Emperor Seal

Chapter 89: I buried myself (part one) (second more)


The fishing man did not give me an answer, he only said a word.

"This is your calamity. It should have appeared in your previous life, but there has been a deviation, and it is naturally impossible to avoid it in this life!"

My robbery

I don't believe in fate, but I can't refute what the angler said, I can only smile.

Hades wants you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep people until the fifth watch!

What can be said with him

Just when the Fishing Weng wanted to say something, his face changed slightly and he turned to look not far away.

In that direction, the rain of flowers drifted away.

Pieces of bright red petals appeared out of thin air, and in this blood-colored world, there was a strange sense of beauty.

Above the earth, secretly puffy blue-black vines appeared, and a huge bright red flower appeared.

The petals are blooming, the stamens are blooming, and the woman in red lay lazily among the stamens, looking at me and the fishing man.

"Do you still want to interfere with his affairs?"

The angler stared at the woman in red, and said in a deep voice: "The past has become soot. In this life, he has nothing to do with you..."

"I'm here just to tell you one thing!"

The lady in red lazily interrupted the fishing man, pointed at me, and whispered to the fishing man: "I don't care how you count him! If he reincarnates in this life, I will close the ghost gate, cut off Huangquan Road, and abolish six roads. Reincarnation..."

"you dare!"

The fishing man roared, his whole body burst into an astonishing aura, and a huge phantom of tens of feet appeared behind him. It was an emperor in a black dragon robe, who was not angry with himself, and the majesty of heaven and earth changed.

This phantom is the real Yama!

However, this obviously did not scare the woman in red, she just glanced at Yan Luo phantom, not at all shocked by the vast and majestic aura.

"If he is truly in reincarnation, look at me, dare you!"

After lazily speaking these domineering words, the figure of the lady in red disappeared among the pistils, the petals of the bright red flowers close up, and the huge flowers disappeared in the rain.

After the lady in red disappeared, the angler's face was gloomy, and the huge phantom illusion behind him disappeared.

He took a deep breath, looked at me, his eyes were deep, and he said in a deep voice, "Can you survive this catastrophe? It depends on your own destiny!"

When the voice fell, the fishing man's figure gradually faded and disappeared from my eyes.

In the bloody world, only myself is left!

The evil spirits in the distance began to roar and roar, their eyes glowed with ferocious and violent rays, and they approached me. Among them, there are also a few large, hideous giants with interlaced canine teeth and disgusting saliva, looking at my eyes as if they were looking at a delicious meal.

If there is no injury, I will kill as many evil spirits as they come.

However, the sword mark in my heart has swallowed the power in my body almost completely, and even the strength to stand seems to be running out.

This is my robbery

How should I get through this disaster

My consciousness began to trance, my hands trembling and gathered together, my vision was a little vague, watching the evil spirits approaching, and I sighed in my heart.

I tried my best and stepped out one step at a time.


The earth's veins roared, the earth lifted up, and the group of ghosts wailed frantically and fled, but they were covered within a radius of 10,000 meters. Where can these evil spirits go

This time, not only these evil spirits were buried, but also myself!

I don't want to be swallowed by these evil spirits after I die, and I would rather bury myself in this eighth hell forever.

This is probably what Yan Luo wants to see!

After all, he had already faintly revealed this meaning in his previous words!

My calamity should be in the eighth level of hell. Without power, what kind of calamity should I overcome

What else can I do besides burying myself

My body sank into the ground, wrapped in ground veins, gradually lost consciousness and plunged into darkness.

At the moment when my consciousness fell into darkness, I suddenly remembered a sentence, it was the sentence that the old man left in my mind at the moment when the secret realm of Dragon Tiger Mountain reached the top.

"Earth Qi forges the body, the earth veins are the extension of the earth master's body, feel it, blend with it..."

Coming to the familiar dark space again, the soul floated.

This time, I don't know life or death, I don't know if I will be trapped here forever, my soul has no fluctuations, no joy or sorrow, just like a passerby in the world.

A picture appeared from the darkness, but this time it was a little different. It was no longer a pure memory viewing, but absorbed my soul into that picture.

"Brother, wake up! Don't scare me! I'm afraid..."

There was a burst of crying beside him, the dark boy, with worry and concern in his eyes, his eyes were already crying and swollen.

I woke up in a daze, lying in a ruined temple, bruised and swollen, and my brother also had a lot of welt marks on his body.

Back in the blue wind and rain when I was a teenager, I was experiencing certain things in my previous life. Although I didn't understand what was going on, at this moment, I was indeed the blue wind when I was a teenager in my previous life.

As for why our brothers are here, it is because we accidentally offended the dog legs of the Wang family while begging. I was knocked out. It was my brother who brought me to this ruined temple.

It was very snowy outside and it was dark at night.

I comforted my brother. It was cold, hungry and cold. Looking at the smiling Buddha in the ruined temple, a dark side appeared in my heart for the first time.

The wicked are at ease, and the weak are humiliated. If one day I can control my own destiny, I will slaughter the wicked all over the world.

Hell empty ****, the devil is in the world.

Buddha, what did you do

Under my brother's surprised and horrified eyes, I pushed down the Buddha in the ruined temple, and the body of the mud Buddha shattered. I gasped and laughed. This smile made my brother shiver.

I held him in my arms and murmured softly: "From now on, my brother will not let anyone deceive you and insult you..."

A few days later, I asked my brother to wait for me in the ruined temple. I returned to the city alone with a sharp iron bar in my arms.

After arriving in the city, I was guarded near a restaurant. I knew that the dog-legs of the Wang family would drink and have fun here every day. After waiting for a long time, after they came out staggeringly, while they were drunk and yelling, I rushed over and pierced the iron bar in my arms into the heart of one of them.

Blood spattered and exclaimed everywhere. I was crazy, and I kept poking sharp iron bars into the man's heart and throat, red blood flowing.

The first time I killed someone, it was the dog leg who insulted my brothers the most.

At this moment, endless violence appeared on me, and I felt as if I had become a demon in the world.

I want to be a demon, because in that case, the world will be afraid of me and will not bully me and my brother anymore.

It was also at this time that my master appeared!

I don't know what's going on, seeing his first side, as if my soul was immersed in his deep eyes.

"Come with me!"

In a simple sentence, I seemed to be lost, covered in blood and followed him away, while the people around me were motionless as if they had been used to fix the body.

I don't know how long he walked, he came to a deep mountain and old forest, his hand was slightly forward, and two stone houses rose from the ground, like a fairy tale.

Seeing my shock, he whispered to me: "Want to learn?"

I hurriedly nodded, plopped and knelt on the ground, kowtow frantically, and screamed: "Please accept me as a disciple... Please accept our brothers as disciples!"

He shook his head lightly and said to me: "You and your brother have a different path. He has other good deeds, so don't worry about him!"

From this day on, I have been with Master. I don’t know the name of the Master, and I don’t know what the means for those things that Master teaches me.

After many years, I feel that I have become very strong, and I desperately want to find my brother.

Master always said that we would meet, but didn't say when, which made my heart more and more anxious.

On this day, the master called me to the front and said softly: "Do you know what you have learned over the years?"

"The methods of the Earth Master, but it seems to be different from the methods of other Earth Masters!" I honestly responded.

The master nodded lightly, with a strange color in his eyes, and said: "If you are going outside in the future, Morty is a teacher, if anyone asks, you will say that you are practicing the Earth Emperor..."

"Emperor of the Earth?"

I looked at Master in confusion, and asked cautiously: "Master, did you make up this name temporarily? What is the real name?"

The corner of the master's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Earth Burial Sutra!"

"The Ksitigarbha scripture... The Ksitigarbha?" I asked with a wink in doubt.

"It's not that, the burial... You just need to remember the name of the Book of the Earth!"

The master seemed to be a little impatient, and waved to me and said: "You can get out of the way, your brother is now in the city where you used to wander, go find him!"

Although I don't want to let my master go, after so many years of mentor-apprentice friendship, Master sincerely treats me as his own heir. However, I miss my brother even more, and I don't know how he has been all these years.

When he was leaving, the master said something with a complicated expression.

"Blue Wind, the Great Buddha is the Great Demon, good and evil are with one heart, the good heart is the Buddha, and the evil heart is the devil... Oh, go!"

I hurriedly said goodbye to Master. I thought I would meet with Master after I found my younger brother.

Back in the city, in the process of looking for my brother frantically, I noticed that there seemed to be a horrible cry of exclamation from the royal mansion in the city, and there was a riot nearby.

Hearing the sound, rushed to see a picture that looked like Shura Purgatory.

In the mansion of the Wang Family, everyone fell into a pool of blood with distorted faces and horror. There were various methods of death, and the methods were cruel. Everyone in the Wang family obviously died of torture, and the bodies were all over it, which was shocking.

There was only one person, his hands covered with blood, standing among the corpses in a pool of blood.

He was smiling at me, smiling happily, like the child who ate candied haws back then, the joy of satisfaction.

"Brother, it's been a long time!" (End of this chapter)