Emperor Seal

Chapter 21: he came


Everyone has already paid for it, and it can't be wasted.

An Qi and I enjoyed a candlelight dinner here, talking about An Qi’s days in Maoshan.

An Qi has not been in Maoshan for a long time. As she said, she is indeed the only female disciple of Maoshan's younger generation, and she is very popular in Maoshan.

I am a little bit savage. Listening to what she said, many of the younger generations of Maoshan seem to be interested in her.

"Jealous?" An Qi looked at me with a smile.

I raised my eyebrows and snorted, trying to cover up with some domineering words, but I didn't know what to say for a while, so I just sullied and ate.

When leaving the restaurant, An Qi looked at me with a smile and said, "Still being jealous? Would you like to buy a candied haw to coax you?"

I gave her a blank look and snorted angrily.

An Qi took the initiative to hold my hand, and said with a smile, "You are the first man to let me approach!"

My heart felt like, I held An Qi's hand tightly and smiled!

When I returned to Anjia, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening, and I saw An Lie directing the guards in the villa to clean something.

A lot of dead weasels!

These weasels died because of their heads exploding, as if they were pierced by a gun or something.

Those who were able to act as the guards on Anjia's side were naturally knowledgeable. They were not surprised that so many weasels died here, and they all acted calmly.

The guards quickly packed the weasels' corpses into sacks, and moved out of the villa one by one, without knowing where they were thrown!

Neither An Qi's father nor grandfather showed up, and it seemed that they didn't want to deal with such trivial matters.

And when I saw these weasels, I subconsciously thought of what happened when Xia Qing took me on the road to Sioux City, that damn Huang Daxian.

The big weasel has found here!

Huangpizi is very vengeful, here are some ordinary weasel corpses, that large weasel is not here, maybe when it will give me a fatal blow secretly, this makes me a little worried.

But at this moment, a sturdy figure flickered and turned over directly from the tall wall of the villa. It was An Qi's eldest brother, who was still dragging a fluffy thing in his hand.

It was the big weasel!

The large weasel's neck was drooping, his neck bone seemed to be broken, his tongue sticking out, his whole body slumped.


An Qi’s eldest brother threw this large weasel directly at my feet, raised his eyebrows and said, “This thing replenishes the blood, stew it back and eat it, let me take a beat if I’m healthy, I won’t trouble you Up..."

"Big Brother!" An Qi glared at the bald young man.

The bald young man smiled and walked to An Lie, whispering something.

Seeing the breathless large weasel on the ground, I let out a long sigh of relief, one less trouble, and a little more relaxed in my heart.

"Let go of me, you pervert, bit you!"

At this moment, a naive voice came from not far away. This voice made me feel a little familiar. I looked over and was taken aback.

An Qi’s second brother walked in from the gate of the villa, still looking cold and cool, but in his hand, he was carrying something...

No, it's carrying a person!

This person, I still know, is the little girl with an umbrella!

Hasn't she already returned to Lingnan

Why are you here

It happened to be caught by Anyi!

When I saw a little girl before, she gave me a mysterious and weird feeling. From the first time I saw her, I didn't treat her as an ordinary little girl.

But now, seeing her constantly struggling with her teeth and claws, I almost laughed out loud.

What's the difference between this and a little kid who loses his temper when he doesn't want sugar

When I saw her, she also saw me and yelled: "Zhou Yan, let this pervert let me go!"

Hearing her call, An Qi turned her head and glanced at me, and asked in confusion: "Do you know each other?"

"No! How could I know such a kid!" I responded bluntly.

"Zhou Yan, your uncle!"

The little girl yelled angrily and shouted: "I would like to inform you about the Lingnan Tomb..."

The little girl didn't finish her words. An Yi's hand flicked the back of the little girl's neck. The little girl drooped her head suddenly and fainted.

What does she want to say

What happened to Lingnan Ancient Tomb

An Yi carried the little girl who passed out and said in a calm tone: "This little guy is also from Lingnan, and I was caught sneakingly outside, so I'll look back and have a good trial!"

With that said, An Yi carried the little girl and wanted to go back to his villa.

At this time, An Qi suddenly ran over and snatched the little girl directly from An Yi's hand, complaining to An Yi: "She is still a child, can't you be gentle?"

A little bit of petting and helplessness flashed in An Yi's eyes, and he said in a warm voice: "Sister, this little guy looks young, but in fact it is likely to be older than yours. Her methods are not weak, let me give it to me..."

"Forget it, second brother, give her to the younger sister!"

An Lie waved to An Yi, and the three brothers muttered and didn't know what to say, and seemed a little excited.

An Qi took the little girl back to her villa. I wanted to follow along. I wanted to ask what the little girl wanted to tell me about. But before she got close to An Qi’s villa, her three brothers rushed to An. Go to Lie's villa.

I took a bath, lay down, thought about something, and fell asleep after a while.

I don't know how long I slept, but I suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly.

There is one more person in the room!

There was a person sitting beside the bed, and the green eyes in the dark night gave people a feeling of panic.

he came!

However, after the initial shock, I was relieved, because I knew he would not harm me, and the tenderness in his eyes could not deceive anyone.

I turned on the bedside lamp and watched his half-scorched and skinny face up close, and the corners of my eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Not fear, but an inexplicable heartache!

Grandpa said that he had practiced Lingnan's sorcery and turned himself into a half-human and half-snake existence. How much pain and torture he has experienced.

He didn't seem to want me to see half of his face, and hurriedly covered half of his scorched and thin face with his robe, but he exposed his arms covered with black scales. For a while, he was a little rushed.

Seeing this scene, while my heart is sore, there is also a touch of warmth.

This is a normal reaction of a father when facing his child, afraid of scaring his child, trying to hide his defects.

Putting aside his horrible appearance, he is actually pretty good!

At this moment, my impression of him has changed a lot!

What if my father is ugly

Although I still can't yell that "father", in my heart, I have already recognized it!

"You came to Sioux City to find me?" I asked softly.

"Ah..." I didn't understand his strange syllables.

His tongue was cut off and he couldn't speak, but I could barely understand his gestures. He was really looking for me.

"Do you want to take me back to Lingnan?"

I guessed and said, "Is it related to my mother?"

He nodded in a hurry, his gestures were a bit complicated, and I couldn't understand it.

But it doesn't matter, as long as I can be reunited with my parents, I can do anything.

I would like to ask him why I was adopted by my grandfather in the first place, and where they went, but it was too complicated to communicate with him, and I couldn’t wait to go to Lingnan to meet my mother. I plan to ask after meeting my mother in Lingnan. .

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, the door was pushed open, and An Lie's figure appeared in front of the door.

After he glanced at his father, he smiled, bowed, and said softly: "Mr. Zhou, my father and grandpa want to see you!"

I hurriedly got out of bed and got dressed. When I was about to say something, my father stopped me.

He gave me a gesture of Shaoan, not restless, and his expression was calm, as if he had known that the settlers would be aware of his arrival.

I was worried, and left the room with him, led by An Lie, to the largest villa in the villa.

An Qi and An Yi were all there, guarding in front of the villa, and the little girl was also awake. She was cursing and cursing at An Yi, and An Yi ignored her.

Seeing me coming, the little girl ignored An Yi and shouted at me: "Do you still want to know about your mother? There is something wrong with Lingnan Ancient Tomb... Uh!"

At this time, the little girl found her father, her eyes widened, her head shrank, and she didn't say anything, as if she was very jealous.

An Lie asked his father to enter the villa, picked up the little girl's back collar and brought it in, ignoring the little girl's struggle.

I also wanted to follow up, but was stopped by An Yi.

I glared at An Yi and really wanted to fight him. Although I knew it was not his opponent, I still wanted to kick his dead face.

An Qi pulled me aside and comforted me softly, telling me not to be familiar with his second brother.

After An Lie sent his father and little girl into the villa, they also came out.

In the villa, the father, the little girl, and An Qi's father and grandfather did not know what they were talking about.

About half an hour later, my father and the little girl walked out of the villa. I was a little relieved. I was really afraid that setting up a home would be detrimental to my father.

Father's face was strange, he walked up to me, grabbed my wrist and looked at it, then looked at the pattern on An Qi's wrist, and made a gesture to An Qi.

I couldn't understand the gesture, but An Qi seemed to understand, her face was reddened, she glanced at me, and nodded shyly.

My father smiled. Although his smile looked a bit hideous and ugly, it was definitely a smile from the heart. He patted me on the shoulder and gave me his thumb, which made me confused.

On the other side, the little girl stood proudly in front of An Yi, pinching her waist and toes, and pointed to An Yi’s nose and said, "You swallowed all the eight ghosts that I had so hard to raise. Pay me!

"Slap!" In response to her, An Yi slapped her head directly, almost knocking her to the ground.

Ignoring that the little girl over there went violently and ripped away with An Yi, my father's face solemnly made a series of complicated gestures, which completely confused me, and didn't understand what my father was trying to express.

And An Qi next to me seemed to know the meaning of father's gestures, nodded repeatedly, and said softly: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Zhou Yan here. I can assure you of this!"

My father nodded lightly, gave me a look a little bit dissatisfied, and then dragged the little girl who was going to fight An Yi to the death and left.

What does this mean

Didn’t you tell me to take me back to Lingnan to find my mother

I called him anxiously, but my father didn't look back, and soon disappeared into the night. I wanted to chase after, but was held by Angel.

"Uncle Zhou is going to deal with some things, which will bring you inconvenience, let you stay here for a while..."

Before listening to An Qi's explanation, I walked into the villa angrily to meet An Qi's father and grandfather.

I want to ask what they said to their father

Why did my father change his mind and not take me back to Lingnan? (End of this chapter)