Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 158: Leave your life to you


She scolded her little lady just now, why did she go to take care of her

Do it yourself!

Jinfeng said that he also has a temper.

Mu Ye sat next to her and whispered: "Girl Jin Feng is angry, Miss Yun Chi will definitely come back without problems." Mu Ye has unlimited confidence in Yun Chi.

Uncle Chai and Gu Ying glanced at each other, and both saw the anxiety and worry in each other's eyes.

"Uncle Chai, look at Gu Li, I will go out to find the son." Gu Ying was finally worried.

But his body shook as soon as he stood up.

The bone shadow book was also injured, and it was only better than the rest of the wounded.

Uncle Chai hurriedly said: "Forget it, bone shadow, keep it, you don't know the temper of our master."

King Zhenling always said that he was the same. Since he asked them to stay here, if they really didn't obey orders and went out to find him, they would definitely be punished afterwards.

The kind of saying he is most annoying is the reason for worrying about him. King Zhenling has always been cold-hearted, and doesn't like anyone who disobeys his orders by taking care of him.

Bone Shadow was helpless, but hoped that Yun Chi could find him.

But it said that the cloud came out in the rain and rushed towards the exit. Barren mountains and ridges, and storms at night, the road is really difficult to walk.

Just now, it was because of the weeds and slippery that came from the front, Yunchi detoured around. It was probably because of this that he missed King Zhenling.

The rain drops on her body. In this case, she can't even open her eyes to see. Fortunately, her sense of direction is still very good. As long as she is sure of the direction, she can move forward in a straight line.

When he could see the exit, Yun Chi happened to see that he couldn't help but yell. There is no one at the exit, it is very likely that he has gone down.

She had already climbed up at the risk of collapsing. The lower abdomen was already flooded with rain, and the land above was loosened by heavy rain. She felt a little soft when she came out just now. If this side collapses, this natural mountain tunnel will be completely sealed, and people will really be trapped inside.

If you are not a fool, you should be able to see this danger when you get here. How foolish can someone see and jump off

At first, Yun Chi didn't believe that the cold man of King Zhenling would jump off, but when she saw a strip of cloth hooked by a sharp stone washed out by rain at the exit, she was stunned.

This is the cloth for the king of Zhenling.

He may have jumped down in a hurry and got scratched.

This fool!

Yun Chi threw himself at the exit and poked his head in. He couldn't see anything, only heard the water and rain. She just hoped that he hadn't run too far in yet.

Putting his hand to his mouth, Yun Chi shouted with the biggest voice in his life: "Jin Cangling! I'm on it! Jin Cangling! Come out!"

The mountain stream has already collected rainwater, and it will soon fill the pool inside, and the water will overflow the stone cave and continue to pour down.

It will be even more difficult for him to come up then.

"Jin Cangling!" Yun Chi's voice was hoarse.

She gritted her teeth, if he really couldn't hear it, she could only go down and look for him! Then the two were trapped inside together!

"Jin Cangling! If you don't come up again, I will go down!"

"Stay on it!"

A hoarse voice suddenly reached her ears, and then she heard the sound of someone climbing up, and immediately stretched out her hand subconsciously, "Quick, grab my hand!"

A big icy hand squeezed her hand firmly.

Yun Chi immediately held him tightly with both hands, and desperately pulled him up.

The wet man jumped up with her strength, and at the same time he quickly hugged her into his arms and leaped up. Just when the soles of their feet left the ground, this piece of ground collapsed, completely burying the exit, but the mountain stream was exposed, and the opened soil changed the direction of the flow and flowed down the hillside. .

Yun Chi felt that the world was spinning, and was about to talk. The man holding her suddenly lost control and fell down, leading her to a heavy fall on the slope. The two huddled together and rolled down, curling up the raindrops. Water mist.

This kind of speed can't be controlled at all, and the rolling rain also fascinated his eyes. What made Yun Chi's heart tremble the most was that King Zhenling had obviously passed out, and she was held tightly in his arms and couldn't stretch it out. Come on.

With a bang.

Yun Chi's body was stunned, feeling that he had hit something, and the two men's momentum stopped.

Yun Chi was pressed under him and looked up. They hit a big tree. One fruit happened to be knocked down. Yun Chi moved her head quickly, and the fruit fell on her face. Side, if she reacts slowly, she will have to hit her face directly.

Being so pressed by King Zhenling, she almost couldn't breathe. The person who passed out was very heavy, and it took her a lot of effort to push him away.

Yun Chi got up, and when he saw his face yelled again, the paleness was not enough to describe his face. Seeing the raindrops hitting his face, Yun Chi gritted his teeth, wrapped him in the white cloth, and then desperately lifted him up.

Her strength is really not small, but now she is really too small, carrying the king of Zhenling who is so much taller than her, it is like a mouse-backed elephant.

After walking for a while, King Zhenling woke up, vaguely aware that he was being carried on his back, and the person carrying him was petite and seemed to be crushed by him at any time.

He suddenly laughed lowly, his voice hoarse, barely audible.

"The king's advantage is really not easy to take advantage of."

If it wasn't because she was carrying him, and his voice was right in her ears, Yun Chi might not have heard his words.

"what did you say?"

"Before this king carried you, now it is your turn to carry this king."

Yun Chi gritted his teeth, knowing that his advantage is so difficult to take advantage of, she would not let him carry it before she killed him.

Anyway, she will try not to take advantage of him in the future, lest she need to pay a greater price!

"Shut up, maybe you will really die this time!"

The rain became lighter, and Yun Chi walked hard to the cave step by step with his back on his back.

The King of Zhenling was lying on her delicate back, his voice getting lower and lower, almost inaudible. "Yun Chi, this king is unwilling to die, this king is unwilling to admit his fate."

Yunchi didn't know if it was rain or sweat on her forehead. Hearing his words, she was silent for a long time before she whispered back, "What if you are unwilling?"

She thought he had fainted, but she heard his voice again.

Muffled and dumb.

"This king entrusts his life to you."

It took a long time for Yun Chi to understand what he meant.

Giving her life to her does not mean that his life is hers, but it means that she must keep his life.

To put it bluntly, he was unwilling to give his life to Lord Yan.

"Asshole, do I owe you? Why should I spread your life!" Yun Chi gritted his teeth.

She has heard of entrusting things, and protecting things well is to live up to the entrustment.

Those who have entrusted their children to escort their children to a certain place safely also live up to their entrustment.

There are also small pets who are entrusted to feed them three meals a day, which is also worthy of the trust.

But it was really the first time she encountered entrusting her with her life.

This means that no matter what method you use, anyway, if I leave my life to you, you must keep my life well! If you can't save it, it's your responsibility.

Can she refuse

How could his life be so easy to protect!