Emperor Seal

Chapter 23: Was tracked


The old Taoist priest was from Longhushan

During the day, Xia Qing came over and told me what Uncle Zong had asked me to pay attention to. In the evening, the people from Longhushan found Anjia here!


When I was thinking about it, I saw An Yi winking at An Qi's elder brother, and the two of them hurriedly left, seeming to be chasing the old Taoist priest.

An Lie sighed and shouted at the backs of the two of them: "Start lightly, that old guy can't stand the toss of you two!"

After returning to the room, I felt a little weird thinking about it.

Before leaving, the old Taoist gave me a deep look, his eyes were a bit complicated, and he didn't understand what it meant!

Why does Longhushan target me

Are those Taoist priests fully fed

After struggling for a while, I lay down and fell asleep!

In the early morning of the next day, as the sky was faintly bright, An Qi broke into my room and dragged me up from her sex, asking me to wash and change clothes quickly.

"What are you doing?"

I looked at An Qi with sleepy eyes, yawned, and said dizzy helplessly: "Even if you go shopping, you don't have to get up so early, right? Also, next time I trouble you to knock on the door when you come in, I'm used to just sleeping... "

"Just your head!"

An Qi blushed and twisted my ears, and shouted in my ears: "Get up and go out with me!"

The magic sound filled my ears, and I suddenly became sober, rubbing my ears and looking at her bitterly, getting up to dress and wash.

After I finished washing, I found An Qi was helping me pack my clothes and carry it into my suitcase. I was suddenly a little confused.

"What is this for? You want to chase me away?"

An Qi snorted angrily, and said: "I'm going to a far door, and I won't be back in a few days. Bring some changes of clothes..."

If it were in peacetime, maybe I wouldn't doubt anything.

However, after the events of last night, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"what happened?"

I said in a deep voice, "Is there any trouble setting up?"

An Qi stagnated a little while packing up the suitcase, smiled at me, and said: "Don't think about it, just go out for a few days, just take it to relax with me!"

I can be sure that Anjia is definitely in trouble, and the trouble is caused by me.

"Because of the people from Longhushan?" I asked.

An Qi was silent for a while, then smiled and said: "Don't worry, Dad and Grandpa will take care of it, all right, don't ask, let's go!"

An Qi held the gift box with one hand and pulled me with the other, not allowing me to ask more.

When I left the villa, I saw An Lie and his three brothers squatting at the door smoking cigarettes not far away. The bald young man was gritting his teeth and saying something, while An Yi had a cold face and was very hostile.

There were a few more scars on their faces and necks, wrapped in gauze, and they didn't know how to make it like this.

"Okay, let's just say a few words!"

An Lie comforted them and said helplessly: "The old guy dared to go to the door alone, he must have made a plan. You were overcast last night. Didn't he get any benefit? Just be careful in the future. What else, I can’t hit Longhushan directly..."

"The third child, what you said is a bit awkward!"

The bald young man glared at An Lie, waved his fist and said bitterly: "If you followed us last night, you would have fallen down that old miscellaneous hair long ago..."

Before we finished speaking, when An Qi and I walked out of the villa, the three brothers interrupted the topic.

The bald young man stared at me and said, "Boy, take care of my sister during this time. If there is anything wrong with her, I will ask you!"

Anyi glanced at me and said coldly, "Go out with the little girl for a few days, you don't have to worry about things here!"

An Lie patted me on the shoulder and sighed without saying anything.

An Qi’s father and grandfather did not show up, and I was dragged by An Qi and hurriedly left An’s home.

When I walked out of the gate of the villa, I looked back, and a strange thought came up in my mind for no apparent reason.

Can I come back here again

After sitting on Anqi Nalafeng's supercar, with the roar of the supercar, we gradually moved away from Anjia.

After arriving in Sioux City, An Qi threw the supercar in the underground garage of a certain commercial building, took me into a very ordinary car, and slowly drove out of the garage, out of Sioux City, all the way south.

It felt like changing a car deliberately for fear of being followed.

Along the way, An Qi smiled and told me that she would go to Jiangnan to play for a few days. She also said that she had already made a travel guide and so on last night.

Although I was very excited, I noticed that An Qi seemed to be absent, and she glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time, as if to observe whether anyone was following us behind.

It should be a very happy thing to have a beautiful companion, but I am not happy at all now.

I can't tell what it's like in my heart now, there are mixed flavors.

At first, the convenience store was regarded as a safe haven, but it didn't take long for the convenience store to have an accident. Now, not long after being sheltered by Anjia, Anjia is also in big trouble...

Am I a disaster star

Just as I was thinking about this problem with some annoyance, I noticed that An Qi frowned slightly, and the accelerator under her feet had been stepped on to the bottom.

I subconsciously looked back. Behind our car, a black car followed closely. Our car accelerated, and the car behind also accelerated.

Sure enough, it was being followed!

"Who is behind?" I asked.

An Qi shook her head and said, "I don't know, it may be from Longhu Mountain, or it may be from Lingnan... Sit firmly, there may be some bumps ahead!"

In addition to the uneven road ahead, there are also a few corners. An Qi's driving skills are really good, and the speed is not reduced, and she passed quickly. However, the car behind was still biting, and it was also a guy with superb driving skills.

Just as I was thinking about whether to throw an ancient rune to the car behind me, I found a motorcycle coming on the opposite side, and it passed our car directly in retrograde.

Although the man on the motorcycle was wearing a racing suit and a helmet, I still saw his face, it turned out to be Xia Qing.

After passing by our car on a motorcycle, he went to the back of the car in a blink of an eye. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he directly stuck a piece of talisman on the front cover of the car.

Suddenly, the black car braked suddenly, and a few people rushed out of the car and hurriedly fell into the grass on the side of the road.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the raging flames rose up from the car with heavy smoke, and the car was considered completely scrapped. Fortunately, a few people in the car responded quickly, otherwise a serious car accident would definitely happen.

Xia Qing has gone away, and they can't keep up with us without the car, so they can only stand where they are, shouting and roaring.

Without the tracking of those guys, I was also relieved.

I owe Xia Qing again!

When our car drove to Jiangcheng, it was thrown by An Qi in a certain parking lot. We switched to the high-speed train. After a short period of time, we came to Haicheng.

This way, it was like a guerrilla warfare. After confirming that no one was following, I opened a room in the hotel and put down the salute. An Qi happily took me to visit this coastal city.

Haicheng is much more prosperous than Su City. Night falls and the lights are on, making it a completely nightless city.

After eating, drinking and shopping spree, when I returned to the hotel, I was a little bit happy, mainly because Angel and I only opened a room, which was requested by Angel.

I know that she is to protect me, and she is worried about what will happen, and she can help me in time when they are in the same room.

But even if I knew this was the case, I was still a little blushing and my heart beating faster, and I began to fantasize about scenes that are inappropriate for children.

"I sleep on the bed, you sleep on the sofa!"

An Qi squinted her eyes and looked at me with a smile. She didn't know where she got a big pair of scissors. She shook in front of me and said with a smile: "Don't mess around, don't even think about it!"

Yes, no more drama!

I took a shower with a wry smile, lay on the sofa and watched TV. An Qi entered the bathroom with her underwear. The rushing sound made me a little bit fanciful.

At this moment, the door bell rang, and the voice of a hotel attendant came outside, saying that it was a fruit delivery.

Looking out from the cat's eyes of the room door, it was indeed the hotel attendant. He opened the door and he politely handed over a plate of fruit, saying that the hotel had given it to guests who had just checked in.

After thanking me, I closed the door.

When I was about to put the fruit plate on the bedside table, I found that there seemed to be something in the fruit plate.

A small envelope is hidden at the bottom of the fruit tray, pressed by the cut fruits, and you can't really see it if you don't pay attention.

I picked up the envelope with some doubts. After opening it, I found a piece of paper and a photo inside.

There is a line of words on the paper, a handwriting that I am familiar with, grandpa's handwriting.

'I'm waiting for you on the top of the building, don't bring her over! '

And that photo immediately made my eyes red, and crazy anger and killing intent rose in my heart.

The person in the photo is my father!

He was tied to a stone pillar, his shoulders were pierced by sharp hooks, his body was covered with scars, his head was drooping, and he did not know his life or death. (End of this chapter)