Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 166: Yicheng genius doctor


"It's good for your subordinates to sit outside." Uncle Chai had herbs tied to his legs. He was afraid that it would not taste bad in the carriage, so he sat next to Xu Jing.

Bone Shadow helped Gu Li get into the car, and turned around to help King Zhenling.

King Zhenling glanced at Yunchi with cold eyes.

Yun Chi is inexplicable: "What?"

"Help." A certain prince cherishes words like gold.

He never likes to touch others, even if it's bones and bones.

Yun Chi gritted his teeth.

Your uncle, I am used to you!

"Aunt Feng, you go up first." Yun Chi ignored him and helped Jin Feng up first. Bone Shadow looked at the face of the prince, and quickly jumped on himself first.

King Zhenling placed one hand on the shaft of the carriage, Yun Chi saw that his hand was trembling all the time, his heart jumped, and he immediately supported him.

He turned out to be so sick!

But he has always pretended to be very good, even she didn't even notice that he had to stand up.

"Bone Shadow, help him up!"

"No need..." Zhenling Wang said in a low voice.

But before he finished speaking, Yun Chi yelled, "You shut up." He couldn't stand still, and would he still maintain his heroic pride

This man is really awkward.

Bone Shadow looked at the prince who was dark and ugly after being berated by Yun Chi, and stretched out his hand to pull him in fear.

The King of Zhenling clasped his arm, patted the shaft of the car with the other hand, flew up, landed on the car, and immediately released the bone shadow.

Yun Chi looked at his trembling feet and curled his lips.

I'm going to fall down and I still have to be handsome and capable.

She climbed into the carriage, pulled away the bone shadow, and then stretched out the hand of sin with expressionlessly, and pushed towards the back of King Zhenling.

It seemed that a certain prince who was standing majestic could not hold it up, and suddenly threw himself into the carriage.


Everyone: "..."

What is Qiqi Petrochemical

This is.

Girl Yun's courage is so bold.

"Yunchi!" King Zhenling said in a gloomy tone as if he wanted to eat people, "I want to pinch you to death..."

Yun Chi didn't care, got in, helped him up, let him sit on the corner of the door, and sat next to him, with a light tone, "Pinch, as long as you have strength now."

King Zhenling was so angry that his teeth creaked, but his body was weak. He had just used up all his strength to support Feiyue in the car, and now he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

However, even if he becomes ill like this, everyone still fears him like a ghost, only she...

King Zhenling thought, did he condone her too much

Yun Chi just felt that he had to be too aggressive, not to be used to it, or not to be used to it. If it is someone who has nothing to do with her, she would be too lazy to deal with it, but if this one really falls, isn't she the one who suffers

If you want her to control, you have to listen to her.

However, not everyone can accept her idea. In short, in the Noda carriage, the shadows and bones, Jin Feng and the three people all tried to reduce their own space, shrinking inside, and freeing up a lot for them. Space.

Stay away from them as much as possible.

Yun Chi glanced at them, and was about to sit more comfortably and move to the side. King Zhenling had already put his head on her lap and closed his eyes.

What about pinching her to death

Don't sleep on her!

Yun Chi looked at Bone Shadow: "Bone Shadow, you come..."

Before she finished speaking, Bone Shadow closed her eyes, her tone was as flat as death, "Miss Yun, the subordinate is asleep."

Yunchi: "..."

The bones simply turned away.

Don't get me wrong, she still doesn't like Yun Chi, or thinks she is a demon girl, but now no one besides her can come close to take care of the prince. For the prince, she bears it.

Yun Chi's gaze swept towards Jin Feng again, and Jin Feng closed his eyes tightly too in fright, "Miss, I'm asleep too!"

Yun Chi was very angry and laughed.

Well, one by one is really great!

She clenched her fist, trying to punch that face, but looking at his bloodless lips, her fist couldn't go down for a long time.

And he has fainted.

The horse-drawn carriages of Tianfeng Villa are not only large, strong and stable, but also have much better foot power than ordinary horses. Although it had been delayed for so long, it was still early when they saw the gate of Yicheng.

However, there are a lot of people entering the city. There are two long dragons outside the city gate. One is walking, and the other is riding a horse and driving a carriage. The speed of advance is slow.

When the carriage stopped, Yunchi, who was dizzy and drowsy, woke up all of a sudden.

She opened the curtain and saw the towering tower, her eyes widened suddenly, a kind of inexplicable excitement spontaneously.

Finally saw the ancient city!

Finally saw the dense crowds!

The inn must be there! There must be a bed! I need a hot bath! Good food! I want to have wine! I need new clothes! The smell of fireworks will also be there!

So many days are not barren mountains and plains or horrible tombs, with food and drink, and now she has finally reached the bustling city! This feeling is like after eating cold and hard Wowotou with cold well water for a month, suddenly there is a full table full of people in front of you.

Too happy to cry.

I heard that Uncle Chaizheng said to Xu Jing: "Strange, although Yicheng is also prosperous, it is not as good as Diancheng. How come there are so many people entering the city?"

Xu Jing also felt a little strange, "Yeah, we followed the group last time. They also said that there are few people in Yicheng, and so many people enter the city at once, I'm afraid it is too ostentatious. Now it seems that there are twenty at a time. People don’t feel ostentatious either."

Next to him was a man carrying a load, and he couldn't help returning to them after hearing this.

"Guys don't know? This is because the genius doctor Hua has returned home in good shape, and the surrounding nobles want to come to Yicheng for consultation with the genius doctor Hua. I heard that the nobles are happy and love to eat some food in the mountains, so we all picked some Things come into the city, I want to sell them for a good price.

After the man finished speaking, he glanced at the car curtain that had just been lowered, and then asked, "Master, this is my family's eggs. Chickens are raised in the mountains. The eggs are delicious. Would you like to buy some? "

Another man pushing a trolley couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words, "Uncle Luo, let's go into the city and do business again, look at you, impatient!"

Uncle Luo responded and apologized somewhat embarrassedly to Xu Jing and Uncle Chai. "Master, forgive me, this is also the first time I have entered the city to do business."

"Xu Jing," Yun Chi's voice suddenly reached Xu Jing's ears through the curtain, "You ask him where he will sell eggs after entering the city. If we settle down, we will ask him to buy them."

Buy eggs

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment, a little bit unable to keep up with her thinking.

The prince is still ill, and the inn hasn't stayed in yet. Hearing the news of the genius doctor, shouldn't he be all thinking about finding the genius doctor? Why do you suddenly think of buying eggs

But Yun Chi categorically didn't dare not listen to Yun Chi's instructions.

After asking where Uncle Luo sold eggs, they soon entered the city. The guards were not strict in their investigations. They were mostly just to check whether there were any martial arts people who were armed and grouped in groups, or wanted criminals in the imperial court.

After entering the city, Xu Jing found out about the largest inn in Yicheng and drove straight to the destination in a horse-drawn carriage.

Along the way, ancient brick houses pass by one by one, street stalls are lively, pedestrians come and go, children's childish voices and whispers, they are all in the eyes and ears.

Seeing the look of passers-by, Yun Chi liked to go to Yicheng, because she could see that the people of Yicheng had a stable life.