Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 2159: Makes legs soft


This time, Jin Shi personally brought a hundred martial arts masters and soldiers to the realm of the emperor, and they all carried the bazooka made by Yunchi on their backs.

If this kind of bazooka is seen by the people in Central City, no one can see what it is. It looks a bit weird, like a black iron cylinder, and they will not guess what it is.

A group of people has been changed to guard the city on the central tower.

But their minds are now also on the point of discussing the weapons of the imperial city, and some people are beginning to repair the cracks in the city wall.

This requires at least hundreds of people, starting with mud, carrying stones and bricks, and some iron tools to build them together.

The long soft ladder hangs down, and the barrels are transported up, very busy.

Because the city lord and the Meng family have said that the crack in the city wall is very important, they must repair it within three days.

Everyone was nervous and uneasy, and they all knew what the hell was going on with that black mist.

If there is really a black mist coming in from here, it is them who are miserable. This is the outer city, and those in the city's main mansion still have another defense.

But no matter how nervous they were, they never thought that the people of the Imperial City would launch a second attack at this time.

When they heard the loud noise that shattered the night, everyone was stunned, and their feet were a little weak.

But before they could react, there was a series of explosions, like a series of thunders, blasting towards their city gate.

Someone looked down and saw a small group of people holding something in their hands. The thing shot something like a ball towards the city gate, and when it reached the city gate, it exploded directly.

Boom boom.

"The people from the imperial city are here again, and they are attacking the city again!"

"Quick, throw rocks!"

"Report to the general."

In their center, there are also generals, deputy generals, and so on. The city owner said that in the future, they will unite Shenqi. The meritorious people who follow him now will be the generals who founded the country. They will follow him to eat and drink spicy food. The most important thing is The only thing is that they can only survive from this natural disaster if they follow him, otherwise they will definitely die without a place to be buried.

And following his words, it is possible for them to break through to the realm of Emperor Venerable in the future. If they are talented, they can go to the next level, and their lifespan will be very long.

"The people of the imperial city are really cunning!"

"Quick, throw the kerosene!"

The soldiers on the city tower who were not paying attention to the city gate all panicked at this moment.

This group of them has absolutely no experience in warfare, let alone defending the city. After all, Shenqidu has been half-abandoned before, where is there any war

So they are in a hurry at this time.

Even if the Central City Lord specially let them practice before, but there are no generals with actual combat experience, how can they teach experienced soldiers

When they were all throwing stone balls ignited with kerosene under the city tower, Jin Shi led people to perform light work and quickly retreated to avoid them.

And as soon as they stopped throwing, they rushed back like ghosts and continued to bombard with that weird weapon.

Boom boom.

boom! The sound of those explosions was very loud, and when they exploded, they all felt that the entire tower was shaking, and the firelight illuminated the night sky.

Looking at the speed of those people, the soldiers in the central city collapsed a little.

"Why are they so fast?"

The ease was amazing, the fireballs and stones they threw couldn't hit each other at all.