Emperor Seal

Chapter 58: Xia Qing was arrested


I chewed on the rabbit leg in my hand, and said blankly: "Don't worry about that too. If you have that kind of idleness, you should look for Zhou Zhenyao's whereabouts!"

Mentioning Grandpa's name, Chen Qingping's old face twitched unnaturally.

One of his eyes was lost in the hands of his grandfather. When he was at the Lingnan ancient tomb, he broke his arm because of his grandfather. He didn't bother with his grandfather, but instead grabbed me. This is Isn't the brain sick

Chen Qingping clenched his fists, his finger bones turned white, and seemed a little excited. His eyes were reddish and hissed, "He went to the Yin-Yang realm, otherwise how could I let him go!"

Hearing this, I was taken aback for a moment.

Grandpa went to the yin and yang world

Oh, yes, he is also a geoman!

It's just that, I don't know if it was he himself, or was arrested by the adult from the Yin-Yang realm!

"After the Lingnan incident last time, all geomasters who appeared in the Lingnan realm went to the Yin-Yang realm, and Zhou Zhenyao was no exception..."

Speaking of this, Chen Qingping paused, staring at me, and said in a deep voice: "Zhou Yan, leave here! Go back to Bai's or Anjia's side, don't come back in a short time, don't make our Guoan team embarrassed..."

"If I don't agree, will your National Security Group charge me an unreasonable charge, and then find a safe place to lock me up, in the name of protecting me?"

I smiled disdainfully and said, "You can't stop the people in Longhushan, so you can only start from my side, right?"

Chen Qingping's face flushed, and his breathing became a little short, obviously holding back the anger in his heart.

Stimulating him again and again, the old man probably endured to the limit. If I continue speaking, I am afraid that he will suddenly have a cerebral hemorrhage or something, then my sin will be serious.

I said sternly, "I don't want to go around with you. Tell me, why must Longhushan target me? Why Longhushan must target my mother back then?"

Chen Qingping shook his head and said simply: "I don't know, I asked the people in Longhushan, but they didn't tell me the reason!"

I was a little disappointed, and I stopped paying attention to Chen Qingping.

When Chen Qingping wanted to say something, An Qi suddenly said, "Since the Guo'an team is embarrassed in this matter, please don't intervene! Elderly, go back and take care of your injuries. Don't worry about things here!"

Chen Qingping was angry and roared: "There can be no more trouble here, you guys..."

"Da, see off!" An Qi said quietly.

Ah Da's way of sending off guests was very special, and he hit it with a punch.

This punch is not fancy, simple, and the target is Chen Qingping's chest.

Facing Ah Da's fast and violent punch, Chen Qingping did not evade and greeted him with a roar.


There was a muffled sound, Ah Da did not move, and Chen Qingping stepped back several meters.

Fist afraid of being young, Chen Qingping is obviously inferior to Ah Da in close combat, his face flushed and his arms trembling slightly.

Huang Ling and the others hurried up, shouting angrily and were about to attack Ah Da.

"Stop it!" Chen Qingping roared to stop.

Afterwards, Chen Qingping took a deep breath and looked at us with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Zhou Yan, do it for yourself!"

"No, take your people away, don't get close to the villa recently!" I waved my hand and said casually.

With a calm face, Chen Qingping asked Huang Ling to put down the people tied up on the wooden stakes, and left with the people from the Guoan team.

Looking at the back of them leaving, my eyes became cold.

I don't want to be an enemy of the Guo'an group. After all, there is an official behind this organization, which can be regarded as the rule maker of this land. I don't want to have any trouble with them unless I have to force it.

I never thought about turning Sioux City into the second Lingnan, so I stayed here and waited for some people to come here instead of actively looking for them.

If the members of the National Security Group leave, they will inevitably not escape the eyes of those people.

Next, is the highlight!

Throughout the afternoon, we stayed on the lawn in the villa, and An Qi and I sat side by side, whispering the earthy love words that she can't get tired of. The little girl was pestering Ah Da, and she didn't know what she was whispering.

In the evening, the sunset glow is very beautiful.

There was a strange noise outside the gate of the villa, and countless gray, black, and flower-haired rats flooded into the gate of the villa. In addition, some poisons such as scorpions, centipedes, etc. were mixed in the group of rats and rushed towards us quickly.

In just a few breaths, we were surrounded. Those rats and poisons hadn't attacked us yet, as if waiting for orders.

"The people from Lingnan are here..." The little girl almost burst into flames in her eyes.

I waved my hand to beckon her to stay calm, and said to the direction of the gate of the villa, "It's all here, why don't you show up?"

After the words fell, a few figures of black-robed men appeared in front of the gate of the villa, walking towards us with cold eyes.

I was a little disappointed not to see Ba Tu's figure.

"Zhou Yan, if you don't want to die, come with her and come with us!" said one of the black-robed people Sen Sheng.

He was talking about me and the little girl, and didn't pay attention to An Qi and Ah Da at all.

"Who is this?" I asked the little girl.

The little girl gritted her teeth and stared at the guy, and said: "Batu's confidant, since he is here, Batu is probably nearby. That insidious and cunning guy may be very vigilant!"

I clicked on the 147 novel app download address and nodded, took a look at the black-robed man who had just spoken, and said, "Where is Ba Tu? Let him come over and meet you!"

The black-robed man snorted coldly and said, "Follow us, and you will naturally see Old Ba Tu Ge. Of course, you can also try to resist. I don't mind bringing a half-dead person over to see Old Ba Tu Ge!"

As his words fell, the rats and poisons that surrounded us were all gnawing fiercely, ready to attack.

When we went to the Yin-Yang Sect before, we encountered a group of rats controlled by Batu. At that time, An Qi waved his hand gently, and the group of rats became confused, probably because of the demon aura on An Qi's body.

However, the rats and poisons seemed different this time. The breath of An Qi and Ah Da basically had no effect on these things.

Well, it should be an improved variety!

If it were in the past, dealing with these rat poisons would definitely be a hassle for me. but now…

"An Qi, your house is going to renovate the land and lawn!"

I sighed lightly, and then quickly formed a seal with both hands.

The ground trembled, and a dull roar came from below, like an earthquake.

The complexions of the black-robed men changed in an instant, and they suddenly made sharp and strange syllables, and the rat poison began to attack us frantically.

Suddenly, the lawn around us stretched out quickly like ripples on the surface of a lake.

Before the rats and poisons could get close to us, one by one disappeared under the ground.

Rats and those poisons will make holes, but under the pulsation of the ground below, they will directly bombard those things into mud, and they will not be given a chance to escape.

In just a few minutes of breathing, apart from the lawn a few meters around our feet, the rest of the villa is full of potholes, rocks and soil.

Those black-robed men reacted quite quickly, turning pale and fleeing.

Ah Da's figure had already rushed out like an arrow from the string, and in a blink of an eye he was behind the black-robed men, and the white light suddenly appeared.

No blade was used, just the back of the knife, and it directly hit the back of the necks of those people, stunned the black robe people.

Then, Ah Da's figure rushed out of the villa, seeming to want to see if there was anyone spying around the villa.

After a while, Ah Da returned and shook his head slightly at us. It seemed that Batu was not near here.

Ah Da tied the black robe men to the wooden stakes, and we ignored these guys.

At night at Ba Jiǔ o'clock, there seemed to be someone at the gate of the villa trying to rescue the black-robed people, but was directly caught by Ah Da, and tied up after being knocked out.

Tonight is destined to be restless, and we have no intention of going to sleep, waiting in the villa.

At midnight, something special happened.

A bus stopped at the entrance of the villa, and a few people got out of the car. It was Batu who took the lead.

I was a little surprised, this guy really dare to come over!

Since it's here, don't think about leaving smoothly...


Suddenly, I was taken aback, and when I saw the streaky-tied person next to Batu, I was furious and murderous.

The person who was tied up was... Xia Qing! (End of this chapter)