Emperor Seal

Chapter 19: Bitten again


After washing, I followed An Lie and left the villa.

I thought An Lie would take me to places like An Qi’s villa, but who knew that he took me directly out of the manor and came to a cave halfway behind the manor.

In front of this cave, the man with glasses and the young bald head were there, one looking at me coldly, and the other staring at me with fire-breathing eyes.

The eye socket of the man with glasses was also bruised, and the bald young man had a bruised nose and a pig-headed face, so he couldn't see it.

"Boy, let's go back and learn from each other!" The man in glasses squinted his eyes and helped his glasses frame, his eyes a little dangerous.

"Second, wait behind you!"

The bald young man glared at me, baring his teeth and said: "Because of you, I was beaten three times yesterday. Wait for our brothers to practice hard!"

I looked at these two brothers speechlessly, glanced at An Lie, and said helplessly: "You brought me here to see me be beaten?"

An Lie shrugged and said helplessly to the two of them: "Daddy and grandpa are still waiting inside. If you want to beat him, I don't have any objection, but you have to wait for him to come out of the inside!"

With that, An Lie gave me a light push and whispered to me: "The little girl is also inside. The situation is not very good. You can only rely on you, please!"

I was a little confused by what An Lie said. I just wanted to ask An Qi what's wrong, An Yatian's impatient roar came from the cave.

"That kid Zhou Yan is here, come in quickly, don't dawdle!"

An Lie and their three brothers motioned for me to go in quickly, and I walked into the cave with a puzzled mentality.

The cave is bright, and there are things like Ye Mingzhu on both sides of the passage. After turning two turns, it suddenly becomes clear.

Here is a space of more than 100 square meters, and there is a pond several meters in radius. The water in the pond is bright red, which looks like blood, and a faint smell fills the cave.

An Qi was sitting cross-legged in the blood-red pool, her eyes closed, her face pale, as if she was asleep. She lost a lot of weight at this time, and she didn't know what she had experienced during this time.

Next to the blood pool, besides An Yatian, there was a burly old man with a bald head and a snow-white beard, but his skin was smooth and he couldn't see the slightest oldness.

An Yatian whispered a few words in the ear of the bald old man, and the old man glanced at me with deep eyes.

"Zhou Yan, does Zong Yi know about Qi girl studying that sheepskin scroll?"

I didn’t expect An Qi’s grandfather to ask this question directly. He was stunned for a moment, nodded, and honestly responded: "I told Uncle Zong. Uncle Zong told me not to let An Qi continue to study, so I took it back. !"

The old man raised his eyebrows, snorted, and said to himself: "Zong Yi, when you come back from Lingnan, I will ask you to settle the account again!"

I couldn't help asking at this moment: "What's wrong with An Qi?"

Hearing my question, An Yatian glared and shouted: "It wasn't your kid who did it, if it wasn't..."

"Pop!" A clear and loud applause sounded.

The old man slapped An Yatian's head directly, and shouted: "If you didn't let Qi girl go to Maoshan to learn some shit art, can she go to Zong Yi's side? If she doesn't go to Zong Yi's side, can she Encounter this kid? If you don't meet this kid, how could girl Qi backlash because of that sheepskin roll... It's all your fault, and you still have the face to blame others?"

An Yatian was sprayed with stars on his face by the old man, drooping his head and dared not raise his head.

An Jia's hot temper is really inherited, and the same is true of An Qi's bald brother.

After reprimanding An Yatian for a while, the old man looked at me and said in a deep voice, "Girl Qi is in a special situation. I need to ask you for a favor!"

"What can I do for you? As long as I can do it, I won't refuse!" I responded simply.

I didn't think too much, seeing An Qi like this now makes me feel sad.

"It's not difficult, just a little bit of your blood is enough!" The old man said calmly.

My blood

I looked at the old man a little puzzled. What can my blood help An Qi

I am not a Tang monk. The flesh and blood on my body can live and die.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in my mind, and something came to my mind.

Not long ago, the little girl with the umbrella seemed to have said something to me.

'Your blood is precious, don't waste it! '

Also, after my blood melted the sheepskin scroll, Uncle Zong seemed to have vaguely mentioned that only my blood can exert the power of those ancient runes...

Is there really something special about my blood

However, no matter how precious it is, it still matters to save An Qi.

"What should I do?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

Both the old man and An Yatian looked at me with a flash of admiration.

Then, the old man motioned me to enter the blood pool and sat face to face with An Qi. Afterwards, the old man scratched my wrists and An Qi's wrists respectively, and both of our wrists appeared as if they were cut by a knife, and the blood flowed continuously.

Only then did I realize that An Qi's wrist also had a pattern imprint, exactly the same as mine!

She was bitten by that ferret too

Immediately afterwards, I and An Qi’s wrist wounds were tightly attached together. An Qi’s grandfather’s fingers were stained with blood from the blood pool and me and An Qi. Weird drawings were painted on both of my and An Qi’s foreheads. Pattern.

I saw the blood-red weird pattern on An Qi's forehead flashed slightly, as if he had come to life, and my forehead felt a little warm, which was probably the same as An Qi's situation.

At this moment, a burning tingling sensation suddenly came from my wrist, as if a burning red soldering iron was pressed against my wrist.

I subconsciously groaned and wanted to withdraw my wrist, but was held tightly by An Qi's grandfather.

"Don't move, just wait a while, bear with me!" An Qi's grandpa looked a little dignified.

An Yatian by the blood pool also seemed to be very nervous, muttering something, staring at us with wide-eyed eyes.

The burning sensation in the wrist became more and more serious, and at the same time the blood in the blood pool began to move. After a few breaths, the blood pool seemed to be boiling, which looked strange.

The patterns on my and An Qi’s wrists emit a faint light. I don’t know if it’s my illusion. I feel my blood seems to flow into Angel’s body, and the blood in Angel’s body also flows into my body through the wrist wound. In, this feeling is very strange.

This process lasted for about a few minutes, and An Qi's pale face gradually turned flush, and it seemed that my blood really had an effect.

At this moment, An Qi suddenly opened his eyes.

Woke up!

I was a little excited, and when I was about to say something, the change suddenly occurred.

An Qi's eyes flashed with scarlet light, she grabbed my wrist, took a bite in the wound of my wrist, and swallowed my blood.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the power in my body flow quickly, and my consciousness was also in a trance.

I want to struggle, but I don't have the slightest strength.

what's going on

At the moment when my consciousness fell into darkness, I heard the screams of the old man and An Yatian, and saw a big white velvet tail.

Scarlet eyes, big white velvet tail...

How do you feel like the ferret that bit me back then!

I had another long, long dream. In the dream, I saw the beautiful woman who was trapped on the altar with chains pierced through her shoulders again.

"Yan'er, my child..."

After waking up, I burst into tears again, with a faint sadness and longing in my heart, but I still can't remember the face of the woman in my dream.

I miss my mother too much!

Lingnan, I am going to Lingnan, I must find my parents!

Just about to get up, his body softened and he almost fell to the ground from his horns.

The body is extremely weak, and the bone heads all over the body seem to fall apart, especially the wrists, there is a kind of heartache!

I looked around blankly, and only after my eyes were clear, I realized that this was in An Lie's villa room.

On my wrist, the pattern is still there, but the color of the pattern seems to be more intense. In addition, there is a faint small tooth mark, which was bitten by An Qi!

Recalling what happened before the coma, I was speechless. As expected, there is a kind of owner for every kind of pet!

The ferret bit me, and Angie bit me too, even the bite position is almost the same.

Don't know what An Qi is doing now

While thinking about it, she found that the door had been carefully pushed open. An Qi walked into the room lightly with a bowl of medicine, and when she saw that I was waking up, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and laughed.

"It feels like you should almost wake up. I boiled the medicine with my own hands. Even my dad can't enjoy this treatment. How about it, moved?"

I gave her a white look and said angrily: "I really took you, biting a person hurts more than the ferret you raised. Fortunately, I passed out, or it will hurt to death!"

An Qi's face was reddened, she gave me a shameful look, and said with a pouting mouth, "Isn't she a little confused at the time! Oh, brother Zhou Yan, are you angry with your sister? Don't be angry, OK? ?"

I couldn't bear An Qi's appearance. Her big eyes flickered and looked at me with a pitiful look. Knowing that she was pretending, I still surrendered instantly.

"Don't come to this set, bring the medicine quickly!" I felt my face a little hot.

I'm surprised, and it's not that I haven't seen a beautiful woman, how can I be so unbearable in front of her!

An Qi smiled like a little fox, holding the medicine, and gently feeding me a mouthful.

Bitter, bitter!

Not only is it bitter, but also a bit spicy and hemp, not to mention how uncomfortable the mixed taste is!

What kind of medicine is this

When I was about to vomit, An Qi's eyes became a little dangerous, and she smiled and said, "This is my first time to boil medicine. If you dare to vomit, you will be dead!"

With a bitter face, I swallowed the medicine with difficulty. Before I could get over, An Qi had already pinched my nose and started pouring it into my mouth.

"The good medicine has a bitter taste. I also know that this bowl of medicine doesn't taste very good, but it is definitely a tonic! You have been in a coma for two days. If you want to get better soon, bear with it!"

What can I say, I can't help but swallow in my stomach!

Not to mention, when I finished drinking this bowl of medicine, there was indeed a warm current in my body, my whole body was warm, most of the previous fatigue disappeared, and the effect of the medicine was indeed good.

I looked at An Qi and asked curiously: "What happened to you this time? Your grandfather said that you were backlashed while studying the sheepskin rolls. Wasn't it good at the time? Also, why can my blood help? Are you healed? By the way, when I was in a coma, I seemed to see the ferret you raised. It..."

Before I finished speaking, An Qi's hand had covered my mouth. Her expression was very strange, and she said softly: "Don't ask, there are some things I can't tell you, at least I can't tell you now, wait for something to happen later. I will tell you if I get the chance, okay?" (End of this chapter)