Emperor Seal

Chapter 172: The rest is up to you (first update)


Jun Yan's words made my heart very uneasy!

Is this part of the Dixianzong plan


Stirring the situation in Beiju Luzhou and reshuffling the many forces in Beiju Luzhou, don't you worry about the Cang clan's intervention

Or is it that this plan was originally approved by the Cang clan

While we were talking, a magnificent voice came from outside the city of Fengxian County, which spread throughout the city.

"Old man Qingfeng, hand over the little beast who killed my brother!"

There was extreme anger in this voice, murderous.

"Who is this?" I asked curiously.

Sect Master Qingfeng frowned, and said, "Ten Thousand Sword Sect leaves the sky, the first stage of the Primordial Divine Realm... What is this old guy going crazy?"

Hearing that, my face became weird, I glanced at chaos and shrugged helplessly.

"What's the matter?" Sect Master Qingfeng saw the weird expressions of me and Cang Ran, and asked in confusion.

"Lihai is the brother of Litian, right?"

Cang Ran pointed to himself, and said, "If it's correct, the guy outside should be looking for me!"

Sect Master Qingfeng and Jun Yan didn’t know about the obstacles we encountered when we came here!

At this time, hearing what Cang Ran said, both of them were showing weird colors. The 147 novel app download address, especially Sect Master Qingfeng, looked shocked.

"There are evildoers in the Cang Family, these words are not fake at all!" Jun Yan grinned bitterly.

People clamored outside that we couldn't pretend to be a tortoise, and we didn't rush in directly to catch people. The main reason was that we were more afraid of Junyan.

We galloped to the head of the county town of Fengxian County and saw a man lingering around the golden mans a few miles outside the city, sitting cross-legged in the void. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Lihai before, but he looked a little older.

Although there was only one person on the surface, there were still several aura fluctuations in the distance, and he made no secret of it, but he didn't show his figure. I don't know how many Yuanshen Realm secretly spied here.

"Lao Qingfeng, hand over the little beast who killed my brother, or the old man will not die with you today!"

Jun Yan snorted coldly, stepped out from the city head, and his figure appeared not far from the sky, coldly staring at Li Tian.

"Come on, I will play with you first!"

Facing Jun Yan, Li Tian would naturally not rush towards him in a daze, but he didn't have the slightest fear either.

"Friends Jun and Dao, I couldn't enjoy the discussion a few days ago, how about another one?" A gentle voice resounded through the world.

In the far east, an elegant middle-aged man suddenly appeared from the air, smiling at Jun Yan. Beside him, there was a woman in a green dress, still charming, and smiled at Junyan.

The golden light lingering around the two of them is much richer than Litian.

Sect Master Qingfeng's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "The Sect Masters of Wan Jianzong and Bishuizong are going to join forces to deal with Brother Jun. It seems that I can't be kind anymore today!"

Some time ago, the two suzerains had never joined forces, and they were not sure whether Master Qinglian existed. As a result, Qingyao's removal of soldiers did not bring Master Qinglian, only me and Chaos.

In this way, Wan Jianzong and Bishuizong couldn't help it. Today's posture seems to have to destroy Sect Master Qingfeng and others.

After the two sect masters entangled Jun Yan, the other primordial spirit realm and half-step primordial spirit took action, and it seemed that it was not too difficult to destroy the Qingfeng master and others, at least those two major sects thought so.

It's just that they are destined to be disappointed!

Although Master Qinglian didn't come, the combat power of Cang Chao and I was enough to drink a pot of these two sects.

Jun Yan hesitated, he was worried that once he was entangled by the two Sect Masters, Sect Master Qingfeng and us would be in trouble.

I said to Jun Yan, "Senior can hold them for a while, and we can solve those guys in a stick of incense at most!"

Hearing what I said, Jun Yan was stunned and glanced at me.

I nodded to him, showing a confident look.

Although he didn't know what methods Cang Chao and I would have, he could only trust us at this time.

Jun Yan took a deep breath, looked at the two sect masters, his fighting spirit rose, and said: "Then Jun-mou will ask the two for advice!"

When the words fell, Jun Yan's figure turned into a phantom, and appeared in front of the two suzerains in an instant.

The moment the three golden silhouettes collided, the space trembled fiercely, and the three silhouettes disappeared instantly, as if they were hidden in the void.

It seems that some kind of formation has already been arranged in that space. Regardless of what Jun Yan and the others have formed in it, they will not affect this side.

After Jun Yan and the two Sect Masters disappeared, Li Tian stopped clamoring, looking at us coldly, with a grinning smile on his face.

"Today, none of you can leave, Qingfeng old man, after you annihilate you, Qingyang County will also become a land of no masters. By then, our Wanjian Sect and Bishui Sect will be welcome!"

When the voice fell, the figures flickered in the distance. Three elementary souls and five strong souls of half a step appeared outside the county city, with surging aura, and the eyes looking at us had a feeling of looking at the slaughter of lambs.

Qing Yao and the others were all pale at this time, while Sect Master Qingfeng showed a decisive expression, feeling like he was going to give it a go.

I looked at Cang Chao and said with a smile: "Go, it's time for you to play!"

Cang Chao looked at me helplessly, and said lazily: "You really can see me, I knew I would not come with you!"

Then, Cang Chao jumped directly, jumped off the top of the city, and walked towards Li Tian and the others.

As soon as Sect Master Qingfeng was about to rush out, I stopped him and said, "Sect Master, you can always watch the show here!"

Sect Master Qingfeng looked at the chaotic back with some hesitation, and said, "Can it work?"

"No problem!" I said confidently.

Others don't understand Cang Chao, I still have confidence in him.

Even if a pig possesses a fairy sword, it can be invincible in the face of the strong masters of the Primordial God Realm!

What's more, Cang Chao is much stronger than pigs, after all, it is the body of the nine ancestors!

"Who is your kid? Report your name!"

Li Tian squinted at Cang Chao, and said in a deep voice, "I don't kill the unknown!"

In the face of a few strong masters of the Primordial God Realm and Half-Step Primordial God, we only sent a strong person from the Purple Mansion realm, and the fool knew there was a problem.

Coupled with the fact that Lihai was beheaded before, Litian and the others did not dare to be careless, all staring at the chaos.

Cangran yawned and waved his hand to Li Tian and said, "I killed your brother, don't waste time, let's go together!"

"Arrogant child!"

Li Tian screamed, killing intent surging, and shouted: "Kill your child who doesn't know the heights of the earth first, and then destroy the Qingyang Sect..."

Before the words fell, a colorful ray of light rose up from Cang Chao, and instantly enveloped the area of one hundred meters square, directly enveloping Li Tian and the others.

The abrupt scene made Li Tian and others not react at all.

Above the city, we could hear the roar and roar of Li Tian and others, and there seemed to be a miserable howling, but we couldn't see the scene in the colorful rays of light.

Qing Yao and the others had already watched. Sect Master Qingfeng shivered, gave me a weird look, and whispered, "This is in the Cang Family..."

"One of the Cang family unicorns, a terrifying guy!"

I squinted at the colorful light, and said, "A guy even more terrifying than Master Qinglian!"

Ignoring the horror of Sect Master Qingfeng, I stared at the colorful light and sensed a little unusual breath.

Cang Chao does not rely solely on the power of the fairy sword. In that colorful light, there is a trace of power fluctuations that I have encountered. In the fascinating Secret Realm, when the huge giant palms of the Nine Ancestor appeared, it was this kind of power fluctuation.

However, in addition to these, I also noticed that there seemed to be a slight fluctuation in the colorful light.

The breath of the woman under the sword grave, which surprised me a bit!

The colorful light lasted for less than half of the incense, and gradually dissipated.

In the area of one hundred meters square, there was only Cang Ran. Li Tian and others had disappeared, annihilated and turned into nothingness, leaving no trace.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who could believe that a fellow at the pinnacle of the Purple Mansion Realm would kill and annihilate the Digital Primordial Spirit Realm and Half Step Primordial Spirit

Cang Chao was still lazy, jumped to the top of the city, and said weakly to me: "It's no good, I'm sleepy, it's a bit expensive, don't disturb my sleep, you will leave the rest to you!"

Without waiting for my response, Cang Ran directly sat down on the top of the city, leaning on the wall of the city, and fell asleep.

Cang Chao looked a little tired, the aura in his body was a bit disordered, and it seemed that three forces were entangled. The strength of the nine ancestors and the power of the fairy sword, as well as the breath of the woman under the sword grave, are constantly intertwined.

In that situation, there is a three-legged situation!

I don't know what's going on in the chaotic body, and I don't dare to easily detect it. In case the three forces in his body are stimulated, once it breaks out, the fun will be great.

I told Sect Master Qingfeng and the others to guard the chaos, and don't wake up and disturb him.

Then, my figure leaped, jumped directly off the top of the city, and walked towards the position where the three of Jun Yan and the others were fighting.

Although Jun Yan and the two Sect Masters were hidden in the void, they could still detect some clues where they disappeared. (End of this chapter)