Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 2178: I'm going to rescue them


I don't know if these people can be called normal people.

Although they haven't come into contact with the Heisha mist, they have long since lost their desire to live here.

In each cell, they were lined up in order, and if some died during the experiment, people would be sent from the next cell to make up for it.

In the end, those are normal people who haven't been exposed to the Heisha mist, and who still have the desire to live, and who haven't completely collapsed in despair.

It's just that these people are suffering the most.

Looking at the fight here now, it was the people in this prison who cried out first.

They all climbed to the iron fence and hissed outside, "Save us!"

"Please save us from the north-south penetration!"

"Save us, we'll listen to you when we go out!"

Most of them also saw Jin Cangling kill the twelve puppets just now, and saw how powerful he was. They also knew Shen Chong beside him. Other guards would often toss and insult them. Some of them Many people were tortured to death, only Shen Chong, who never joined them with a stern face.

Someone once saw Shen Chong looking at them with pity.

Now that Shen Chong has taken refuge with this amazingly handsome man, does that mean that this man can save them and take them out of here

"Benevolent, please!"

They all cried and were very excited.

This should be their only chance, the only chance for redemption.

"We really don't want to be a puppet like that!"

Jin Cangling looked at Shen Chong, "You go."

Shen Chong gave a shock, "Emperor, shall I save them?"

"Open the door."


Shen Chong felt that his heart had never been beating as fast as it is now.

He rushed over and was about to open the door of the dungeon when a terrifying strong wind slammed into his heart.

At this moment, Shen Chong had already tasted the taste of death! This is the poison master shot, with his kung fu, he can't avoid it! But just when he thought he was going to die like this, the Heaven Poundering Sword stabbed diagonally, and the sword body actually blocked the strong wind, and the sword didn't even shake.

"Just do your thing, this emperor is here, no one can kill you."

Jin Cangling's voice faintly entered his ears, and Shen Chong almost cried at this moment.

Has he also become a person covered by the boss now

He immediately continued to open the door.

Jin Cangling's figure flashed, and he was already standing in front of a man and woman whose age could not be seen.

The two men looked at their hair all white, but the skin on their faces was as firm and smooth as if they were in their early twenties.

However, their eyes were not the bright and energetic of young people, but gloomy, and at first glance, it seemed that they had spent a long time in some dark place.

This kind of person with white hair and childish face, temperament and gloomy eyes, Jin Cangling has never had any favor.

Even, seeing such a person, his Heaven-shattering Sword couldn't hold back.

Jin Cangling knew their identities when he saw that these two people were holding a bell in their hands.

"Poison Master?"

"It seems that this traitor also told you our identity, but after we kill you, we will also make him a black puppet."

The poison master looked at Jin Cangling with a stern look.

The Poison Master's Lady's eyes flickered lightly as she looked at Jin Cangling and laughed.