Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 137: Life is in sight


Most people will feel desperate when they get here, and even want to give up, and then go back.

Because it has been shuttled in the stone path, the road is long, narrow, and dark, which will indeed destroy the spirit that has been stretched.

However, this does not include Yunchi.

She once walked in an underground trench for three days and three nights alone without water, food or light.

There are still a lot of bones in that underground trench, and it sometimes turns back to the original place.

If there is not a strong will, it is estimated that it would have collapsed in it a long time ago and will never be able to get out.

Yun Chi wiped the sweat from his forehead and said firmly: "No, we can go out."

She knew that she could not show any weakness or uncertainty at this time, otherwise Kino and Jinfeng would not be able to bear it. Sure enough, hearing the affirmation and firmness in her tone, Muye and Jinfeng's hearts relaxed again.

"Let's take a break."

In one hour and two hours, if King Zhenling wanted to chase him, he would have caught up long ago.

He did not chase, indicating that he was still looking for the magic soldier.

Yun Chi also couldn't tell how he felt in his heart. Is she grateful that he did not choose to catch up, or is she disappointed that he finally chose to go to the magic soldier

Yun Chi grabbed Huayanniao from his baggage.

Because it cried several times in the tomb, it stayed in the bag and fell asleep on the way. Yun Chi stretched out his hand and stroked its feathers.

"Stupid bird, you are not going to die?"

Huayanniao heard her head, raised her head and rubbed her fingertips. Said that he was okay.

Seeing that it could still wake up and still respond, Yun Chi was relieved.

At this moment, Yun Chi didn't know what happened over there.

With the combination of King Zhenling and Yu Fengchi, the dozen or so individuals were totally helpless.

The blood is getting heavier.

When I didn't see it, I didn't know when there was a blood stream on the ground. It slowly gathered together and flowed to the stone stele with the afterimage of the phoenix inscribed.

Uncle Chai was the first to find out what was wrong.

"Master, be careful!"

He just yelled, and Gu Li had already swooped down. There was danger, and she couldn't leave the master.

There was an earthquake.

Dust billowed under the slope.

The ground cracked, and a stone slab on it was also pressed down. There was no way for them to leap up, and they all fell off in an instant.


Bone Shadow and Uncle Chai's eyes were about to split, and they yelled.

Therefore, King Zhenling had no chance to know that Yunchi had already run away.

Yun Chi they rested for a while and then moved on.

Several people were already dizzy with hunger, and no longer had the energy to calculate how long they had been away. Anyway, I took two rests halfway through, maybe another night.

Finally, Yun Chi felt that the air circulation became more and more obvious, and couldn't help but feel refreshed.

The front finally opened up a bit.

Then the terrain fell abruptly, and there was a natural stone cave below.

Yunchi felt moist, licked his dry lips, and said dumbly, "There may be a source of water below."


Muye and Jinfeng's eyes lit up at the same time.

They have been thirsty for a long time, and hungry for a long time, even if they can fill their stomachs with water, it will not be so uncomfortable.

"You are waiting here, I will go down and have a look."

"Miss Yunchi, be careful." Mu Ye looked at her nervously.

Jin Feng leaned on a rock and sat down. Because the time was too long, she stopped letting Kino carry on her back later, and walked for a while on her own. Gu Li's medicine is very good, and now her injury doesn't matter much, as long as she doesn't run or jump, she can still walk.

Yun Chi slipped down.

The two snakes I picked before were both poisonous and could not be eaten. Now she felt that she would dare to eat even a non-venomous snake. I knew I should have touched the bag of dried meat belonging to King Zhenling.

With a bang, a few stones were brought down after sliding down, and Gulu Gulu rolled into the cave, and then made a bang. Yun Chi was overjoyed, this is the sound of falling into the water.

Pepe also wakes up, flapping his wings and flying out of his bag, and is about to fly inside. Yun Chi grabbed it quickly and quickly.

"be honest!"

In case there is danger inside, she has to save it again.

She understands now that this stupid bird is sometimes very powerful, and sometimes it is indeed very confused.

It's like treating the giant fierce octopus as meat and the water of the Nether River as water, making her think that there is really meat and water there...

She can't believe it now.

Peck dropped his head decadently.

"Huh." Yun Chi hummed, not impressed by its pitiful pretence.

She supported her with a sword and walked into the cave step by step.

The height inside was not enough, so she could only bend down slightly, but fortunately, she didn't need to go too deep, so she heard a very small sound of water.

At the same time, a faint light shone in from the water.

Although the light was dim, it was enough to make her ecstatic.

This thin stream of water comes down from a high place, and the light is also shining from above. It should indicate that the top of the stream is leading to the outside!

The water is very clear, and a pool of water has accumulated in the stone cave. It is completely different from the stagnant pool where they went to the tomb before. The water should be drunk.

Yunchi glided carefully to the side of the pool, and could see green plants growing in the water, and there were fish in the water!

She couldn't help swallowing.

Although the fish is only slap-sized, it looks alive.

Yun Chi was convinced that no other creatures existed in this cave, and shouted to the outside: "Kino, Aunt Feng, come in!"

Hearing her voice, Mu Ye and Jin Feng looked at each other, and they both saw the slack in each other's eyes.

Really, if there is still danger inside, they still can't get in, they really will collapse.

Kino is too tall, so he can only bend in and sit down.

But when you see the water and fish in the cave, this is simply not a problem. He swallowed hard, always remembering to ask Yun Chi's creed first, and asked: "Miss Yun Chi, can this water be drunk?"

Yun Chi nodded, "Drink!"

Kino cheered, and immediately rushed over, taking a few big mouthfuls of water. "God, I finally came alive!"

"Punch." Jin Feng was finally able to laugh now.

Xianqimen has many rules, and she has developed the habit of paying attention to her manners all the time, even if she is thirsty to the extreme, she is just a little more anxious than usual, and the action of drinking water is still elegant.

In contrast, Yunchi is reckless.

After drinking a few sips to relieve her thirst, she simply lay down on the stone and exhaled.

"Take a break, let's catch the fish and grill it."

"Bake fish in the ancient tomb..." Jin Feng was taken aback, always feeling strange.

Yun Chi said: "We have walked such a long hidden tunnel in the belly of the mountain. Actually, we should have left the ancient tomb. Maybe we are not the original mountain after we went out."

Kino moved for a while, "It's not the original mountain anymore? Then how can I go back?"

"Hire a carriage at that time and go back." Yun Chi closed his eyes and rested for a while, and said, "As long as you can get out, are you afraid that you won't be able to go back?"

"Miss Yunchi is right!" Mu Ye was relieved again. "At that time, I will be able to walk back! I don't know if Uncle Chai and the others have gone out."

Hearing him mention Uncle Chai, Yun Chi opened his eyes and thought of King Zhenling.