Emperor Seal

Chapter 7: Big head dwarf


I still have a lot of doubts about this convenience store.

I was bored, I asked An Qi something.

Do people become ghosts after they die

Why does Uncle Zong want to open such a convenience store here

What kind of person is Uncle Zong

An Qi was a little impatient when I asked, and said angrily: "People die like a lamp, all beings must die, and death must return to the earth... The dead have souls, and the souls return to Yin Cao, but there are exceptions, so there is a tour* *Ghosts in the world! This convenience store of Uncle Zong can be regarded as a junction between Yin and Yang..."

Seeing my dazed look, An Qi snorted and said: "Forget it, you don't understand after I said it! As for the identity of Uncle Zong, you should ask him yourself! Okay, don't disturb me. !"

An Qi waved her hand and stopped paying attention to me.

Sitting at the cash register, I took out the long-life lock made of silver in my arms, a little lost.

Where are my parents

I haven't seen them since I was born. I thought they had passed away a long time ago. Now that I suddenly learned about them, I feel very complicated.

In this way, the whole day passed quickly.

At the convenience store, Uncle Zong was on duty at night, and An Qi and I stayed until 8 o'clock in the evening and left.

As night fell, the lights came on.

An Qi and I returned to the apartment together. An Qi was muttering something along the way. After studying the sheepskin roll for a whole day, I don't know if she has discovered anything.

Back to the apartment, just took out the key to open the door, a cool air rushed out of the apartment.

I didn't care, but An Qi raised her brows and pulled me slightly.

"What's the matter?" I gave An Qi a puzzled look.

An Qi ignored me, squinted at the room, and walked in first.

Turning on the light in the room, An Qi looked in the living room for a while, then went straight to my room, as if looking for something.

My doubts deepened. When I was about to ask, An Qi frowned and said, "Someone has come in!"

"Huh?" I was taken aback for a moment.

Only me and An Qi live here. Uncle Zong doesn't have the key here. Is it possible to be a thief

While I was stunned, An Qi stretched her waist, showing her charming curves vividly, and lazily said: "Maybe I feel wrong! Sleeping to sleep, sleepy!"

With that said, An Qi yawned and went to wash, and when she walked out of my room, she warned me not to peek at her in the bath, otherwise I would definitely be beaten and I can't take care of myself.

I looked at her speechlessly, do I look like such a nasty person

After taking a shower, An Qi has already entered her room, and I lay in sex, my head is full of fantasy images of An Qi wrapped in bath towels after taking a shower.

No, I can't think about it anymore, or don't sleep tonight.

I fell into a deep sleep, and I had a very beautiful dream. An Qi in the dream walked towards me with a smile, took off her clothes, and...

Then I woke up, awake from freezing!

The weather in July was sultry and the air conditioner in the room was turned off at some unknown time, but the temperature in the room dropped sharply.

I subconsciously tried to touch the switch of the bedside lamp, but I touched a hand.

A cold little hand, as if touching an ice cube.

I shuddered, and I recovered in an instant, and turned my head to look at the bedside.

A figure more than one meter tall stood on the head of my bed, a big-headed dwarf with a pale face and green eyes staring at me.

When I looked at him, he grinned slightly, his face was hideous, his mouth was full of sharp fangs, his scarlet slender tongue was half a foot long, and he looked terrifying and disgusting.

My heartbeat almost stopped, and I screamed in horror, but my mouth was covered by his hand in an instant.

He has small hands and thin arms, but he has great strength. One hand is pinching my neck and the other is covering my mouth.

"Where is that sheepskin roll?"

The big-headed dwarf's voice is hoarse and has a weird tone.

What is this guy

He was also rolled for sheepskin, is he in a group with grandpa

Seeing that I didn't respond, the power in the hands of the big-headed dwarf increased a bit, his face became more hideous, and he asked again.

It's a damn thing, pinching my neck and covering my mouth, how can I respond

At this moment, with a dull sound, my door was kicked open.

An Qi, appeared at the door of the room.

Seeing An Qi appear, I seem to have seen a savior, my body twisted violently, whining non-stop.

An Qi said that she is the only female disciple of Maoshan's generation. Whether she is bragging or not, now my hopes rest on her.

The big-headed dwarf pinched my neck with one hand, turned his head to look at An Qi, his eyes flashed with green light, and his face was fierce.

At this time, An Qi flipped her hand and a yellow paper charm appeared in her hand, shaking her hand and threw it towards us.

I waited for the miracle to happen, but it didn't.

The yellow paper talisman made the big-headed dwarf nervous for a moment. I clearly noticed that his hand holding my neck trembled, but the yellow paper talisman turned into a flame in midair and disappeared before it reached us.

This... Is this over? !

An Qi blinked her eyes, her face was sorrowful, and she glanced at me with a little embarrassment, and said: "Recently, I have neglected to practice and the technique is rusty..."

I was desperate, and Uncle Zong asked her to protect me, which is too unreliable!

"Lambskin rolls, give me sheepskin rolls!"

The big-headed dwarf roared, seeming to be impatient, and his expression even more sordid.

An Qi waved to the big-headed dwarf and said with a smile: "It's useless for you to toss him. The sheepskin is rolled in my room. Come get it with me!"

After speaking, An Qi turned to leave and walked into her own room.

The big-headed dwarf hesitated, let go of me, and ran quickly to An Qi's room.

"Cough cough cough..."

I clutched my neck and coughed violently, breathing heavily, and I almost suffocated and passed out.

I wanted to escape here, but I was worried about An Qi's safety. I ran to the kitchen nervously and picked up the iron pan and kitchen knife. My calf trembled and prepared to rush into An Qi's room.

At this moment, the sad and miserable howling of the big-headed dwarf suddenly came from An Qi's room, and I was so frightened that the iron pan and kitchen knife in my hand almost fell to the ground.

"You are not a Taoist priest, you are..."

The stern voice of the big-headed dwarf stopped abruptly, as if it had been cut off by something.

In An Qi's room, the silence fell, my heartbeat was so fierce, and finally I gritted my teeth and pushed An Qi's door open.

An Qi’s room is decorated in pink series, with a girlish feeling, but it looks messy, and some personal clothes are thrown around. It is no wonder that she does not allow me to enter her room.

These are not the main points, the main point is that the big-headed dwarf is gone!

I am a little puzzled, that weird guy can't disappear out of thin air!

An Qi looked nervous when I was holding a wok kitchen knife, and she looked a little weird. She glared at me and said, "Didn't you tell me not to let you into my room? You... Hiccup, get out! Hiccup!"

An Qi hiccups inexplicably and blasts me out of the room.

"Where is that guy?" I asked in a daze.

An Qi hiccuped a few more times, and said casually: "I ran away, and was shocked by the beauty of this beauty. I won't be back again. You can sleep with peace of mind!"

I believe you a ghost, treat me like a three-year-old kid!

Before I could ask anything else, An Qi had already closed the door.

I feel that An Qi is a bit weird. Just now I heard the sad and miserable howling of the big-headed dwarf. He said An Qi was not a Taoist priest. The rest of the words stopped abruptly before finishing, which made me very confused and curious.

Is An Qi lying to me

If she is not a disciple of Maoshan, what is her identity

I slept very unsteadily all night and kept nightmares.

When I got up in the morning, I was sluggish and dizzy. After I got out of bed and washed, my spirit improved a little.

An Qi got up early and came back from outside at this time and bought soy milk fritters.

While eating breakfast, An Qi looked at me with a smile and said, "According to the rules and regulations we set before, I don’t care about you breaking into my room last night. However, I helped you once at a lower price. No less, five hundred yuan, cash or transfer?"

I almost choked on fried dough sticks. I drank a sip of soy milk and looked at An Qi speechlessly.

Is this woman in the eyes of losing money! (End of this chapter)