Emperor Seal

Chapter 61: What kind of monster is this? (Second more)


The head of the bad guy who was pumped away turned back.

After getting up from the ground, he smashed his head back, looked at the big guy helplessly, and returned to the bad queue, not daring to say anything.

I can also see that this big guy has a very strong combat effectiveness, but his brain seems a little awkward.

The eldest brother he was talking about should be the adult in the Yin Yang realm.

Would you like me to go to the Yin Yang Realm

Is there such a request

It feels like a bandit has entered the village. If I don't agree, I have no doubt that this guy will use force to capture me forcibly!

"Hey, what is your name? Who is your elder brother?" I asked.

Although this big man has a slightly more hideous appearance, I prefer such a person compared to those sanctimonious hypocrites, at least such a guy will not have too many guts.

"My name is Sanniu!"

The big guy replied: "My eldest brother is a big cow, kid, my eldest brother is very powerful, and he is a famous big man in the Yin Cao Jifu..."

"My lord, business, business matters!"

The horror behind Man Sanniu looked helpless and speechless, and he hurriedly reminded Man Sanniu. If you don't stop a little bit, it is estimated that this Sanniu can shake out all of his own idiots.


Man Sanniu glared at me, and said in a loud voice, "I have come to invite you personally, and I will give you a lot of face! Boy, don't know how to praise! I made a military order in front of my eldest brother, if you don't follow me , I will lose face!"

"Why is your elder brother'inviting' me to the Yin-Yang Realm?" I asked with a curious look.

"Of course it's because of your blood..."

"Naturally you will know when you go!"

Before Man Sanniu had finished speaking, an errand behind him hurriedly spoke, for fear that Man Sanniu would say something he shouldn't say again.

Man Sanniu blinked his eyes with a stunned look, staring at me fiercely, and said: "Your kid is trying to play me? You..."

After speaking, Man Niu squinted his eyes and looked outside the villa, as if he had noticed something, and said impatiently: "Annoying little bug!"

In an instant, the figure of the bull disappeared, very fast, and I could only capture a little afterimage.

Ah Da looked solemn and whispered: "This speed is faster than my sword speed. I may not be able to withstand ten moves under his hand..."

Man Sanniu has such a speed, which makes my heart startled. If he suddenly attacked me, I don't know if I will have time to seal the seal or use the talisman technique.

It is impossible to escape, more than twenty people staring at us coldly, it is impossible to kill them instantly.

I felt a little careless. I didn't expect that so many underworld people would come this time. It seemed that I would have to fight for a while.

In a moment, several figures were thrown in from outside the villa.

The clothes of these people were a little strange, and the bones of both arms and legs were twisted, and they were screaming and writhing on the ground.

"People from Lingnan, but they are not taught by Yin and Yang..." the little girl whispered.

Man Sanniu strode from outside the villa, ignoring the people who had been deposed by him, and said to me: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I just saw some old guys from Longhushan spying on this side. , I ran too fast and I didn't catch up, so hurry up with me! I don't want to deal with those guys in Longhushan!"

Before his words fell, Ah Da's figure had disappeared from me.


The bright blade light broke out, and instantly enveloped the whole body of Man San Niu.

Those yin chases were taken aback for a moment, and then they came back to their senses, roaring in unison, yin qi burst out, chain after chain burst shooting towards us like spirit snakes.

There is no leather rune on my body anymore, I can only break my fingertips and quickly draw bleeding charms.

The blood talisman shot out one by one, banging against those chains, exploding into pieces of black mist.

As I expected, the ancient runes on the sheepskin scrolls are surprisingly effective against dark things! After the chains of the evil spirits touched the blood talisman, they not only exploded directly, but it seemed that the evil spirits also suffered a bit of backlash.

At the same time, An Qi and the little girl weren't idle either, their figures were erratic, and they rushed directly to the evil men.

People who settle in their homes have an innate ability to restrain ugly things, and there is little to deal with the problem of ugliness. But the little girl is a little bit stretched over there, it's okay to face the ghosts and ghosts, but it's a bit difficult to face the ghosts.

The blood talismans exploded in the badass, and the badass messed up for a while, but then they regrouped and assumed a weird standing posture, like a weird formation.

My blood charm seems to have weakened their suppression effect a lot.

The black mist became thicker, and the speed of An Qi and the little girl seemed to have been greatly affected and became a lot slower.

My face changed slightly, with a bad feeling, and shouted: "Come back, don't get close to them!"

However, it is weird that An Qi and the little girl in the black mist didn't seem to hear my voice. That feeling, their five senses were all blinded.

I was a little anxious, the blood talisman bombarded into the black mist one by one, and at the same time used the methods of the earth master, trying to force An Qi and the others out of the black mist.

But at this moment, with a boom, the huge axe hit the black fog directly.

The huge axe blocked my blood charm, and at the same time shook the underground veins, hindering my plan to pull An Qi and the little girl out of the black mist.


At this moment, the black mist rolled, and there was a buzzing sound.

Both of those Yinchai and An Qi were gone, and there was only one thing that looked like a black hole, and the black mist lingered like a huge passageway.

Where did Angel and the little girl go

Have you been taken to the yin and yang world

At this moment, in addition to the madness in my heart, there was also a violent killing intent and violent aura, red eyes looking at Man San Niu.

Ah Da's knife has already been slashed on Man San Niu many times, but if it is replaced by someone else, it is probably already a meat sauce.

However, this big head is like copper skin and iron bones. On the thick and dark body, only a few knife marks are left, and the skin is not broken. Such physical defenses are too abnormal.

He seemed to be teasing Ah Da deliberately, hehe smiled, pointed to the urn on his back and said, "Come on, chop this way, help me loosen the skin..."

Before Man San Niu's words fell, A Da's body burst out with a second sword light.

That was the second knife that Ah Da didn't know where it was hiding. It was faster and sharper than the first knife.

This knife directly slashed Man San Niu's eyes.

Man Sanniu seemed surprised, but his reaction was quick and he closed his eyelids directly.

"Qiang Qiang..."

There was a continuous sound of metal crashing, Ah Da’s second knife slashed Man Niu’s eyelid, but it did not cause much damage to him. It was just that a trivial wound appeared on the eyelid, which was finally broken. A little skin.

Ah Da has tried his best, panting, and his face full of helplessness.

When encountering such a perverted defensive guy, how about the fastest sword

At this time, I was also angry and shot, with blood talisman and earth vein bombardment.

"Boom boom boom..."

The blood talismans bombarded him back again and again, although there was no obvious wound on his body, but he cried out in pain. At the same time, the ground under his feet continuously exploded with sharp thorns, constantly bombarding his body.

However, the effect is not very good. The bastard's body is almost stronger than stainless steel, and the ground thorn hit his body and was directly broken.

The ground sank, buried him alive, and the ground veins attacked wildly, but there was no much effect.

He actually broke through the ground with the bombardment of the veins.

What kind of monster is this

"Don't fight, I will get angry if you fight again!" Man Sanniu roared.

From start to finish, this big guy didn't fight back, letting Ada and I attack. Even so, there was no obvious injury to this bastard.

My geomancer's methods seemed to make him a little jealous. He directly grabbed the huge axe and slammed it to the ground.


Along with the earth trembling, a muffled noise came from under the ground, and the condensed earth veins were suddenly broken up by this guy.

It's the first time I have encountered such a monster, I really don't know how to deal with it!

"Boy, those two female dolls are fine, as long as you go with me to the Yin and Yang world, I guarantee that no one can hurt them!" Man Sanniu's head seems to be a lot more flexible at this time, and it is estimated that he has been beaten up. Actually know how to use this method to intimidate me.

Ah Da gave me a wink, he was going to desperately stop Man San Niu for a while and let me take the opportunity to escape.

However, An Qi’s whereabouts are unknown, how could I escape like this

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

I gritted my teeth and responded bitterly, and then looked like Ah Da, and said in a deep voice, "Go back to Bai's house and tell my mother what happened here!"


"Go, you go back early and inform my mother, I will be less dangerous, don't you understand?" I shouted.

Ah Da also understood that, taking a deep look at Man San Niu, his figure flashed and disappeared from the villa in an instant.

Miscalculated this time!

The ghost knew that he would meet a perverted guy like Man San Niu, and now it is too late to regret it, only hope that An Qi and the little girl will not have trouble!

Man Sanniu smiled, pointed at the black hole lingering in the black mist, and let me go in with him.

Nothing to say, I walked into the black hole with Man Sanniu with a cold face.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

A white hand suddenly appeared beside me, as if someone was hiding by my side, and grabbed my arm abruptly, as if to forcibly pull me out of the black mist passage.

The strength of this hand was so great that I staggered and almost fell out of the dark mist tunnel.

I haven't reacted yet, Man Sanniu suddenly roared: "Asshole of the Heavenly Master's Palace, think I'm good to bully, right? Let go!"

As the words fell, Man San Niu's huge axe slammed into the place where the white hand was. (End of this chapter)