Emperor Seal

Chapter 77: Taken away by the underworld (second more)


My words made Zhang Mu's eyes even colder.

I clearly noticed that a spiteful killing intent flashed in Zhang Mu's eyes.

Such a guy is like a poisonous snake, unable to be completely killed, there are endless troubles. It's a pity that this is Longhu Mountain, and it's impossible for me to do anything to him.

The most important thing is that even if I can do it, I may not be able to kill him, after all, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master is not a straw bag.

Zhang Mu didn't say much any more, took out a jade talisman, and put it on Zhang Jai and the old blind man.

A touch of golden light flashed from the jade charm, directly reflecting on the cliff behind them.

A layer of ripples appeared on the cliff wall, and a golden hole appeared, which was gray and foggy, and it was not clear what was inside.

Lu Qing said softly behind him: "Come on, believe in yourself, you can absolutely!"

I took a deep breath and stepped directly into the golden light hole. At this moment, I saw Zhang Mu's cold and bitter eyes, and an inexplicably uneasy feeling appeared in my heart.

Is it possible that he has any arrangement in the secret realm that wants me to die in it

Probably not!

This mystery is not his own calculation. If he does move his hands and feet, it is impossible for Zhangja and the old blind man to know it!

Also, if I really die in the secret realm, wouldn't Zhang Mu be unable to obtain the Imperial Scriptures

With his temperament, he shouldn't do such a thing!

Strange, what is the reason for this uneasy feeling

After passing through the golden light hole, I appeared in an unfamiliar place.

In the secret realm, twelve peaks towered into the clouds, and I was in the center surrounded by twelve peaks, which seemed extremely small in comparison.

I directly sensed the veins here and found that there was an extremely rich one, a very special one among the twelve peaks, not high or short, about three hundred feet, bare.

Compared with other peaks, this mountain seems to have no vitality, only silence and depression.

After listening to Lu Qing's words, I chose this mountain that made me feel more intense, stepped on the steps on the mountain, and walked upward step by step.

I don't know if other mountain peaks are like this. When I walked over a dozen steps, the veins of the earth surging slightly.

Immediately afterwards, my body seemed to have fallen into a quagmire. There was a lot of resistance and it was very hard to lift my legs.

If it is blocked by other methods, I may not have any way to deal with it, but in the face of the power of the earth veins, I still have a lot of means.

Pinch the mark to appease the veins.

My body felt light for an instant, and I continued to stride forward.

When I reached the height of about a hundred meters, a little sweat appeared on my forehead, my handprints kept changing, and my concentration was very concentrated.

The ground veins here in the secret realm are different from the outside world.

With some ordinary methods of mine, it became more and more difficult to calm the surging of the ground veins under my feet!

I have a hunch, once I can't hold it, the ground veins that gather under my feet will gush out, and I will definitely be out of luck.

The crisis accompanies you, back or continue to move forward

Without hesitation, go ahead!

When I arrived halfway up the mountain, my face must have been extremely ugly at this time, my clothes were all wet with sweat, and my legs were a little trembling.

The earth pulse here is surging, too violent!

My ordinary handprints are almost too much to be suppressed.

There is still half the distance from the top of the mountain, can you rush up

You can't do it!

I am not suppressing the madness in my heart, only this can give me enough stimulation.

The hands change rapidly, regretfully, come out!


As soon as the regret seal, one of the eighteen handprints, was formed, under this mountain peak was like something awakened by a behemoth. The ground pulse rioted, but it did not erupt.

Very strange, the power of this handprint seemed to melt into this mountain, and the pressure around me instantly dissipated.

What are you waiting for at this time

In just a few breaths, I sprinted with all my strength, and I had already seen the top of the mountain, which was only a hundred meters away.

But at this moment, that inexplicable coercion reappeared, extremely surging.

Caught off guard, I staggered and almost fell over.

At the same time, the steps under my feet seemed to be turned into mud, and my body was sinking slowly.

This kind of situation made my heart mad and mad, and it was useless no matter how regrettable the changes in Diyin were. It seems that in this position, even regret Diyin can't affect the ground veins!

Is it going to be buried alive here

I am unwilling, but there is nothing I can do about it!

I couldn't save An Qi, but instead took me in. I was really helpless...

And when I dived into the ground, there was a fierce scorching sensation behind me, and there seemed to be something in the depths of my heart that was roaring frantically.

Immediately afterwards, the veins of the Great Underground, as if being summoned, gathered frantically towards me.

This kind of oppression made me feel like I was about to burst.

I wanted to scream in pain, but I couldn't make any sound. I wanted to coma and didn't want to bear the pain, but the will of the soul remained awake.

During this painful torture, I felt that my body seemed to be bearing the scouring of the earth veins again and again.

Is this going to bring me down

Unfortunately, the seal is invalid!

However, at this moment, I don't know when my hands are sticking together, my ten fingers fluttering, and another handprint appears.

The second handprint among the eighteen handprints, overturning the mountain!

Eighteen handprints, I could only perform regretful imprints before, other inability to perform, I don't know if it is due to lack of strength or other reasons.

At this time, it seems that the accidental hit and collision succeeded!

Printed over the mountain, printed!

In an instant, the ground veins surrounding me became stagnant, directly pushing me out of the ground.

It felt like someone was kicking a foot behind my ass, soaring into the air, drawing a graceful arc.


I smashed into the top of the mountain, and I fell very badly, and my head was knocked on a big rock, a little dizzy.

Fortunately, my body has strengthened a lot. If it is the same body that was once, even if it is not broken, my head will definitely be bloodied...


this is…

I raised my head in a daze, and sat on the ground with my head in my hands, looking up at the big rock in front of me.

To be precise, this is a stone sculpture, and it is an old man.

This old man, I have seen in the White Jade Hall under the Lingnan Ancient Tomb, is the master of Earth Qi who holds the Emperor's Scripture in his hand.

The stone sculptures here are slightly different from those in the Baiyu Hall, and they appear to be younger than those in the White Jade Hall.

At this moment, the stone sculpture in front of him seemed to have undergone a slight change, and those eyes flashed with faint light.

That faint light rushed into my mind like a sharp arrow, making my brain roar endlessly.

"Earth Qi forges the body, the earth veins are the extension of the earth master's body, feel it, blend with it..."

The roar in my mind didn't know how long it lasted. When I woke up, I found that the stone sculpture in front of me was gone.

At the same time, I noticed that there seemed to be a faint air current in my body, which was swimming in my body very comfortably. I seem to be a lot more sensitive to the ground veins...

These are not important for the time being, the important thing is that I have reached the top, and An Qi is saved!

A golden light suddenly appeared beside me, covering me.

In a daze, I appeared in the small mountain before entering the secret realm. Both Zhang Jaw and Lu Qing were there, looking at me with a strange look.

"Big brother, it takes two days to reach the top, it's amazing!"

Lu Qing was very excited and patted my shoulder, and said, "There should be great gains! The celestial masters who have been able to climb to the top in the secret realm in the past have all gained great gains, and you are definitely no exception..."

I don't know if it counts as a gain, the slight heat in my body hasn't had time to find out what it is.

I only care about Angel's situation now!

"Heavenly Master Zhang Jaw, am I considered a success?" I looked at Heavenly Master Zhang Jaw with scorching eyes.

Heavenly Master Zhang Jaw nodded lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I have already gone to take the Heavenly Master's order!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old blind man appeared here, holding a quaint black jade box in his hand, which contained a heavenly master's order.

I was excited, but when I looked around, I found that one person was missing.

Where did Zhang Mu go

"That guy is in retreat, ignore him, anyway, the siblings shouldn't have a big problem if the heavenly master orders it!" Lu Qing said with a smile.

For some reason, the uneasy feeling in my heart became even heavier.

Forget it, leave him alone, save An Qi first.

And when we came to the place where An Qi was placed, looking at the empty ice jade bed, I was stunned, and the uneasy feeling in my heart broke out.

Where is Angie

Lu Qing and Zhang Jai's faces were very ugly, and ordinary Tianshifu disciples couldn't come to this place. An Qi was so angry that she couldn't run out by herself.

who is it

Who took her away

I subconsciously thought of Zhang Mu, who else could be besides him

Just as I was about to run away, the old blind man pinched his fingers, as if he was thinking about something, his face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "People of the underworld, they took them away!"


I didn’t say anything yet, Lu Qing roared: “Do you know if the people from the underworld come to Longhu Mountain? Is the guardian formation of Longhu Mountain a decoration? Even if the King Yama comes here, it’s impossible for him to come here silently. People take away..."

Speaking of this, Lu Qing was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, with a gloomy expression looking at the open jaw and the old blind man, gritted his teeth and said, "Unless someone deliberately put in the underworld!" (this chapter Finish)