Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 2171: You are useless


Jin Cangling made a gesture, and the twenty emperor masters immediately prepared to attack.

Waiting for his gesture to move, everyone leaped to the tree.


Jin Cangling's body soared up like a goshawk, swiftly swept down, the Heaven-breaking Sword in his hand had been pulled out, and the person was in the air, and the Heaven-breaking Sword had already slammed towards the guard guarding the door. .

With all his aura, he was so oppressive that he instantly made those people's faces change, and before he could react, he felt that he was out of breath.

"Enemy attack!"

One of them roared and screamed, and then he was about to pounce on a thick wooden stake beside the gate.

Jin Cangling's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw that there was something wrong with the stake. It didn't grow there.

He immediately stabbed the sky and shot the sword towards the man's back. With a thud, the man fell to the ground, and a blood hole appeared directly on his back.

The other people's faces were horrified, but before they could get around them, people jumped down one after another, and the sword energy had already swept over.

They could only immediately meet the enemy with a machete.

"Quick, blow the horn!"

Someone shouted again.

But just as a guard was about to take off the horn around his waist, a ferocious wind swept over, and with a bang, the horn was instantly shaken into several pieces, and even his hands were numb and his fingers trembled.

The next moment, a sword next to him pierced straight into his chest.

Who are these people

Why are all such masters

Who is the man in the lead

His inner strength and speed are simply terrifying! "The emperor, the people of the imperial city—" Someone finally called out and realized that these people should be the people of the imperial city, but why did the imperial city find this place

And how can there be so many masters in the imperial city

Didn't it say that the people over there were all rescued from Diyin Mountain, they didn't even have martial arts skills, and they didn't even know how to live a normal life

They once analyzed that even if the imperial city can form an army, it must be very weak. After all, it has to start from scratch. Many people who are used to being enslaved simply don’t understand. Not an easy task.

Therefore, the central city owner is also very confident that the imperial city cannot beat the central city. When the puppet army here is successfully formed, it will be invincible.

But what's going on now

These guards were only guarding the puppet soldiers, and they were afraid that those who had not completely turned into puppets would resist, but they never thought that they would also guard against the people in the imperial city.

"Let Mo Group come out and kill them!"

A guard called out such a sentence, his heart shrank suddenly, and his eyes widened to see that the handsome and tall man was already standing in front of him.

"Ink group?"

The man's voice was low, and he didn't know why he heard the coldness of Yan Jun in his ears, "Is it a group of black evil puppets that you have built

How many people are there in the ink group? "

"I won't tell you—" As soon as the guard gritted his teeth and was about to die, he saw the man slap him with a fluttering palm, and his words were even more ruthless, "Then you're useless."

As soon as he finished speaking, the guard felt his whole body stiff, and then a icy cold hit the bone.

He saw that several of his companions in front of him were staring at him with wide eyes.

Suddenly there was a blur of ice white in front of him.