Emperor Seal

Chapter 65: Life and death are thin, without my name! (Second more)


This dream is very long!

When I woke up, I couldn't tell if the environment I was in was a dream or reality!

An Qi and the little girl looked at me with surprise on their faces, and they were talking about what they were talking about, but I didn't listen to a word. The brain was chaotic, like the soul and body were separated for too long, requiring a slow process of fusion.

Man Sanniu was also in the stone house. After seeing me waking up, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He hurriedly left the stone house and ran towards the main hall.

After a long time, I sat up, rubbed my swollen eyebrows, and said hoarsely, "How long have I slept?"

"It's been three days and I don't know what's going on. After you fell asleep, your whole body was so hot and you kept talking nonsense, and we couldn't understand it!"

An Qi's eyes were full of concern and worry, and she said softly: "After the big cow knew about your situation, he sent someone to see you, but I didn't let them come close to you..."

My mother once said that the picture behind me cannot be seen by people in the underworld. It seems that there is a big secret hidden. An Qi is right to do this, otherwise, the secret of the picture on my back will definitely not be kept.

"I can't stay in this place, I have to leave as soon as possible!"

I said hurriedly: "There is a big crisis here, go now!"

That dream made me see a lot of things, which seemed to be true.

In the scene in the dream, not only the earth masters died tragically, but An Qi and the little girl did not escape.

I panic in my heart, afraid that everything in my dream will become reality.

An Qi and the little girl looked helpless. They didn't want to leave, but they had to be able to leave.

It's been so long, my mother hasn't come here yet, I don't know if the troubles on the Bai family's side have not been resolved. I can't wait any longer, I always feel that a danger is approaching quietly.

Go, go now, you have to leave here as soon as possible.

After hurriedly walking out of the stone house with An Qi and the little girl, I was shocked by the situation in front of me.

Sleeping for three days, this area has changed a lot. There are many hills, twists and turns, and the landform has been completely changed.

The ground veins converging in all directions seemed to have reached a certain limit, many ground cracks, and the slightest qi drifted out. Fortunately, none of the people here are ordinary people. Otherwise, a lot of them would have died a long time ago.

The figures of the earth masters were gone, and only a lot of bad servants wandered through this area, as if they were guarding the surrounding area.

The burly figure of Man San Niu appeared in front of us again, grinning at us, and the urn said: "My brother, please come over!"

Far away from the obstacles, there are abnormalities like Man Sanniu near, and there are faint eyes on the side of the stone hall, wanting to forcefully escape, it seems that the probability is infinitely equal to zero.

I took a deep breath, without impulsiveness, leading An Qi and the little girl to follow Man Sanniu towards the stone hall.

When approaching the stone hall, I whispered to An Qi and the little girl: "Wait no matter what happens, don't leave me three meters away, remember!"

An Qi and the little girl gave me a surprised look, and both nodded slightly.

If something unexpected happens, I will definitely use the geomantic method directly.

In a place where the earth veins are so rich, I myself don't know how big a sensation the earth master's methods will cause. Moreover, what I prepared was not the kind of method I used before, but one of the eighteen mudra behind me. I don't know what mudra it is, but I know that once it is displayed, it will inevitably be shocked.

After entering the main hall, I found that the previous earth masters were all gathered here.

It's just that, what's weird is that each of the earth masters are dull-eyed, standing upright in the hall, like wood carvings.

In the center of the main hall, the ground was dug more than one meter deep, revealing a black slab of several meters in radius. Under the black stone slab, is an ancient well.

When I saw this ancient well, my heart couldn't help beating wildly a few times, and my pupils shrank suddenly.

This well is exactly the same as the well in my dream!

In the ancient well, the feeling of calling became stronger, and at the same time, there seemed to be the sound of chains rustling, as if something was trapped inside.

The big fat man sitting in the first place was quite a big cow. He squinted at me and said with a smile: "Zhou Yan, how do you feel when you slept for three days?"

I was a little stunned, looking at the big fat man, there was no response.

Quite unconcerned, he continued with a smile and said, "We are already busy here, please do me a favor!"

"How can I help?" I responded casually.

Quite a big cow pointed to the black slate and said, "You need a little bit of your blood to sprinkle on it. This kind of little thing shouldn't make you embarrassed! After all this is done, you can go!"

I raised my brows, looked at the big cow, and asked, "It's that simple?"

The big cow nodded affirmatively and said, "It's that simple!"

I believe you a ghost!

If you only need a little bit of my blood, why do you have to spend so much time to bring me here, and if you ask for it directly, it will be easy and convenient for everyone.

But it was useless to talk to him at this time, and the threatening eyes made me have to do what he said.

Slashed his wrists and spilled blood on the black slate.

I don't know what material the black stone slab was made of. After my blood was spilled on it, it was absorbed. Faintly, some weird handprints appeared on the black stone slab, a bit like the eighteen handprint changes on my back.

Just when I was stunned, the man sitting in the first place said coldly: "Lao San, what are you waiting for?"

Man San Niu wailing, seemingly reluctant, said in a voice: "Big Brother, what we said before, won't hurt them..."

"Trash, get out!"

Man Daniu interrupted Man Sanniu's words directly, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he waved casually.

In an instant, dense black awns rushed out of his palm, couldn't see what it was, and instantly sank into the bodies of those earth masters.

The geomasters who were originally sluggish and stiff, each body trembled, and their eyes turned into scarlet colors, and they gathered towards Gujing.

"Puff puff… "

They madly poked their eyebrows and heart, blood spattered and spilled onto the black slate.

An Luan, whose limbs were abolished, bit her tongue like crazy at this time, gulp of blood spurted out, with a weird smile on her face, it felt like she was about to die.

These earth masters are crazy, or it's a pretty big cow who controlled their minds with weird methods, so they would have such crazy behaviors.

The black slate collapsed silently, exposing the dark well below.

"Wow, wow..."

Inside the wellhead, the sound of the chain swaying became even more rapid, and at the same time it was accompanied by a breath that made my heart palpitations.

What made me even more unacceptable was that the geographers around the mouth of the well became even crazier, jumping into the ancient well one after another.

I couldn't help but step back, the ancient well was so weird, I had the urge to plunge into it.

I winked at An Qi and the little girl, ready to rush out and flee at this moment.

At this moment, the heavy stone gate of the Stone Hall suddenly closed, blocking our way.

"Brother, that's enough!"

Man Sanniu actually stopped in front of us at this time, and said bitterly to Man Daniu: "It is already a felony to commit suicide by so many people without permission! Don't..."


With a wave of his hand, a black mist surged on Man Sanniu's body, directly causing him to hit the heavy stone gate. Mansan's leather is thick and fleshy, and such an attack will logically not hurt him, but he just lay on the ground, looking dying.

The big bull ignored the three bulls, looked at us, smiled and said, "A member of the An family with a mutant bloodline, a little fellow with a Yin spirit body, and you, Zhou Yan. This sacrifice is perfect. !"

"Damn fat guy, aren't you afraid that my mother will come here?" I roared.

The fat on the pretty big cow trembled and smiled even more, and said, "Your mother is now overwhelmed by the Bai family. How can she have time to take care of things here? When she arrives, everything will be settled. Now, if she really dared to break into the underworld to make trouble for me, someone will send her to the Yellow Spring. Then you can be reunited with your mother and son, and you may be a mother and son again in your next life... Oh, I forgot, you may not have the chance to reincarnate Up!"

"Why are you aiming at me? What do you want to do?" I interrupted him angrily.

At this time, I was delaying time, and I kept forming seals on the back of my hands, ready to display one of the 18 mudra. It's just that this kind of handprint change takes a while, I can only try to hold him back.

Hearing my question, there was a little weird look on the pretty big cow's face. He stared at me and said, "Actually, I don't know too well. I said before. I'm just a errand guy! I'm also very pretty. I'm curious, why did that person stare at you! There are people who are proficient in deduction on Longhu Mountain. They seem to have noticed some of your secrets, so they will target you..."

"You have lived the life of an ordinary person since you were young. Many people have not paid attention to you, but in the past few months, something seems to have changed! I thought it was because of your blood. After all, your mother's blood is terrifying. , But even your mother herself is not qualified to be followed by the underworld..."

"I secretly checked some time ago and found a very weird thing..."

When talking about this, the weird color on Man Daniu's face became more intense, and he said softly: "There is no name for you in the book of life and death! Do you know what this means?"

His words shocked my heart, and An Qi and the little girl were also shocked.

My handprints were not interrupted because of this, and my voice was a little hoarse: "What does it represent?"

"Everything in the world, the elves of vegetation, the yin and yang, whether it is a human, a ghost or a monster, the moment of birth, the birth and death will correspond to the eight-character birthday..."

Quite a big cow glanced at me and said in a deep voice: "The name of life and death can only explain one thing... Your past life, through the underworld, rewritten the life and death!" (End of this chapter)