Emperor Seal

Chapter 57: Is it all because of me?


The little girl shook her head, breaking her fingers and said, "After you left, many people have been here in Longhu Mountain, Maoshan, Guoan Group, Lingnan... By the way, there seems to be someone in the underworld, but none of them have entered. The villa, just wandered outside and left!"

An Qi and I looked at each other. We didn't expect that after only more than a month, Anjia Villa seemed to be an internet celebrity check-in.

I don't bother to care about the reason these people are here, anyway, Shiyou Ba Jiǔ is related to me.

What makes me curious is, since the little girl knows that Anjia Villa is not peaceful, what else is she doing here

When I asked this doubt, I found that the little girl's eyes were a little sad.

"Where else can I go?"

There was an inexplicable look on the little girl's face, as if a little sad, and she whispered: "There was an accident on the Yin-Yang Sect. I guessed it. The wolf cub attacked the old wolf! It's just that I didn't expect this to happen. Hurry up, the old man is seriously injured and far away. I don’t know where he is hiding in Lingnan. Send me a letter to tell me not to go back to Lingnan... Where else can I go?"

Speaking of this, the little girl gave a wry smile and said, "After all, this is the villa where you are settled. Even if you are not there, I can at least get a tiger skin and drape it. Once I leave here, where else can I get shelter? "

I have never seen a little girl like this. She used to feel free and at ease anyway, but now she looks a little lifeless, as if she has lost something very important.

"It's not that serious!"

I whispered: "Yin-Yang Sect does not represent the entire Lingnan, they..."

"Now the Yin-Yang Sect can represent the entire Lingnan, and the situation is much more serious than you think!"

The little girl interrupted me directly and said, "They colluded with Dragon Tiger Mountain, otherwise, how could the old man be seriously injured? The forces on the Lingnan side have been taken care of. Zong Yi and the others are also hardened by this He was forced to enter the Yin-Yang realm. Many people in the Guoan group had learned the technique of Talisman in Longhushan Tianshifu. Although the Tianshifu could not control the Guoan group, let the Guoan group cooperate to do it. Some things can still be done!"

"Longhu Mountain is the birthplace of Taoism. Although Maoshan and other Taoisms don't have to obey some orders of Longhushan, Longhushan can still do some things with those Taoisms. Now you understand the general situation! According to me, the things you come back will definitely not escape the eyes and ears of those people, maybe some people have already started to come to the villa!"

Speaking of this, the little girl sighed and said helplessly: "Either go to the Yin-Yang Realm, or go to the Yaozu side, this place can't be stayed!"

I feel that the little girl is a bit too pessimistic, I don't believe it anymore, can those people cover the sky with just one hand

In fact, I knew in my heart that the little girl said so much that she wanted me to go to the Yaozu side to avoid the limelight. After all, the Daomen and other forces did not dare to intervene.

However, I can't swallow this breath!

My mother was trapped under the ancient tomb for 20 years because of Longhu Mountain, which led to my incomplete childhood. Although I don't know the reason so far, it must be Longhushan's fault and there is no explanation.

Now, do I have to hide away from the people of Longhushan on the plateau

I haven't done anything to hurt the heavens and reason. Is it because my mother is a demon, so I am guilty

What a big joke!

Anjia Mountain Villa has been standing here for many years. Why haven't you seen Longhushan come to trouble for so many years

On the contrary, because of me, the villa was damaged. I don't understand, I want to ask!

Even if I am a disaster star, you have to give a reason over Longhushan, right

If you want to arrest someone, you can arrest someone.

Then try it!

There is a violent mood spreading in my heart. If someone from Longhushan appears in front of me now, I will definitely tear it up without hesitation!

The me now is no longer the me I was before.

If you want to squeeze me round, let's see if I have that qualification first!

There was a little madness in my heart, the violence actually existed since the Bai Family and Bai Zhan battled, but I was forced to suppress it in my heart.

At this time, because of the little girl's words, that place in her heart was stimulated, and An Qi and the little girl were shocked by the violent atmosphere. Only Ah Da, the look in my eyes suddenly brightened a lot.

An Qi patted my hand gently, and said with concern: "Is it all right?"

I reluctantly restrained the violence in my heart, shook my head lightly, and said, "I'm fine, since I've returned, I want to see if the people from Longhushan will visit the house! I just have something to ask them. , I hope they won't let me down!"

Originally coming back this time, I wanted to cultivate a relationship with An Qi, and by the way, I could see if I could break through the last line of defense, but now I don’t have any mood.

I lived in An Lie’s villa with Ah Da, and An Qi lived with the little girl.

I was speechless all night, and early the next morning, I found that there was no one in Ah Da’s room, and I didn’t know where I was going!

When I walked out of the villa, the sun was shining and it was a good weather.

An Qi and the two of them were holding fried dough sticks and soy milk looking at the entrance of the villa, where Ah Da had erected a lot of wooden stakes, some of which were tied to several people. There was no injury to those few people, but a large piece was planted on the back of their heads, and they were still in a coma. Obviously, Ah Da shot them and knocked them unconscious.

Among these people, I know one person from the Guo'an group, who had been seen in the Lingnan ancient tomb.

"what's the situation?"

I snatched a fried dough stick from the little girl's hand. Ignoring her angry face, eating fried dough sticks and asked: "Guo'an team broke into the villa early in the morning? Their news is pretty good!"

An Qi shook her head and said helplessly: "I don't know what's going on, Ah Da brought these people in from outside the villa early in the morning and tied them on it..."

I walked over and curiously asked Ah Da, who was busy inserting wooden stakes, what is this doing

Ah Da didn’t even look at me. When he was busy inserting the stakes, he responded: “They spied around the villa early in the morning. I stunned them and brought them here. The rules of the clan are for the ●147 novel. App download address ●Provocative people need to be deterred. Anyway, these people will not be the last batch. It is better to reserve more stakes... Master, don’t look at me with this kind of eyes. If you are on the clan’s land, These people are not as simple as being tied up and knocked out!"

I don't know what to say, but with weird eyes, Ah Da is inserting wooden stakes into the gate of the villa.

Of course, I understand the provocation and cruel treatment of the Bai Family towards outsiders, after all, I have seen it with my own eyes.

The spears directly nailed people to the ground, like skewers of barbecue, with brutal and bloody methods. It's rare that Ah Da did not cut people's heads with a knife, but stunned these people and tied them to wooden stakes. It was already very kind.

Ah Dazu planted more than a hundred wooden stakes at the gate of the villa. We didn't do anything all morning and watched Ah Da was busy.

Those who were tied up awoke, and we ignored the grief and anger screamers and the cold-spoken ones. These are just small characters, there is nothing to chat with them, I am waiting for the big fish.

As it approached noon, An Qi made a barbecue grill. Ah Da did not know where he caught a dozen rabbits, washed them, and put them on the grill. Supplemented with condiments, the aroma is fragrant, and it is a pleasure to eat and drink.

At this time, two black cars appeared in front of the gate of the villa, and a few people got out of the car.

The leader is Chen Qingping, one-eyed old man from the Guoan Group, followed by Huang Ling and others.

Chen Qingping's old face became ugly after seeing the more than one hundred wooden stakes at the entrance of the villa and the people tied up on the wooden stakes.

"What are you doing in a daze? Let's not loosen it!" Chen Qingping rushed behind him, Huang Ling and the others shouted.

Huang Ling and others rushed to the stakes, preparing to rescue those people.

At this moment, a rush of breaking through the air sounded, and Ah Da made a move.

Some of the rabbit bones in his hand were used as hidden weapons, and went straight to Huang Ling and the others. Huang Ling and the others dodged hurriedly, neglecting to untie them.

Ah Da looked at them coldly, and said quietly, "If you don't want to be tied up together, just stand there and be honest!"

The faces of Huang Ling and others were ugly, and the faces of Chen Qingping were even more ugly.

The injury on his arm didn't seem to be thorough, he was still wrapped in a bandage, and he strode towards us, came to me, staring at me scorchingly.

Without looking at other people, Chen Qingping said in a deep voice to me, "Why are you coming back? Wouldn't it be better to stay at Bai's or An's side? Do you know how many people have been eyeing this place because of you?"

I tore a rabbit leg, looked at him strangely, and said, "I don't understand what you said! I murdered and set fire? Or did I do something heinous? Why can't I come back? Who ruled that I can't answer Here? Is your national security team?"

"Zhou Yan!"

Chen Qingping roared: "The old man has no time to chat with you, so don't try to understand and pretend to be confused. Lingnan has become a mess because of you. Do you want Sucheng to become the second Lingnan?"

I glanced at him coldly, and said blankly: "It's all because of me? It's a great honor. I don't even know that I have such a great ability! If I don't say anything else, I will ask you, you come today. Here, is the Guoan Team or Longhushan represented? Chen Qingping, I am curious, has the Guoan Team really become a knife in Longhushan's hands?"

Hearing what I said, a flash of shame flashed in Chen Qingping's eyes, while Huang Ling and others clenched their fists and glared at me, as if I had torn off their fig leaf.

Chen Qingping took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "Longhushan still can't control the Guoan team..."

"Say this, don't you believe it yourself!" (End of this chapter)