Emperor Seal

Chapter 80: The woman in the petals (first watch)


The speed of breaking the ship is getting faster and faster, and it is accompanied by a violent shaking.

We don't know what happened before, but I know that if this continues, problems will definitely arise.

Lu Qing dignifiedly took out a small copper bell from his arms and shook it quickly.

In an instant, the Yin Qi around us gathered frantically, forming a translucent hand, grasping the periphery of the broken ship, trying to pull the broken ship back.

The speed of the broken ship was a little slower, but the flow of the sea below the sea did not slow down at all.

Just when I was trying to shake the veins under the Sea of Underworld and destroy the weird rapids of the Sea of Underworld, a huge figure appeared in the mist in front of us.

The original rapids of the Undersea waters stopped in an instant.

From the rapids to the extreme silence, it was just a moment.

Unprepared, due to inertia, Lu Qing and I almost plunged into the sea of darkness.

The thick fog in front of me slowly dissipated, and when the huge and vague figure was shown in front of me and Lu Qing, both of us took a breath and stared at the thing with wide eyes.

That thing, about ten feet high, is a bright red flower!

This flower is a bit too big, and the petals are long and slender, gently swaying, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

In addition, there are densely dense green and black rhizomes waving wildly beside the flower. It is because of these rhizomes that huge vortexes are formed here, causing our broken ship to accelerate toward this side involuntarily. Rushed.

Doesn’t it mean that there are no creatures in the sea of darkness

What is this huge weird flower vine

I glanced at Lu Qing. Lu Qing was still in a state of shock, as if he saw something terrible.

At this moment, in that huge flower, the stamens bloomed layer by layer, and a graceful figure appeared.

A woman, a beautiful woman, lay lazily in the stamens, with white skin and delicate features. She was dressed in a red dress, and her clothes seemed to be made up of countless petals.

This woman gave me a very inexplicable feeling. It was a mixture of stunning, indifferent, eccentric and so on. I had never seen a woman with such a complicated temperament.

Her eyes seemed to be able to suck the human soul into perish, making people reluctant to leave as soon as they saw her.

And what shocked me most was that this woman gave me a very familiar feeling, as if I had seen it somewhere.

However, this is absolutely impossible. If I have seen such a woman before, I can't be without the slightest impression.

She is looking at us, or at me, condescending, like a high queen.

A green vine protruded from the sea of darkness, approaching our broken ship, and spread to the ship.

I subconsciously prepared to use the blood charm, but Lu Qing grabbed my arm by the side.

"Don't move, don't move!"

Lu Qing was not only trembling in his voice, but also shaking his hands when he was holding me.

The vine came to my feet, wrapped around my ankle all the way up, and after crawling over my chest and abdomen, the thin vine turned into a slender hand, gently stroking me Cheeks.

This feeling made my heart feel hairy, and the goose bumps all over my body got up.

I know that all of this is related to the woman in red, but I don't know what she wants to do. Lu Qing's hand is tightly grasped, and I feel that Lu Qing seems to be more nervous than I am.


A loud slap in the face came out, breaking the deadly environment.

I was a little confused, and touched my face, the corners of my mouth were a bit torn and bleeding a little.

The green vine that slapped me slowly retreated from me, and finally sank into the sea of darkness.

Then, the woman in red in the huge flower took a deep look at me and then disappeared into the layers of stamens. The huge flowers and the dense green-black vines all sank into the sea of darkness, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

what's going on

why did you hit me

Minghai calmed down, and Uncle Zong sluggishly punted, and the broken ship moved forward unhurriedly.

I covered my face and couldn't figure out what was going on!

When I first saw the huge flowers and countless vines, I thought there would be a fierce battle.

Who knew that after I was slapped, the woman left, as if she was waiting here just to slap me.

Sister, who are you

Lu Qing on the side sat on the boat with a very impersonal butt, covering his heart with cold sweat, humming with palpitations on his face.

"Fate is big, the master said that I can live a hundred years, and it is true... I was so scared to death, how could I meet her here..."

Lu Qing was obviously frightened, he must know the origin of that woman!

"Who is she?" I asked doubtfully.

Lu Qing's eyes twitched and looked at me, seeing the red and swollen half of my face, his eyes were strange.

"I don't know her name, but if you see her again in the future, you'd better turn your head and run... That person, even the Ten Temple Yama in the underworld would not easily provoke him!"

Lu Qing said vaguely, rubbing his nose, babbling and saying: "You and her should have been a bit involved in your last life. She rarely showed up in the underworld. Every time she appeared, it represented a catastrophe. This time we can let our brother go. Both, we have accumulated virtues in our last life..."

I looked at the location where the flower disappeared, very speechless.

I can be sure that I have never seen this woman in red in my life, but I am not sure if my previous life really has anything to do with her as Lu Qing said.

Will the debts of the previous life be paid in this lifetime

My face hurts a bit!

"Isn't everything in the sea of underworld not growing? What's the matter with that flower?" I asked suspiciously.

Lu Qing waved his hand and said weakly, "Don't ask me, I don't know, it may be because that flower is special! That thing shouldn't have appeared here..."

I didn't ask any more, sitting aside, rubbing the beaten cheek, feeling extremely depressed.

After a long time, the fog gradually faded and I saw the shore.

When I got off the boat, watching Uncle Zong once again entered the mist above the sea of darkness holding the boat, I clenched my fists and took a deep breath.

I don't know how to save him, this is where I feel the most powerless.

"Let's go, see if you can save your younger siblings before entering Fengdu City!" Lu Qing said to me.

He didn't stay here much, and rushed towards Fengdu City with Lu Qing.

Ever since I learned that An Qi was taken away by the underworld, I have always been in a bad mood and my thoughts are very confused. In addition, seeing that Uncle Zong turned out to be a ferryman in the sea of darkness, his head was even more chaotic, and a group of evil fire was always held in his heart.

The slap not long ago made me sober a lot.

An Qi was taken away by the underworld, and it seemed a bit weird.

"People from the underworld, if they want to go to the Yin-Yang Realm, they don't seem to have to enter from the entrance of the Yin-Yang Realm!" I asked Lu Qing a little puzzled.

The Yinchai and Sanniu I've seen before can enter the Yin-Yang realm at will, and don't need to enter from a certain entrance in the Yin-Yang realm.

The person who took An Qi away from the underworld, after leaving Longhu Mountain, can return directly to the Yin-Yang Realm. Why enter the Yin-Yang Realm from the deserted grave behind the dilapidated village.

Hearing what I said, Lu Qing glanced at me and sighed: "Did you notice? I thought you had thought of it! That guy deliberately led you to the underworld, otherwise How could we find the entrance to the Yin-Yang Realm near Longhu Mountain so quickly, and how could it happen that as soon as we entered the Yin-Yang Realm, we saw him punting away with his younger brothers and sisters..."

Speaking of this, Lu Qing squinted his eyes and said, "I even suspect that the entrance to the deserted tomb was specially opened by him and left for us..."

Listening to what Lu Qing said, I suddenly thought of someone.

The man in the ancient well of the Yin and Yang world!

Wouldn't it be him who took An Qi away

I didn't see it clearly at the time, but I think even if it isn't him, it definitely has something to do with him.

I don’t know why he targeted me like this. I only remember that when he was in the Yin-Yang realm, he said that he would wait for me in the underworld, and said that if I lose my love in this life, will I change back to who I was...

Damn bastard!

Just when I couldn't control the tyranny in my heart again, Lu Qing suddenly roared.

"Stop the bastard in front, Xiaoye is staring at you!"

After the words fell, Lu Qing waved his arms, and the talisman flew out like a butterfly, bursting toward us in front of us.

In front of us, there was a person standing on a small mound, holding a ferret in his arms, his body was covered by black mist, he couldn't see his face, and he didn't know if it was the man in the ancient well of Yin and Yang.

He seems to be waiting for us, worried that we will not follow? (End of this chapter)