Emperor Seal

Chapter 63: Super fat man (fourth more)


After saying this, he turned around to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

I hurriedly called to him, and said, "My friend, don't rush to go, let's talk!"

He waved to me and walked to the desolate mountain not far away, motioning me to go there with him.

Following him to the foot of the mountain, there was a simple cave, and a weird animal the size of a goat was grilling on a bonfire, which surprised me.

"The meat quality of this thing is not good, but it can barely be full, there is no way, there is only this thing in the yin and yang realm to eat, let's live!"

With that, he tore off a large piece of meat and handed it to me.

I took a bite and it really didn't taste much. When I swallowed it into my abdomen, there was still a faint feeling of coldness.

This kind of thing was born in the yin and yang realm, and it is normal to contain yin qi, and it can be regarded as a special product of the yin and yang realm.

I chatted with him for a while and didn't know the details of the other party, just asked about the name and so on.

His name is Lu Qing, and he is familiar with the Yin-Yang realm. In his words, entering and leaving the Yin-Yang realm is like entering and leaving his own home.

When I learned that I entered the Yin-Yang realm this time because I was looking for a big cow, Lu Qing's expression became weird, and the look in my eyes looked like a lunatic.

"Big brother, what can't you think of?"

Lu Qing shook his head, sighed and said, "You are young, go find such a guy, do you think you have a long life?"

I didn't know how to explain it to him, but smiled bitterly and asked him to give me directions.

Lu Qing must have guessed what I must have hidden, so he stopped to say more, pointed in a certain direction, and said, "Go forward along that road, and you will be there in about half a day, but …"

Lu Qing groaned, patted my shoulder, sighed and said, "Don't stay in the Yin-Yang realm for too long. Recently, this ghost place may have undergone a big change! The guy you mentioned has gathered a lot of earth masters. Here in the Yin-Yang world, there may be big moves related to the underworld! Meeting is destiny, remind you, those guys in the underworld, don’t say you know me, or you will be in big trouble... "

We met by the water, although I didn't touch each other, but I feel that Lu Qing is pretty good.

They didn't ask about each other's origins, which was good too, so I hurriedly passed by, and I rushed in the direction he directed.

It didn't take long for me to feel that the yin around me became stronger, and the landforms here were also a little weird.

The overlapping mountains and ridges imply a little general trend.

Someone changed the ground vein here!

I can perceive the disorder of the earth veins here, not by a certain geomancer's method, but by many geographers working together, as if trying to force all the earth veins to converge in one place.

For some reason, there was another hot feeling on my back at this time.

There are eighteen weird handprints on the back, which I have not been able to display until now, and it has always seemed that some power is hindering me.

Until now, one of the eighteen handprints continued to appear in my mind, and the changes in the handprints became clearer and clearer in my mind, giving me a strong impulse in my heart.

It feels as if in this place, I can fully display the change of the handprint.

I forcibly suppressed the impulse in my heart and continued to move forward.

As I continued to penetrate this area, the terrain here became more and more weird, and it gradually made me startled.

In the great underground, the veins in all directions continue to converge, and it has reached an extremely astonishing level.

The ground veins under the Lingnan ancient tombs, the gushing ground gas enveloped more than ten miles in a radius, which was amazing enough. However, compared with here, it is a far cry from here.

I estimate that if the earth pulses here burst out, there will be earth-shaking changes within a hundred miles.

The most terrifying thing is that this is not the center where those ground veins converge.

The convergence of ground veins here is amazing enough, it is hard to imagine how terrifying the center of the convergence of ground veins will be.

After walking for a few more miles, a thick black mist appeared not far in front of me, and a bad guy walked out of the black mist with a cold complexion.

"Don't enter the living, if you don't want to die, just... Huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he stared at me with wide-eyed eyes and exclaimed, "Are you Zhou Yan?"

I said in a deep voice, "Where is my friend?"

His face looked a little weird, he looked at me, and said to me, "Come with me!"

Going forward with that yin chase, it didn't take long before I saw a few figures.

At the beginning, I saw several geographers in the Baiyu Hall under the Lingnan Ancient Tomb, those who entered the tomb with his grandfather, the old man with rosacea and others.

They seemed to be measuring something, frowning and squeezing their fingerprints from time to time, as if adjusting the direction of some ground veins.

I thought they were caught by the bad guys, but seeing that they weren't restrained, they probably stayed here voluntarily.

The surging earth veins, to the earth master, are like an old bachelor seeing a peerless beauty. At this time, even if they are driven away, it is estimated that they will not leave.

In all directions in the distance, there are figures of geographers, as if they are investigating something.

I even saw An Luan. Although his limbs were broken by me, he was sitting on a simple wheelchair and was discussing something with a group of people. The people around him should be the Patriarch of the An Family, the elders of the clan, and others. At this time, they were all intensively studying, but they didn't notice my arrival.

I didn't see Grandpa's figure, which made me a little disappointed.

It's very strange that the big cow gathered these earth masters here to adjust the direction of the earth veins in this area of the yin and yang world.

"Oh, didn't I say it! That kid must have entered the yin and yang realm, but he doesn't know where he is now..."

Man San Niu's voice came from a distance, seemingly aggrieved, and said angrily: "If it hadn't been for the bastard from Longhushan to intervene suddenly, the kid would have come with me a long time ago. He was anxious at the time and threw him straight away. I'm here, but I didn't control my footing... I can be sure that the kid won't be too far from here, so let's go find it now!"

The direction from which the sound came was in the main hall made of mud and stones in front.

The hall was very rudimentary, it looked like it hadn't been built for a long time, and there was an angry voice from An Qi and the little girl.

After hearing their voices, I breathed a sigh of relief and walked over there quickly.

At this time, the figure of Man San Niu walked out of the hall, grumbling with a bad face, and a bend on his head was broken, making his nose and face swollen.

Is this the injury from the fight with Longhushan

After seeing me, Man Sanniu was stunned for a while, and then he was surprised, and directly pulled the bad guy who led me to one side, grabbed my arm, and dragged me into the hall.

"Here, isn't this kid already here? I didn't lie!" Man Sanniu said triumphantly.

I was slammed by Man San Niu and almost fell. When I was staggering before I could stand still, two figures, one large and one small, came to my side.

Angie and the little girl!

They seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, they all gave Man San Niu a glance and snorted at the same time.

Seeing that they were all right, I was relieved, and couldn't help but glance at the man sitting at the top of the hall.

Well, to be precise, he is a very fat guy!

He looks very similar to Man San Niu, but he is shorter than Man San Niu, and his body is much rounder than Man San Niu, just like a super big water tank. I even wonder if he is so fat that he can walk on his legs

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and I can't infer this guy from common sense. This fat guy is definitely more terrifying than Sanniu. This is my instinct.

Man Sanniu is still complacent, and seems to want his elder brother to compliment him.

The oversized fat man is a big bull, glanced at Man Sanniu lightly, and said softly: "I almost lost someone, do you still have the face to brag here?"

The smile on Man Sanniu's face froze, and said bitterly, "How many times have I said it, it's all from Longhushan..."

"Fuck off!"


Man Sanniu seemed to be very afraid of his elder brother, so he didn't say anything, turned his head and hurried out of the hall.

Then, the pretty big cow looked at me, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's weird, I'm wary in my heart, and my whole body is tight.

"Don't be nervous, please come here, just want you to do me a favor! It won't hurt you, after all, I'm quite afraid of your mother's 147 novel app download address!"

Hearing this, I raised my brows and asked, "A big man like you, what can I do for you?"

The man waved his hand, seeming to laugh at himself, and said, "I am a big man, I'm just an errand! As for what you want to help, you will know in a few days. You and the two of them will live here for a few days. God!"

Quite a cow didn't want to say more, and it was useless to ask me, but there was a vague premonition in my heart.

He brought in a bad servant and arranged for us to live in a row of simple stone houses next to the main hall, where the earth masters also lived.

When I left the hall, I thought of something. I looked back at the pretty big cow and asked: "My lord, I don't know where those people like Zong Yi are now?"

Hearing my question, there seemed to be a strange light flashing in the pretty big cow's eyes, and he said in a cold tone, "You don't have to worry about his affairs!" (End of this chapter)