring expression of the cold.

The other is my brother, Cang Yu.

Cang Yu now seems to be very different from before. His eyes have been completely replaced by blood-red rays, his face is full of evil charm, and his whole body is enveloped in demonic energy, extremely rich and surging.

At this time, he was more terrifying than my previous life into the demon, and he felt as if his reason was completely suppressed by the demon, as if he had changed.

Master’s face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: “You first go back to Luzhou, North Ju, and I will send your relatives and friends to where you are. I’m telling you... the burial scriptures must not be known in Beiju Luzhou, remember!"

Without waiting for my response, the master waved his hand gently, and a gentle force enveloped my body. At the same time, a little Buddha light entered my body, as if it had left some kind of mark in my body. of.

My body shot away from here uncontrollably.

At this moment, Cang Yu and Styx on the opposite mountain rushed towards me with fierce aura.

At this moment, my heart was in chaos, watching them approach me, an inexplicable anger rose in my heart.

Today's Styx and Cang Yu are much more tyrannical than before, giving me a strong sense of oppression, coupled with the stimulation of the words of Demon Lotus just now, my heart is very angry.

There was a tremor in the Purple Mansion in my body. The ordinary-looking brick in the Purple Mansion seemed to have an urge to rush out at this moment.

At the moment when the three of us were about to come into contact, a green light cut through the black sky and appeared in front of the two of us.


The momentum of Styx and Cang Yu was blocked, and Master Qinglian blasted them back.

"come back!"

Seeing that Styx and Cang Yu were about to deal with Master Qing Lian, Mo Lian suddenly roared.

Stuck and Cang Yu were stunned by the demon lotus's roar, did not defy the order, the figure retreated violently, and returned to the demon lotus's side.

At this moment, the face of Magic Lotus was extremely weird, and when she looked at Master Qing Lian, her eyes were very complicated.

Master also looked at Master Qinglian with a bit of amazement, then looked at me again, showing a wry smile, and sighed.

Master Qing Lian ignored the Master and Devil Lotus, and grabbed me. Under the green light, our figure disappeared from here in an instant.

During the breathing time, we appeared on the side of the Bai family.

The restlessness in my body hasn't calmed down yet. I have an urge to fight with someone and give vent to it. I glanced at Master Qinglian next to me and took a deep breath.

Forget it, if you fight with her, you are definitely looking for abuse!

The identity of Master Qinglian made me feel even more curious!

Judging from the situation just now, she is very familiar with the underworld, and the Fishing Weng, Master, and Magic Lotus all seem to recognize her!

Especially when Ma Lian and Master saw her appearing next to me, they seemed to have a very strange and complicated feeling.

Regarding this matter, Master Qinglian obviously didn't want to say more, and I didn't ask for boring questions.

Thinking of the words Molian and Master had said in my heart, I felt that my head was a bit bigger. My previous life and Cang Yu’s life experience seemed to hide some secrets, and the burial sutra...

Forget it, it's useless to think about it!

On the side of the Bai family land, when Father An Jia'an and An Yatian and others arrived, I also saw an acquaintance, the Black Dragon.

This guy didn't stay in the East China Sea, but actually ran to the Yaozu land.

"My uncle is so unlucky!"

After seeing me, the Black Flood Dragon suffered a lot of bitterness and said with a bitter expression: "Donghai Haiyan exploded. The real dragon was born. The uncle's territory is gone, so I can't mix it down..."

Because of the continuous fusion and penetration of the two worlds of Yin and Yang, great changes have taken place in the East China Sea. If a true dragon is born, if the black dragon does not escape, it is likely to be treated as a dish.

Father An and An Yatian asked me anxiously about An Qi and the others. In front of my parents, grandpa and others, I talked about the situation on Beiju Luzhou.

I heard that Master Qing Lian was An Qi's master. When his strength was unfathomable, both Father An and An Yatian saluted Master Qing Lian, very respectful and polite.

Later, when I heard that I had established a county in Beiju Luzhou and sent many people here, many people in the Anjia Bai family were surprised.

The situation on the Yaozu land is getting worse and worse, and the situation on the secular world is even worse. If you can go to Beiju Luzhou, it will naturally be very good.

I talked a lot about things, told them about the situation in Beiju Luzhou, let them know in advance, so that they can get familiar with the situation there as soon as possible.

But at this moment, my body trembled suddenly, and a ray of golden Buddha light appeared. Under the staring gaze of my parents and others, the golden Buddha light enveloped my body, and the space around me was distorted.

Before I could react, Master Qinglian suddenly grabbed my shoulder and was also enveloped by the golden light of Buddha, and his figure disappeared from here.

Space teleportation, this is the mark that Master left in my body, and directly sent me back to Beiju Luzhou.

Master Qinglian and I appeared in Rock County.

My body can't move, and the golden light of Buddha shimmering around my body flickers fiercely. It feels like taking my body as a certain positioning, and the space around my body is distorted and the scope is getting bigger and bigger.

what's the situation

Just when I was at a loss, I saw many figures appearing in that distorted space from time to time.

Father and mother, grandfather, old man An, An Yatian, black dragon...

The clansmen of the Bai family, the clansmen of the An family, in the land of the demon tribe, many tribesmen of the demon tribe...

Master began to transport people from that realm here, but I don't know how many people will eventually be able to send over, and it is impossible for the magic lotus to let Master send everyone from that realm over.

She intends to seize the origin of that realm and requires a large number of souls and spirits to sacrifice. If all the people in that realm are sent here, what sacrifice will she make!

I couldn't move, this situation continued, and it alarmed Qingyang County. (End of this chapter)