Emperor Seal

Chapter 44: You are her inverse scale


When Bai Zhan was dug out from the ground, he was already dying!

His limbs were drooping like noodles, his bones were broken, a large part of his chest and abdomen collapsed, black blood flowed out of his mouth and nose, and his internal organs were definitely severely traumatized.

Whether it can be saved depends on his good fortune!

I am very puzzled, why did Bai Zhan suddenly become like this

I seemed to be in a daze just now, I don't even know what happened!

If I wanted to ask my parents, my mother didn't give me the opportunity to ask, and she dragged me away with my father.


At this moment, the uncle's roar came from behind us.

At this time, the uncle, who was completely devoid of the previous elegance, was very hostile, looked at me with red eyes, and panted violently.

The mother gave her eldest uncle a cold look, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, come to me if something is going on, don't scare my son!"

The uncle's forehead was violently blue, his hands were shaking, and his eyes were very scary.

Everyone around looked like they didn't dare to breathe, looking at the uncle and mother nervously. I also saw a lot of dark shadows gathering here quietly, as if only waiting for the uncle. Ordered.

The eldest uncle is now the person in charge of the Xing Temple, and he is also temporarily acting as the head of the Bai family. Taking advantage of the years when his mother has left, he has definitely cultivated a lot of people in the Bai family.

I can perceive a lot of people gathering here, and it seems that they want to disadvantage us, and my mother can naturally detect it, but she is indifferent, and even the corners of her mouth show a little sarcasm.

It felt like she was waiting for the uncle's people to do it!

"Youlan, take care of your son!"

The uncle looked gloomy, took a deep breath, and said: "Here, it's better not to use the talisman technique casually. Also... The method is a bit too cruel to use on your relatives!"

"My son, it's my job to discipline me, so I don't need anyone else to worry about it!" The mother replied quietly.

The uncle snorted angrily, did not say anything, turned his head and left with a comatose Bai Zhan.

Is this all right

I thought that the uncle would take the opportunity to attack, but after being stunned by his mother, he left in anger

After the uncle left, the people around quickly dispersed, and my mother took me and my father away from the square.

"Your eldest uncle is very tolerant. He pretended to be trash for many years and didn't show his minions until I left here! Tonight you almost killed Bai Zhan and failed to make him completely tear his face. This patience can I didn’t practice it overnight..."

Along the way, my mother was excited, patted me on the shoulder, and smiled and praised me for not embarrassing her.

I was always in a state of perplexity, but my father was a little worried and seemed to be worried about something.

When I returned to the attic in the courtyard where my mother was, my mother narrowed her smile and looked at me seriously, and said: "Son, this kind of method used tonight, no matter who asks, even if it is your grandparents, you must Affirming that you learned from your grandfather. Don’t reveal the secret of the picture on your back..."

Although I was confused, I still nodded obediently.

Mother rubbed my head, her eyes were complicated, and she wanted to stop talking.

The father made more complicated gestures to his mother. The mother gently shook her head and said in a warm voice: "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. We can't take care of him for the rest of his life. This is not necessarily a bad thing for him. After all, many people ask for help. Can't please come!"

My parents bandaged the wound on my body, and then went back to my room to sleep. I lay down on my back, thinking about what happened with Bai Zhan before in the square.

At that time, it seemed that something flooded my mind, but now that I think about it, I don't even have the slightest impression.

Vaguely remembered, I seemed to have formed a weird handprint, and then Bai Zhan disappeared.

The handprint didn't seem to be completed, and she was slapped on her head by her mother, and then she seemed to wake up from a dream.

The only thing that can be determined is that Bai Zhan was buried alive because of me, and it seems that it is not just as simple as being buried alive. The bones on his body are broken in many places, and it feels like he was violently attacked while underground.

After thinking about it for a long time, there was a mess in my head, so I just threw the distracting thoughts aside and had a big sleep.

In the next few days, I don’t know what my parents are doing, and my grandpa seems to be missing. I can only go to my grandma to chat with her old man every day.

I talked about things when I was a child. Grandma would also talk about my mother’s childhood, saying that my temperament is far from that of my mother. From my grandma’s mouth, I learned that my mother was the first child of the Bai family when she was young. Overlord, no one of her age has not been beaten by her.


Grandma sighed and said: "Since your mother left, the yard has become quieter and quieter. Some children could come over to chat with me, but the number of visits became less and less!"

I comforted my grandma, but I sighed inwardly.

In the past, grandpa was in power, so certain people would naturally come and show their courtesy frequently to please the elderly. But since my grandfather deliberately delegated power, some people have placed some important positions in the home, and there must not be much time to talk to the elderly!

In the eyes of some people, filial piety is worthless in the face of power.

Grandma patted me on the shoulder, looked at me with a smile, and said, "Grandma is old, but her eyes are not blind, but after all, she is her own flesh and blood. Some things can only be done with one eye closed! My child, promise grandma. If your brothers and sisters offend anything in the future, you can beat them or even abolish them, but don't kill them, okay?"

Grandma’s words made me stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Grandma, you have to tell my mother about this. From now on, it will be my mother who will be in charge of Xingdian, not me! Besides, I may not be able to beat me. Those cousins, you praise me too much!"

There was a hint of pleading in my grandma's words, which I can still hear.

I didn't even think about wanting to deal with the younger generation of the Bai family. The premise is that they don't provoke my bottom line. Even if it was Bai Zhan, I never thought about killing him. That time was just an accident!

Grandma took a deep look at me, sighed, and said in a somewhat bleak tone: "Youlan grew up when I watched. I know her temperament very well. Although I don't want to see her brothers and sisters, she won't I am embarrassed by the junior. However, if anyone dares to offend her bottom line, even the heavenly king Lao Tzu will not be able to intercede. And you are her Ni Lin!

"Of course, this is only one of the reasons, and another is your character! Your grandmother seldom sees people in my life, but I can't understand you a bit. The fight between you and Bai Zhan, me and Your grandfather saw it really in secret. You seemed to be a different person at that time. You really wanted to kill him!"

"Good grandson, promise grandma, if you do something with the younger generation of the Bai family in the future, don't be so cruel, okay?"

I looked at my grandma, pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "As long as no one troubles me, I won’t go to trouble others! Of course, if someone wants to kill me, even if I don’t do anything, I Mother will not agree. Grandma, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Grandma looked complicated, she gave a light sigh, touched my hair, and said softly: "Grandson, don't blame grandma for being partial, after all..."

"After all, I am an outsider, not the Bai family, I understand!" I interrupted my grandma with a smile.

Grandma's hands stiffened slightly, she looked at me, her eyes were reddish, and she stopped talking.

Seeing my grandma's sad look, my heart felt soft, a little irritable, and said with a wry smile: "I understand what you mean, grandma, you don't have to test me anymore. This time I followed my mother, just confessing my relatives. Mother's I don’t know what I think, and I don’t want to know. I won’t stay in Bai’s house for too long. Grandma, you can also warn my cousins, don’t think I will take them from them. I am not the same as them. People..."

"As long as they don’t come to provoke me, everyone will be fine! If anyone dares to stretch out my paws at me, cousin Bai Zhan is their role model! I went crazy and couldn’t control myself, so it’s better for everyone to get along with each other in peace. Grandma, what you said to me today, have you ever told my cousins? Will they follow your teaching sincerely?"

"Grandma, although I am not from the Bai family, I am at least your grandson! To be fair, I am definitely not as good as your grandchildren in your heart. After all, they grew up in front of you, and I can be known by you. It’s mainly because of my mother’s light! I don’t say any grandchildren are fair or unfair, because I also know this is nonsense, but you have to weigh it in your heart..."

Some words made my grandmother's tears burst into tears, which made me feel uncomfortable.

Feeling irritable, I comforted my grandma a few words, and then left the small courtyard here.

This is not what I wanted, but there is no way. Some things are better. The province thinks that I will try to find the property of the Bai family.

I left the Bai family mansion, walked out of this valley, and came to a mountain peak, looking into the distance, after a loud roar, my depression and depression disappeared a bit.

Sitting on the mountain peak with the root grass in his mouth, lying on a large rock, looking at the clouds in the sky, I feel much better.

Clear sky, gentle breeze, I stretched lazily, ready to squint here.

At this moment, there seemed to be a faint voice in my ears.

Like a river rushing, like a beast roaring, and like a call attracting me.

The sound seemed to come from the ground under the mountain peak, and it seemed to have heard such a sound at some time.

By the way, I seemed to have heard such a voice during the fight with Bai Zhan. (End of this chapter)