Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 2161: Can kill them


The general led his troops back to the city and told them to go back to the camp, while he himself went into the inner city to the city lord's mansion.

But just when those soldiers took off their shirts and prepared to rest, Jin Shi took the army to launch a fierce attack again.

This time, their huge door-smashing machine that attacked the city gate pushed directly outside the city gate and smashed towards the city gate fiercely.


Boom! Loud sound.

The soldiers on the tower who thought they would not attack any more closed their eyes and rested. The day was dawning, and the army of the imperial city had all run away. Where would they come

But they did come! The city gate was smashed and shook.

For a while, they thought it was the ground moving, and they all woke up and jumped up from their sleep.


"It's the imperial city's army that has attacked again!"


"Quick, hit the drums!"

When they rushed to the edge of the city wall and probed down, they saw that a human ladder had been erected underneath, and the person who had reached the highest had swung up with a hook, and the hook was pulled, hooking the brick and stone fence.

People will climb up with ropes! They are all about to attack! "Quick! Cut the rope!"

"They're coming up!"

The soldiers on the tower were panicked.

"Smashing the door, people who go up the city wall don't have to go up, look at the opportunity to retreat."

The words of the Jin Dynasty were passed into the ears of the soldiers.

He didn't think that he would be able to attack all of them now, but it is not good for only a small number of people to go to the tower, and it is easy to be destroyed by the opponent.

He just wanted to follow the plan that Jin Cangling negotiated with him, and try his best to make the Central City, which is said to be an indestructible city, ventilated.

In that case, they would not be able to counterattack back to the imperial city, and they would have to work hard to repair it as quickly as possible.

When they are repairing, the Imperial City will be able to seize the opportunity to really aggressively attack, and the odds of winning will be greater at that time, and the battlefield has always been on the Central City side, and the Imperial City can also be kept.

His daughter-in-law was in the imperial city with four grandchildren, and of course he didn't want the people from the central city to attack them and disturb them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The huge wooden stake that hit the city gate slammed into the city gate of the central city one after another. The city gate swayed slightly when it was hit, and it loosened a bit at the back, making a crackling sound.

"set fire."

Another team rushed up with kerosene and poured them all on the gate.

The wooden pile cart that hit the door retreated, and hundreds of people came with firewood on their backs, ran over in an orderly manner, and threw the firewood outside the city gate.

Ten more people poured kerosene on it, and then someone threw a small fireball.

With a hoot.

The fire burned in an instant, and the flames quickly spread out, and after a while, the pile of firewood was licked up, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong!"

The drums upstairs were beating loudly, and some people rushed to report.

"The imperial city is attacking the city again!"


Some people are riding horses to find the general, but at this time the general has entered the inner city to find the city lord, and it will take a long time to find the general.

When Jin Shi looked at the challenges and defensive abilities and methods of the soldiers in the central city, he also thought it was very funny, he could only shake his head, and for a while, he felt that his mood was not so heavy.

He had never heard of such a situation.

Maybe this is because this is the divine revelation. It has not been divided for many years, and it has always been an imperial city.

So they have no awareness of war at all.

It was the first time he had seen such a fight.

If the Central City is like this, then he really thinks that the Central City will definitely not be the opponent of Jin Cangling and Yun Chi, let alone Chi Lifeng, just say this couple, some of them are playing the Central City to death.