Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 2187: their best results


Yun Du was just thinking about whether the white ones were poisonous, and when he immediately held his breath, the white smoke seemed to be absorbed by himself, and it was quickly absorbed by him.

His exposed skin quickly tightened.

I don't know how to describe this feeling, but Yun Du just felt that his skin was sealed with a thin layer of wax. Soon, he could no longer feel that normal skin feeling! Obviously he has already held his breath, and he has not inhaled these white smoke at all, how can he still be recruited

Yun Chi chuckled abruptly, and with a slam, the Xuan Lian Saber popped out in front of the cane, and the Xuan Lian Saber, with a small iron chain, shot into his heart.

His body was a little stiff, and he couldn't control it at all, so he couldn't avoid it.

The knife slammed into his heart.

At this moment, Yun Du felt that his life was about to die.

"This is the poison gas I developed. You don't need to inhale it, but it will attach to the skin, which can instantly paralyze people and make you unable to move. Just stand there and kill or cut.

How's it going, does it feel good? "

Yun Du finally heard Yun Chi's words, his eyes widened, Yun Chi had already pressed on the cane, the Xuan Lian Dao slammed into his heart, and the dark hook opened on it directly shattered the whole Heart, blood flows down the dark groove.

Then she withdrew the Xuan Lian Dao with a slam, and at the same time bent over to avoid the sword of the other guard's guard, the Xuan Lian Dao turned in a different direction and shot towards the guard.

In the gap where she didn't take a second look, Yun Du tilted his head and fell straight down.

With a bang, eyes wide open, dying can't be more dead.

The center city lord roared.

Yundu was actually killed by Yun Chi! Just when he was about to rush towards Yun Chi, Jin Cangling Potian waved towards him, but Chao Meng Laoyi's Xuan Bing palm slapped it with his left hand.

The turbulent cold air directly covered the old man.

Meng Lao was terrified, he wanted to retreat in a hurry, but where did he have time

He even felt the process of being frozen, and his whole body was frozen into ice.

The expression of the old ancestor changed greatly, and he was about to come over with a flaming palm to beg the old man. Jin Cangling, who was still distracted to stop the central city lord, turned out to have another pair of eyes. The power was slashed towards his palm.

In this move, Jin Cangling used 100% of his skill.

He also knew that the ancestor's kung fu was extraordinary, so he did his best with this move.

With a thud, the sky was full of blood.

A palm flew out with blood splashing like that.

At the same time, Yun Chi smashed a small black ball towards the frozen Meng Lao.

"Cangling back away."

Jin Cangling already had a tacit understanding with her, and when he saw the little black ball, he flew away.

Only hearing a bang, Meng Lao's whole body was blown into pieces, and it also affected those guards. After all, their kung fu was the worst here, and they couldn't avoid it at all. They were bombed and flew out and fell to the ground. , did not get up again.

In such a short time, the opponent was left with only the central city lord and the ancestor.

The ancestor also retreated, and now he has quickly stopped the blood from his broken wrist, and the whole person is shaking.

Because Jin Cangling's sword cut off one of his palms! For him, missing a palm is equivalent to losing most of his ability.

The face of the city lord of the center was also hit by the blown rubble, and it is now red and swollen.

He and Old Ancestor are now standing at one end, and in the middle of them are Jin Cangling and Yunchi.