Emperor Seal

Chapter 135: Banzhuan is prestigious (fourth more)


When An Qi, An Lie and others came here, they were naturally surprised and excited to meet Old Man An and others.

Sect Master Qingfeng brought a lot of people, led the people who had been transferred from the twisted space, and put them to comfort. Many people broke down and cried. They came to such an unfamiliar place inexplicably, and they couldn't accept it for a while.

Naturally, I don't need to worry about this kind of thing. People from Qingyang County and An Qi will slowly enlighten them.

This requires a very long process. After gradually adapting to this place, what can be done even if it is unacceptable

I have been sitting cross-legged here for nearly half a month. During this time, my body was like a stone sculpture, and I couldn't move a single movement.

There were people from the Qingyang Sect to help guide and dredge, at least there was no major disturbance. The people who were sent here followed the people of the Qingyang Sect to the various cities in Yan County.

An Qi and Master Qinglian stood by my side. After half a month, An Qi and others have lost the shock they had before, and now they are a little numb looking at the many things that appear in the large distorted space Figure out.

"Master, who are those guys, how weird!"

An Qi looked at a group of people appearing in the distortion space with some curiosity, and turned to ask Master Qinglian.

Within half a month, all the people who were sent over were from the monster land and the secular world, but at this time, it seemed that some changes had taken place.

The golden Buddha light around me flickered violently.

A large number of people who walked out of that distorted space were definitely not from our realm.

Those people looked peaceful, without the slightest panic, as if they knew they would be teleported to this place.

Many people in the drag family and their mouths, after appearing here, they all bowed down and saluted me, and then calmly followed the people of the Qingyang Sect to the various cities in Yan County.

There is no panic, no crying, which makes me feel a little weird.

Master Qinglian looked at the group of people, and said quietly: "People from Nanzhan Tribe... people who were abandoned by the Buddha they believed in!"

Hearing this, my heart trembled.

Master used to be a strong man in Nanzhan Tribe, where is the holy land of Buddhism, and the entire continent is a believer of Buddha.

What did Master send these people over for

There were more and more Buddhist believers, and it lasted for another half month, and more than half of the 90-odd cities in Rock County were already occupied.

At this moment, the distorted space trembled suddenly.

When the Buddha sang and sang, a huge golden Buddha appeared.

The moment that huge golden Buddha appeared, the magnificent Buddha's sound and bright Buddha's light enveloped the world, causing the people gathered here to kneel down and worship subconsciously.

The Buddha was staring at me, and the huge golden light reached out and grabbed me directly.

"The evil spirits are outside, deceiving people's hearts, and they should suppress the Lingshan for eight hundred years!"

The vast power and power, like a **** Tianwei, suppressed towards me.

At this moment, Master Qinglian snorted, and the green light flashed, directly facing the huge Buddha palm.

"Boom boom boom..."

The green light and golden light were entwined, flashing and collapsing constantly, the golden light Buddha's palm was full of cracks, and the Buddha's palm continued to collapse.

"This is Beiju Luzhou, not your southern province!"

With Master Qinglian's cold drink, the earth cracked, and a huge cyan lotus came out, and the flowers bloomed, as if opening a mouthful of blood, directly swallowing the golden light Buddha.

I don’t know if it’s my illusion. I feel that the huge blue lotus is a bit like the huge red flower that I have seen before...

"you… "

The Golden Light Buddha seemed to be a little shocked, and roared: "What is your relationship with the magic lotus witch?"

Master Qinglian did not respond. Under her control, the huge Qinglian had swallowed nearly half of the golden light Buddha's body in just a few breaths.

The golden light Buddha roared, seeming to be very afraid of the blue lotus. At last he roared unwillingly, cut off half of the Buddha's body, turned into golden light and disappeared in the twisted space.

The cyan lotus also disappeared, but Master Qinglian's breathing seemed to be fast, and the aura around her body was a little unstable.

"I need to rest for a while, don't bother me!"

After Master Qinglian left a word to An Qi, her figure flashed and disappeared.

At that moment, I seemed to see a red glow, the figure of Master Qinglian wrapped in the green glow, as if a red figure appeared!

Thinking of what the golden light Buddha said just now, my face became weird.

Could it be that Master Qinglian, like the lady in red, has some kind of relationship with Demon Lotus

After a few more days, a large number of demons appeared in the distorted space, and they seemed very excited. After appearing here, they also knelt down and worshiped me, and some even cried bitterly, as if they were a survivor.

I'm dumbfounded!

What exactly does Master want to do

What is going on with so many little demons

The people of the Qingyang Sect were very vigilant and nervous looking at these little monsters, worried that they would mess around here, but what they didn't expect was that these little monsters were very disciplined, quietly and dutifully following the guidance of the people of the Qingyang Sect. , Go to the various cities in Rock County.

In addition to a large number of little monsters, there are also some big monsters comparable to the Purple Mansion realm, who also came here with excitement.

Sect Master Qingfeng brought Qing Yao and the others over, and they all looked strange and shocked when they watched this scene.

If this situation continues, the overall strength of Yan County, not to mention Qingyang County, can't be compared to Wuyue County!

After a month and a half, almost 90 cities in Yan County are already overcrowded, and many people have begun to build many villages around the city.

Even some of the sites of the Great Demon here have begun to shrink.

If this continues, the county will soon be unable to accommodate it.

And at this moment, the golden light of the Buddha light around me began to weaken, and the distorted space gradually shrank. It seemed that this large-scale transmission was about to end, and it made me breathe a sigh of relief.

On this day, the distorted space has gradually calmed down, and the golden light of Buddha around me has almost disappeared.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the twisted space.

The figure was surrounded by a faint golden light, and it was a strong man in the original spirit realm.

Well, to be precise, he was a severely injured Yuanshen Realm powerhouse.

There were several large transparent holes on his body, scarred, and after rushing out of the distortion space with blood spraying wildly, he fell directly to the ground and fainted.


A trembling sound of space came out from the download address of the twisted space 147 novel app that was about to be closed, and a huge furry palm protruded from there, intending to catch the comatose master of the Yuanshen realm.

That breath is heart palpitating, I don't know what kind of existence it is!

Sect Master Qingfeng's primordial spirit realm, his face was pale at this time, he looked at the huge furry palm in horror, and he didn't dare to move.

Naturally, I don't want to intervene in this kind of thing. Anyway, I don't know the strong master of the Primordial Spirit Realm, so there is no need to provoke that big furry hand. Master Qinglian is not here, and is still resting, unless I get water in my mind to do this kind of extraneous things.

Well, my mind is definitely not flooded, but there is something in the Purple Mansion in the dantian that is a bit asshole.

That brick that has always been quiet!

This thing disappeared from my dantian in an instant, and appeared in that huge furry hand in an instant.

The bricks that were originally more than a foot long suddenly became like a small hill at this moment, their body expanded tens of thousands of times, and a trace of ancient and vast aura radiated from the bricks.

On the slabs, there were many black lines, shining with dark light, forming weird and mysterious symbols, like a kind of text, but I didn't recognize it.


The huge slab fell down fiercely, directly slamming the big furry hand into the ground.

Amid the roar, smoke and dust were everywhere, and a huge pit appeared in that direction, as if an abyss appeared in a big underground sinking.

A dull scream of pain and hum came from the distorted space, seeming to be a little shocked, a little angry.

My heart is pounding, very disturbed!

This damn brick, what trouble is causing at this time!

If the big guy rushed out of the distorted space in a rage and Master Qinglian was not there, who could hold it

Just when I was in a panic, an angry voice suddenly came from the distorted space.

"God damn thief, I'm going to kill Lao Tzu to death! How could the Haotian Seal appear here?" (End of this chapter)