Emperor Seal

Chapter 49: Go the wrong way


How fast is Ah Da's knife

When my voice fell, he had already taken the knife!

I stared blankly at the dozen young men and women rushing towards us. Their heads were already flying, their necks spurted blood, and the headless corpses rushed towards us inertially.

"Thump thump thump..."

More than a dozen corpses fell feebly and fell at our feet.

These people are probably An Qi's brothers and sisters!

Although I can't understand them killing people in this village, and although I really want to kill them, I will never be as decisive as Ah Da.

My eyes twitched and I glanced at Ah Da.

A Da said quietly: "My task is to protect the young master!"

A faint sentence has already explained what Ah Da was thinking.

No matter who it is, if you dare to do it to me, Ah Da will do it!

As for who the other party is, he doesn't care at all!

Damn, I have a headache!


There was a scream not far away. It was the young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. He got up from the ground with a horrified face, staggering to escape.

Just being kicked by Ah Da, he indirectly saved his life, otherwise he would be one of the headless corpses lying on the ground.

I dashed forward and knocked him to the ground.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The young man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was full of horror, crying and begging, his body trembled and scared to pee.

"Why are you killing people in this village?" I angered.

He hurriedly responded, and after listening to what he said, I was so angry that I almost killed him!

A big family like An Jia does not really do anything to small villages, but will take care of some small villages in its own territory. Basically, big family tribes will be like this, and this has become a consensus.

However, the forest is bigger and there are all kinds of birds.

These people living in their homes are too comfortable, so they want to find something exciting to do. To put it simply, the wild factors flowing in their bones are unstable, and they want to vent their bloodthirsty killings.

When they first started, they would not kill within the scope of the clan, for fear of leaving clues of flaws, if they were known by the clan, they would not escape punishment.

This place was already on the edge of the An family land. Some of them were itchy hands, so they couldn't help but slaughtered a small village. Who knew I happened to be seen by Ah Da.

After listening to his words, I felt like my chest was blocked, and I was irritable, so I took a look at Ah Da.

"Has anyone in the Bai family done such a thing?"

Ah Da was silent for a moment and nodded.

Again, when the family gets bigger, there will definitely be some dudes.

The foundation laid by the older generations, the descendants enjoy family asylum, do not understand the suffering of those small villages, and even treat them as pigs and livestock for slaughter...

Damn it!

"You... You are from the Bai family!?"

The young man with sharp-mouthed monkey-gills blurted out in exclamation. Then he looked at us in horror, his face pale, and hurriedly said with a trembling, "No, I didn’t hear anything. Don’t kill me, don’t …"


Another white light!

The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek youth cried out for mercy and stopped abruptly, the light in his eyes dimmed, and the corpse separated.

I glared at Ah Da and screamed angrily: "You..."

"Master, can't let him go!"

Ah Da said softly: "We still have to go to the Anjia side. Once we let him go, the consequences will be disastrous!"

How could I not understand this truth!

From the first time Ah Da had a knife, I knew that this thing could not be done right.

If the young man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks is let go, once we get to the Anjia side, there will definitely be big troubles, there is no doubt about this.

It's just that I still can't accept Ah Da's cruelty of drawing a knife and killing people.

I took a deep breath, and my chest was tight and uncomfortable.

It's not because Ah Da killed these people who settled down with a knife, but because the words just said by the young man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks made me even more disappointed in this place.

The feeling of bloodthirsty for killing seemed a little heavier in my heart, and there seemed to be a voice in my heart bewitching me.

It seems to be telling me that I am a cold-blooded person. Only by killing can I find my true self...

When did this happen

For some reason, I thought of the picture on my back, not those handprints, but the double-sided human face, with compassion on one side and hideous on the other side.

Is it because I have learned the side effects of the Earth Emperor Sutra

Or is it because I have mother's blood in my body, which is the stimulation of that part of the blood of the demon

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and reluctantly pressed down the distracting thoughts in my heart, and the suffocation in my chest seemed to be more serious.

I flipped my handprints, and the earth flew up and down, burying all the corpses.

Without saying anything, he walked to the place of the Chaoan family.

On the way, Ah Da suddenly said, "Master, I've seen the battle between you and Master Bai Zhan in secret!"

I ignored him and continued to walk forward.

"At that time, the murderous intent and bloodthirsty and brutality that broke out of you were very violent!"

Hearing this sentence, my pupils shrank suddenly, my hands shook uncontrollably, and my breathing became a little bit faster, but there was still no response.

"The Patriarch said in front of us that you have been suppressing a certain kind of hope, even you may not know it. When you said this, the Patriarch was very excited and said that there is a beast in your heart. If you can open your heart The cage..."


I stopped and looked at Ah Da coldly, breathing a little short, gritted my teeth and said, "What the hell do you want to say?"

Ah Da looked at me and said softly: "We are the same kind of people. Your living environment is different from ours since childhood, but what you have in your body is the blood of the eldest lady, the blood of the Bai family. The blood of returning to the ancestors is violent and bloodthirsty. , It’s normal. I know you can’t adapt for a while, but... "

"No but!"

I gritted my teeth and looked at Ah Da, red eyes and hissed and said, "I only say it once, you will remember to me, I am different from you, you are a demon, and I am a human! How can humans and demons be the same, you Tell me!"

Ah Da looked at me calmly and said softly, "Master, the person you like is in Anjia, and Anjia is also a monster!"

Damn, I almost went violently!

"You... Stop talking to me!"

I panted violently, and walked forward with my black face buried.

On the next road, Ah Da did not say a word.

Seeing the darkness, seeing that it was almost midnight, and seeing the location of Anjia's clan in front of me, I was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that Anjia should have been here long ago, and how can I still not even see the shadow of the clan.

I glanced at Ah Da, who was cold-faced next to me, and I asked angrily: "How long will it take to get to the An family land?"

Ah Da gave me a gesture, but I didn't understand it. Let him not speak, he really does not speak anymore.

"Speak, how long will it take to settle down?"

Ah Da pointed to a certain direction, and said quietly: "I have gone the wrong way, and my home is in that direction!"

I became angry about it and shouted: "Then why don't you remind me?"

"You told me not to talk to you!" Ah Da said calmly.

I don't want to say anything anymore, and I'm afraid I will be pissed off if I continue speaking.

Next, Ada led the way, and I followed without saying a word, always calming the anger in my heart.

We were supposed to be able to reach the An family land when it was night, but in the end we wasted all night, and we didn't get to the An family land until dawn.

The An family land is similar to the Bai family. It is also a huge basin in a mountain range. It has the scale of a town and has a population of at least tens of thousands.

When we were just approaching here, several silhouettes shot from a distance and stopped us.


"People from the Bai family!"

I haven't responded yet, Ah Da has already spoken and said: "My young master is here to find some friends!"

Hearing what Ah Da said, the few people were taken aback for a moment, looked at me, their tone of voice was a little better than just before, and said, "Who are you looking for?"

"I am An Qi's friend. An Yi and An Lie are all here, right? After announcing the notification, I said Zhou Yan is here!" My tone is still mild, at least I think there is no problem.

"You... Are you Bai Youlan's son?" Some of them stared wide-eyed, looking shocked.

I nodded, feeling a bit inexplicable. How did these people know my identity

Could it be that the things from the Bai family have spread to this side

"Oh, that, wait a minute, I'll go to report!" The man left a sentence and hurriedly rushed to the An family land.

The remaining few people looked at us vigilantly, seemingly nervous.

This atmosphere is a bit wrong! (End of this chapter)