Emperor Seal

Chapter 25: Luofu Mountain


When talking about this, An Qi paused, her eyes a little longing and confused.

"For example, in the Lingnan ancient tomb, if there is a master of geoqi, there will never be a surge of geoqi, and the village near the tomb will not... These things are all I heard from the old man. Yes, he seems to have an inexplicable feeling for the Earth Master, but he does not want to talk more about the Earth Master with us juniors!"

An Qi scratched her hair, glanced at me, and said, "Your grandfather and they are just half-hearted masters! The old man said that the real master of geo-qi is a terrible existence, let alone me, even daddy. If you encounter it, you have to stay far away. With such an existence, once a certain method is used to harm people, the victim will never know how to die!"

"However, Grandpa also said that now there is basically no existence of the master of Earth Qi, but there are more and more half-hearted masters, the world has changed, and some things have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history..."

After learning about these things from An Qi, I became wary of the geomancer in my heart.

I have seen Grandpa's previous methods, but this is the first time I have seen such weird methods as tonight, and I will be more vigilant in the future!

There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, An Qi seemed to be on the phone with her family. After I got up to wash, I cleaned up and saluted, and together with An Qi, I left the hotel room.

On the high-speed rail going to Lingnan Yuncheng, I asked softly, "Is your house okay?"

She called her family to report her safety, and I also understand that An Qi must be a little worried about her family, and she inevitably blames herself a little bit in her heart. If it weren't for me, An Jia wouldn't get into trouble, and An Qi wouldn't have to follow me to Lingnan.

An Qi shook her head and said casually: "There are old men and old men sitting in town. Unless Longhushan comes out, otherwise there won't be any big problems at home. Don't worry about that!"

Speaking of this, she paused, and hesitated to say to me: "I told my old man what happened last night. My old man was not surprised. He said he had known it before, but he didn't want you to risk it. , That’s why I didn’t mention your father’s affairs to you. Dad wanted to take you here personally, but I didn’t know that Longhu Mountain was..."

An Qi's words made me stunned for a moment, but there was no feeling of discomfort or anger. After all, her father was for my own good, so what can I say!

An Qi said that his father and father An knew that my father had an accident. Xia Qing told them about the accident, but Xia Qing didn't tell me. Maybe he was worried that I would go to Lingnan on an impulse!

Knowing that I was going to Lingnan, An Yatian didn't say much, only asked An Qi to follow me, and then pointed out the location, Luofu Mountain.

My father is trapped on the side of Luofu Mountain!

I looked at the map left by my grandfather, took out my phone and found the location of Luofu Mountain, which is not very far from Yuncheng.

After reading the introduction on Luofu Mountain on the phone, I was taken aback.

I thought my father would be imprisoned in an extremely remote place in Lingnan, such as a remote small col, but I was obviously wrong.

Luofu Mountain is the first mountain in Lingnan and the seventh cave of Taoism!

Where is the territory of Taoism

Was my father caught by Taoist people

An Qi was also very puzzled, saying that there are many people in Lingnan who practice witchcraft. Some of the villages where they practice Gushu are very famous. Taoism basically has no influence here.

This is a bit weird. What is the origin of the people who arrested my father

Near the evening, we arrived in Yuncheng. As soon as we walked out of the Yuncheng high-speed rail station, An Qi and I seemed to be targeted.

At first I thought it was a thief. I didn't care, but when An Qi and I left the high-speed rail station far away, when the person behind was still staring, I didn't feel right.

When An Qi and I entered a hotel and were checking in at the counter, the guy who had been following us also walked into the hotel.

He was a thin guy with a wicked eyebrow, he walked over with a smile, and said to me, "Sir, you have lost something!"

With that said, he directly handed over a mobile phone, a very old Nokia mobile phone.

This is not my phone at all!

I frowned slightly. When he was about to refuse, he stuffed the phone into my hand and whispered, "Uncle Zong asked me to send it!"

Before An Qi and I could react, the thin guy hurriedly walked out of the hotel and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

An Qi and I looked at each other without saying a word, put away the old-fashioned mobile phone, and entered the opened room.

I wanted to go to Luofu Mountain at night, but An Qifei asked me to wait one day and wait until tomorrow morning.

That night, we waited for a call from Uncle Zong.

After the call was connected, Uncle Zong's voice came over, "Didn't I tell you the kid not to come to Lingnan? Do you think your life is too long?"

On the other side of the phone, in addition to Uncle Zong's voice, there was also a very noisy voice, noisy, and I don't know where Uncle Zong is now.

"My father was arrested. I set up a family because I caused trouble. I don't know what happened now. I don't want to hide anymore!"

My voice was calm, and said, "Because of my business, I have affected you and Anjia. I feel really sad these days. I feel like I am a disaster star. I don't want to hide and suffer like this. People have sheltered, I will face what I should face, I can’t stand it anymore..."

The uncle Zong on the other end was silent, but I faintly heard the roar of the old beggar.

"Damn, yin and yang teach you this group of dogs, there are some kind of bright swords and guns to do it, what's the matter always getting these beasts over... Zong Yi, when is the fuck, do you still have time to call?"

Accompanied by the roars, Uncle Zong said to me in a deep voice: "Lingnan has become a mess now, give the phone to girl Qi, I have something to tell her!"

Before I could respond, An Qi on the side had already grabbed the phone and prevented me from eavesdropping. She walked out of the room and didn't know what she was talking with Uncle Zong.

A few minutes later, An Qi returned to the room, seeming a little worried.

"What's the situation with Uncle Zong now?" I asked.

An Qi shook her head, rubbed her eyebrows, and said helplessly: "This is Uncle Zong’s private matter, let’s not worry, he is sure to be able to handle it... Uncle Zhou is indeed on Luofu Mountain, but Uncle Zong doesn’t know the exact location. I only know that the last place Uncle Zhou appeared after he was caught is over there!"

"Since your grandfather has the picture of Uncle Zhou, you should know the exact location of Uncle Zhou, but we can't contact your grandfather now. Luofu Mountain is not small, so we can't search for the mountain a little bit! It's a bit of a headache!"

Hearing what she said, I also frowned.

By the way, since Luofu Mountain is the seventh cave of Taoism, there should be Taoist temples here!

I searched on the phone for a while, my eyes lit up, and I noted a few places, and I would wait until tomorrow when I arrived at Luofu Mountain to see the situation.

The next morning, An Qi and I left the hotel and took a taxi to Luofu Mountain.

Before long, we came to the foot of Luofu Mountain.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a mountain range rather than a mountain. The peaks are undulating and spectacular.

We arrived very early, but there are already a lot of tourists here, and many of them come here to pray for their wishes. There are not only Taoist temples, but also ancient temples on Luofu Mountain.

The goal of An Qi and I is to find a few Taoist temples on Luofu Mountain to see if we can find any clues.

The map my grandfather gave me guided me here. An Qi and I showed up in a fair manner. I don't believe that people hiding in the dark will be indifferent.

An Qi and I were among the tourists. After visiting some scenic spots in Luofu Mountain, we came to Chongxu Ancient Temple.

When I came here, just when I was about to walk into Chongxu Ancient Temple, I was dragged by An Qi and asked me to go with her.

Although An Qi didn't say it clearly, I must have found something. I subconsciously looked around and was stopped by An Qi in a low voice.

"Don't look around, someone is following!"

I immediately understood what An Qi meant, and followed An Qi to a remote place, a place with few tourists, and prepared to meet the person who followed us, and perhaps be able to find out the whereabouts of my father.

Arriving in a dense forest inaccessible, An Qi looked in the direction behind us and said, "Girl, come out!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw a small figure walking out from behind a tree not far away holding an umbrella and licking Bobantang.

How could it be this little girl

I thought it was the people in Lingnan who were going to disadvantage me!

The little girl glanced at An Qi and hummed: "Who is that girl? How big is it like you!"

"Where is my father?"

I hurriedly asked, "Didn't you go back to Lingnan with him? Why..."

"Why didn't I get caught?"

The little girl interrupted me, gave me a blank look, and said angrily: "I was not arrested because the target was not me. What can I do ● 147 novel app download address ● What can I do? Provocation, let someone arrest me? Please, I'm not such an idiot, okay!"

"No, I didn't mean that!"

I said anxiously: "My father was really taken away by Taoists? Where is he now?"

"Who told you that your father was taken away by Taoist people?"

The little girl looked at me and An Qi with contemptuous eyes, and said with a hum, “Although Luofu Mountain is a Taoist site, the person who took your father is not Taoist. Luofu Mountain is very big, okay? An idiot came looking for someone, but he was looking for someone in the scenic area. Who would hide someone in the scenic area? What do you think?"

An Qi glared at her and said in embarrassment: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, and quickly lead the way. Uncle Zhou should be in Luofu Mountain, where is it?" (End of this chapter)