Emperor Seal

Chapter 36: The figure behind


Facing the brawny man, the little girl was very afraid and did not dare to say anything.

And An Qi simply responded: "With me, don't want to take him away!"

The strong man snorted coldly, and a light flashed in his eyes. Sen said: "Little girl, this is not Anjia, you think you can protect him... Huh?"

The strong man didn't finish speaking, he immediately stared, and looked straight at the original white jade sculpture in the main hall, as if he saw that the white jade sculpture had been shattered at this time.

His complexion changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "Broken? Oops, that seal..."

Suddenly, a cold and crisp voice came from behind him.

"Are you going to take my son?"

After hearing this sound, my heart trembled and I looked at the entrance of the hall with excitement. However, at this time, my consciousness became more and more blurred, and my head was getting more and more swollen. I felt like my whole person was about to explode. I could only vaguely see two figures appearing behind the strong man.

Father and mother!

Mother is out of trouble!

At this moment, my mind suddenly loosened, darkness poured in like a tide, and my consciousness fell into a coma.

At the moment when I was unconscious, I heard the brawny man's trembling begging for mercy, and also heard the intermittent words of my mother.

"Tell your adults, if I dare to touch one of my son's hair, even if he hides in the Yan Luo Temple, he won't be able to protect him..."

I don’t know if I’m dreaming, I always feel that everything in front of me is absurd!

There was darkness all over, no matter how I yelled, I couldn't get any response. There was dead silence around me, and I seemed to be trapped in a sealed environment.

I don't know how long it took, a white light appeared in this dark environment, condensing an old figure.

This old man was exactly what the old man in the White Jade Hall looked like.

I yelled out and asked what place it was.

However, the old man looked like a puppet and did not respond at all. Instead, he sat down and kept flipping his hands.

I don't know what's going on. At this moment, I feel that my body seems to be connected to the old man, sitting cross-legged like him, my hands are constantly turning and twisting, changing all kinds of weird postures.

"Unfortunately... The seal of the mountain... The earth dragon turned over, no trace..."

The sound of vicissitudes resounded through this dark space, returning for a long time.

While I was constantly changing handprints with the nameless old man, I found that many runes and patterns appeared around my body. It was exactly the things recorded on the parchment scrolls, surrounded one by one like joyful elf. Beside me is beating...

I don't know how long this process lasted. In the end, the figure of the old man gradually disappeared, and I was also overwhelmed by the darkness.

When I woke up, looking at the surrounding scenes, I was a little at a loss.

At this time, I was lying in the soft big room, and the scenery in the room was very familiar to me, because I lived here for a long time, Anlie’s room.

I clearly remember that when I was in a coma, I was still in the white jade hall under the ancient tomb. Why did I leave Lingnan and return to Anjia when I woke up

How long have I been in a coma

Where's the father and mother

I was about to get up, but found that I was a little inconvenient to move. I looked at my own body and the corners of my eyes twitched uncontrollably.

My whole body is wrapped like a mummy, layer after layer of white gauze, no wonder something is wrong!

Who made me like this!

I yelled twice, but no one in the villa paid any attention.

It took a while before I cleared all the gauze from my body, but at this moment, I was stunned, staring blankly at my arms, legs, and abdomen.

There is nothing wrong with my body, no scars or the like, but there are a lot of weird black patterns.

These black patterns are like flowing clouds and flames, and some of them are more like the weird runes and patterns on the sheepskin scrolls, which are very strange.

I hurriedly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at me in the mirror. I couldn't return to my senses for a long time.

I feel a lot stronger, but this is not the point. The point is what is going on with these black patterns on my body

What happened after I was in a coma


The door was gently pushed open, An Qi walked in lightly, and was stunned when she saw me standing in front of the floor mirror.

I was also stunned!

I've really been all watched now!

After all, my face is not so thick that I can let others see with my bare buttocks. I rushed to the **, pulled the quilt on, and gave An Qi a blushing face, looking at her blushing very speechlessly. His face raised eyebrows and smiled.

I told her before that I had to knock on the door before I came in. She was fine, and didn't take my words seriously.

"How many days have I been in a coma? Where are my parents? Are they okay?" I hurriedly asked after regaining consciousness.

An Qi asked me to put on the new clothes next to the bed, looked at me with curious eyes, and said: "You have been in a coma for four or five days. Uncle and aunt are all right, but what is going on with you? Suddenly the whole body caught fire. The whole person has become scorched, very scary! It seems to be recovering pretty well now..."

The whole body is on fire and becomes scorched

I looked at An Qi suspiciously, and after making sure she was not joking with me, she was also confused.

After being unconscious, I didn’t feel anything. I only knew that I had a very long dream. In the dream, there was an old guy who looked like a great dancer...

Forget it, no matter what, go to see your mother first.

When I was putting on the clothes, An Qi's eyes looked straight at my body, as if fascinated.

Is it so good-looking

Who's afraid of hooligans

I just lifted the quilt and put on the clothes in front of her. She didn't blush or evade. Instead, she stared at the black pattern on my body with widened eyes.

It turned out to be studying the black pattern on my body!

Slightly disappointed, I thought she thought about me!

When I finished my pants and was about to put on my top, An Qi suddenly said, "What is behind you...?"

I was a little surprised. I looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room and looked at my back. My eyes widened like An Qi, and my mouth was almost filled with a few eggs.

I just looked at the front of my body and didn't notice the condition of my back. At this time, An Qi reminded me to see that my entire back was occupied by a black pattern.

It was a pattern similar to Avalokitesvara with many arms, and each hand was squeezed into a strange mudra. However, the one in the black pattern is not a Guanyin, but a person with two faces.

On the one hand, he is kind and holy, just like a saint who can save all living beings.

With a blue face and fangs, it was like an evil spirit drilled out of hell.

What is this thing

An Qi and I looked at each other and didn't know what was going on!

Somewhat confused, I put on my clothes and followed An Qi to leave the room, ready to see my parents.

As I walked out of the villa and saw the scene in the Anjia Manor, I couldn't help but feel sluggish again.

Several villas in An's family collapsed, and large landslides appeared on the side of the fence. The gate of the manor seemed to have been bombed. Some places where flowers, flowers, and grasses were originally planted also showed gray-brown rocky land...

In short, a mess!

The three brothers Anri are directing some construction workers to repair, and they seem to be preparing to replan the construction of the manor.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

An Qi said casually: "Daddy feels that the manor is old and ready to rebuild..."

"Do you think I am like a fool?"

I gave An Qi an angry white and said, "Is it Longhushan?"

Before, An Jia asked me and An Qi to go out to avoid the group of people in Longhu Mountain. The battle was more intense than I thought.

"Ask if you guessed it? Who are you stupid?" An Qi hummed.

I feel guilty in my heart that the villa is destroyed like this because of me. It must cost a lot of money to repair and rebuild, and it is probably not enough to sell me.

Alas, this favor is too big!

An Qi took me to a vacant villa where my parents lived temporarily.

When we walked into the villa, we found that apart from my parents, Father An, An Yatian and the little girl are all here!

I can understand An Qi's father and grandfather here. Why did the little girl follow to An's house

They were talking about something, but after seeing An Qi and I come in, they suddenly became speechless. However, looking at their smiles, the topic of discussion should be very relaxed and harmonious.

"Let's talk with your family!"

Father An and An Yatian smiled and got up and left the villa, and took the little girl out, obviously not wanting her to disturb us.

Originally, An Qi wanted to go out, but she was stopped by her mother and asked her to stay, which made An Qi blush and shy.

At this time, I didn't care about appreciating An Qi's shyness. My eyes were a little red and I looked at my parents, thumped and knelt in front of them, crying loudly.

After twenty years, we are finally reunited!

I also hated them, hated them for leaving me, at that time I thought they had passed away, and gradually hid my thoughts in the deepest part of my heart. Until I knew they were still alive, the feelings of longing that I had hidden for many years erupted like a volcano.

I also have parents, and all the grievances I have experienced are now venting out.

After a long time, when I finished venting, my mother gently pulled me up, looked at me with red eyes, gently rubbed my face with her hand, and said softly: "Sorry, Yan'er, it's mother's fault, mother I'm sorry you and your father..."

There was another sorrow. My father hugged our wife tightly. An Qi sat aside, looking at us with a very complicated and enviable look, her eyes were also reddish.

By the way, I have never seen An Qi's mother and grandma, nor have I heard her mention that, has it passed away

Now that we see our family of three get together, did the maternal care stimulate her

The mother beckoned to An Qi. An Qi sat beside her mother obediently. The mother looked at her tenderly, her eyes were a little complicated, and she whispered, "You are also a poor child!"

A word seemed to touch An Qi's heart somewhere, An Qi cried out holding her mother wow.

Watching my mother comforting An Qi tenderly, watching An Qi sobbing at her mother, I was a little confused.

The most exciting one should be me, okay? (End of this chapter)