Emperor Seal

Chapter 79: Ferryman (fourth)


Following the black paper crane, he left the boundary of Longhu Mountain, and soon came to a desolate small village.

There are overgrown weeds, the houses are dilapidated, and the roads in the village are covered with waist-high weeds. I don’t know how long the village has been abandoned.

After coming here, I did feel a yin air.

Following the black paper cranes through this desolate and dilapidated village, came to the back of the village, a circle of graves.

That yin air disappeared in this place.

The black paper crane hovered around the circle of graves, and finally landed on one of the large earth graves.

Lu Qing raised his brows, and said in surprise, "There is also an entrance to the Yin-Yang realm here!"

After speaking, he took out a yellow paper talisman and threw it directly on the earth tomb.

The paper talisman turned into a flame and disappeared, and a thick black mist emerged from the earth tomb, spinning and rolling, full of gloom.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Qing and I rushed directly into the black mist.

Yin and Yang world, yin and wind bursts.

The gray world and the black sea are even more dead than before.

Since the last time I left, great changes have taken place in the Yin-Yang world, and many places have been covered by black sea water. It is estimated that in a short time, the entire Yin-Yang realm will become another sea of underworld.

When Lu Qing and I appeared here, we saw a dilapidated ship on the black sea going away. There was a person on that boat, his figure blurred and shrouded in black mist. In his arms, he was holding the ferret that An Qi had transformed.

I roared and wanted to jump into the black water to chase, but was hugged by Lu Qing.

"You are crazy, this is the sea of darkness, once you get down, your soul will be lost!"

I struggled and screamed, but the broken ship did not stop. I could only watch the broken ship go away and gradually disappear into the distant fog.

I grabbed Lu Qing and hurriedly said, "Quick, you must have a way to catch up with them, right?"

Lu Qing said bitterly, "Everything in the sea of the underworld does not float. Except for the ferrymen, even the underworld generals can't get through..."

The underworld can represent the underworld, but the underworld cannot.

The underworld is composed of ten main cities, eighteen hells, and ghost gates controlled by the ten temples, but it only occupies a part of the underworld.

In the underworld, in addition to the underworld, there is also the sea of underworld.

Even Lu Qing's master didn't know how big Minghai was. It was absolutely vast.

Above the sea of darkness, there is only the existence of the ferryman, just like a wandering soul floating on the sea of darkness, punting around the sea day after day.

In Lu Qing's words, once you become a ferryman, it is absolutely the torment and pain that cannot be reincarnated forever. The soul is imprisoned by eternal life in the sea of darkness, which is more painful than tortured in the eighteenth hell.

The broken ship just now was one of the ferrymen, but we didn't see who the ferryman was.

After listening to what Lu Qing said, I didn't know what to do.

An Qi was taken to the underworld. If she had set foot on Huangquan Road and drank Mengpo Tang, can I see her again in this life

Lu Qing didn't know how to summon the ferryman. The depression in my heart made me scream at this moment.

A series of blood charms shot out from my fingertips, turned into red glow, and blasted into the mist in the depths of the sea.

The handprints, the roar of the sea of the sea, the bombardment of the earth veins, causing the silent sea of the sea to move

I'm venting, if I don't do something, I feel like I will go crazy sooner or later.

And the venting at this time caused a slight change in the fog in the depths of the sea.

A little light appeared from the mist in the depths of the sea.

A broken ship similar to the one just now slowly sailed out of the fog and approached us. On the bow, an oil lamp was hung and the lights flickered. At the stern, a man dressed in a poncho shook the oar, like a puppet, his movements were stiff.

I was suddenly excited, and when the broken ship approached, I jumped onto the broken ship. Lu Qing followed closely behind, and also got on the broken ship.

"What are you doing here?"

I stared at Lu Qing and said, "You don't need to worry about the next thing, go on!"

I don't want to hurt Lu Qing, after all, I don't know what will happen when I go to the underworld.

"Big brother, you are not familiar with the underworld, do you know where to find your younger siblings?"

Lu Qing sighed, rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly, "I have been to the underworld several times. Quandang has shown you the way. Although some people in the underworld have a bad impression of me, in the face of my master, it should be I won’t be too embarrassed..."

While talking, the broken ship had already swayed away from the shore, driving towards the depths of the sea in the mist. At this time, it was impossible to drive Lu Qing down.

After the broken ship entered the fog, the speed seemed to be a little faster, but I still felt too slow, and couldn't help urging the ferryman in the ferry suit.

"Can you hurry up?"

The Yin Yiren ignored me, and still shook the oar unhurriedly. I couldn't wait to take the oar and row the boat.

Lu Qing comforted me and said, "Don't worry, it's no use rushing. The ferryman can't hear them. Their souls are already imprisoned... Uh, brother, did you hear me? What's wrong?"

I didn't respond to Lu Qing's words. At this time, I stared at the ferryman who was stiffly paddling the oars, and the whole person froze!

"Zong... Uncle Zong!?" I murmured.

This ferryman dressed in a ferry is exactly the uncle Zong who hasn't seen him for a long time.

How could he appear here

How could he become a ferryman above the sea of underworld

"Do you know him?" Lu Qing was a little dazed.

I ignored Lu Qing and stared at Uncle Zong blankly.

He seemed to be a little older than before, his eyes were dull, he was bent over like an old peasant, and he didn't hear what I said.

"Uncle Zong, this is Zhou Yan!" I said with a trembling voice, short of breath.

Uncle Zong did not respond, and there was no ripple in the godless eyes.

I couldn't help reaching out to grab Uncle Zong's arm, shaking him, and shouting anxiously: "Uncle Zong, wake up, I am..."

"Big brother, don't get excited!"

Lu Qing hurriedly stopped my crazy behavior and said: "Don't shake it, don't shake it, if the ship capsizes, let's not save the younger brother and sister, maybe we will have to report to the Yan Luodian in front of the younger sister..."

After Lu Qing pulled me away, I panted hard and felt grief. Looking at the appearance of Uncle Zong, I almost cried.

Uncle Zong holds a very high position in my heart, because of him, I have survived several crises. If it weren't for him, I might have died many times.

His position in my heart is comparable to my father!

Now he turned out to be like this, which made me feel uncomfortable.

"He is just a body now. He can't wake him up. His soul is imprisoned by Minghai. I haven't heard of anyone who can awaken Minghai's ferry..." Lu Qing said to me cautiously, for fear that I would do it again. Something crazy happened.

"Very big cow!"

I gritted my teeth, the hatred in my heart overflowed, and I wanted to kill the guy in exactly the same mood as I wanted to kill Zhang Mu.

When I asked the man Daniu about the whereabouts of Uncle Zong, he responded coldly and told me not to worry about it.

The way Uncle Zong is now must have something to do with the big bull. After all, the seawater of the sea and the sea backflowing into the Yin and Yang world is part of the big bull's plan.

He didn't kill Uncle Zong, on the contrary, he didn't know how to make Uncle Zong a ferryman to the Underworld, which was more cruel than killing Uncle Zong.

The soul cannot be detached forever, and it cannot be reincarnated in the sea of the sea for eternity and immortality...

First An Qi had an accident, and then Uncle Zong, both of whom were very important to me. Now I am stuck in the same horn.

Am I really the reincarnation of a disaster star

The speed of breaking the ship did not change. After entering the fog, the surroundings became hazy, only the oil lamp on the ship flickered.

After a while, a broken ship not far away appeared like a ghost, passing by.

I saw the ferryman in the ferry on that boat, who was also an acquaintance, an old beggar.

Like Uncle Zong, he has the same lack of eyes, shaking the oars stiffly, without looking at us, as if we are all air in his eyes, and disappeared into the mist in a short while.

There are also many ferrymen who appear like walking corpses. I know many of them. Those who went to Lingnan with Uncle Zong at the beginning have become ferrymen on this sea of underworld.

"Where is the ferryman's soul imprisoned in Minghai?" I looked at Lu Qing.

Probably guessing what I thought, Lu Qing smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Give up, it's impossible! No one knows where the ferryman’s soul is trapped in the sea, unless it’s draining the sea... that’s not the case. meaningful!"

I was silent, depressed and depressed.

Lu Qing sighed and said nothing. He frowned and looked at the fog in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

I don't know how long it took, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the Yin Qi became more intense.

"It's in the underworld!"

Lu Qing's face suddenly changed slightly, staring at the depths of the mist ahead, and said solemnly: "Zhou Yan, pay attention, I feel something is wrong!"

I also felt that the speed of breaking the ship accelerated. It was not that Uncle Zong accelerated the speed of shaking the oars, but the originally calm surface of the sea, and a rapid current formed at this time, pushing the broken ship under our feet forward.

It felt like a huge vortex appeared in front, pulling the broken ship under our feet forward. (End of this chapter)