Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 54: The vicious king of Zhenling


Although Yun Chi was still ridiculing, he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy in his heart.

When she first arrived, she didn't have an advantage in the time and space where the magical ancient martial arts prevailed, but so what? She has never been the kind of person who thinks that the mountain is too high to climb!

On the contrary, she has never been afraid to carry it with someone better than herself!

Because she believes that when it is strong, it is strong!

Yun Wensong had already skimmed into the air, and his palm was almost reaching Yun Chi's door. The wind of the palm made her hair dance wildly. However, among the danced hair, her eyes suddenly burst into bright light!

Charm, it is to strengthen the strength!

Without this courage to face difficulties, it is impossible to practice enchanting power at all! She wants to try, how strong her charm can be!

Yu Fengchi's eyes flashed, and his figure rose steeply into the air, and flew towards Yun Chi.

However, a figure was slightly faster than him. When he stretched out his hand to catch Yunchi, he had already wrapped her arms around her waist, took her to the ground, and retreated sharply.

He quickly avoided Yun Wensong's attack range.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more figures catching up, one on the left and the other guarding the two.

Seeing the sudden change in the banquet, everyone raised their hearts.

It seems that today's banquet can't be good.

Yun Chudai looked at the man who hugged Yun Chi's waist and saved her, her whole body trembling.

She was frantically angry!

Madly jealous!

why! Why did King Zhenling protect Yunchi so much

Where did he put her in doing this

He is still her fiance!

And Yu Fengchi, who was one step behind, also stood in the field with his arms folded, glanced at Yun Chudai, then looked at Jin Cangling, a clear meaning flashed in his eyes.

This saint obviously liked King Zhenling.

Although he really didn't understand why.

Didn’t it mean that all women in Dajin were afraid of King Zhenling? Looking at what they meant before, it was necessary to retreat from the marriage, but now, the saint likes King Zhenling

This scene is really much more exciting than he imagined.

Yun Wensong stared at Yun Chi angrily, but Zhen Cangling asked, "What does the prince mean?"

Jin Cangling glanced at him indifferently, and said, "What the king said just now, did you hear what went in your butt? She is from this king, and her life belongs to this king. You dare to kill her and destroy it. You Xianqimen."

"Destroy the Xianqimen? You have such a big tone!" Jin Tianhao heard furiously, and immediately shouted: "My palace is supporting the Xianqimen today! Come, kill this woman on the spot! "

To kill Yun Chi, also to kill Jin Cangling's arrogance!

"Yunmou Zun ordered the order!" Yun Wensong received the Prince's order and was immediately overjoyed. If you don't kill Yunchi today, he really doesn't know where to turn his Xianqimen face! "Come on!"

He shouted violently, and immediately dozens of Xianqimen disciples rushed in quickly and surrounded King Zhenling and Yunchiguliguying.

"Don't hurt the king of Zhenling, and kill that bitch on the spot!"


Gu Ying Gu Li glanced at each other.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with them, prince, shall we let go of this girl first and step aside to watch the show? Wasn't it like this before? Regardless of people and things, the prince would never even look at them.

It's not cost-effective to tear his face completely with Xianqimen now.

Besides, the marriage contract of the saint is gone

However, even though the two of them were anxious in their hearts, they did not dare to say anything more.

King Zhenling never needed someone to say anything.

Therefore, even if Gu Li had an opinion about the woman who was guarded by her own prince, he still obediently guarded her aside, together with her.

When you are outside, you must first agree to the outside world, and you can ask when there is no one else.

"My king said again, her life is my king's, whoever wants to kill her must pass this king's level first." Jin Cangling put his arms around Yun Chi's waist and didn't look at her, but looked around with handsome eyes. The breath is cold and ruthless.

"Zhenling!" Jin Tianhao suddenly took a step, holding a piece of jade pendant in his hand, moving forward.

"The emperor's order is here. If you see an order, you are ordered to retreat!" Jin Tianhao said loudly, with a trace of complacency on his face.

Even if their Da Jin imperial family needed Jin Cangling, they could not take his life before the time was up, but Jin Cangling had weaknesses in the hands of the Da Jin emperor!

The two sides have been probing each other's bottom line for so many years. They tolerated Jin Cangling's reckless behavior. However, Jin Cangling should also know when to step back and converge, otherwise, the person he cares about will die. !

Therefore, when he came back to Xianqimen, the emperor gave him this order. In fact, he was afraid that Jin Cangling was unwilling to divorce, so he had to hold on to the saint. This time, the emperor of Dajin had to ask him to retreat. .

With this order, Jin Cangling will know that he has to withdraw if he doesn't.

At this time, Jin Tianhao took out the token first in order to please Yun Chudai and to please Xianqimen.

Jin Cangling's dark eyes shrank slightly.

Yun Chi immediately noticed that his arms around his waist were tight.

This token caused a lot of fluctuations in his mood.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Yun Chi wanted to understand in an instant. This is gripping Jin Cangling's weakness.

Individuals will have weaknesses.

Jin Cangling is no exception.

This weakness does not seem to be small.

Otherwise, how could he willingly feed the evil dragon of the imperial mausoleum after he reached his age? According to his skill and ability, he can completely break away from the royal family and go out on his own!

Unless, he had to agree.

Now that people have seized his soft threat, he should have no choice but to let go of her, right

Not to mention disappointment, Yun Chi was originally not used to placing hope and vitality on others, and she did not take Jin Cangling's help into consideration before she started.

She raised her head, glanced at Jin Cangling, and said: "Go away, rest assured, my life, they can't take it away!"


Yun Wensong is a master, and naturally he has long seen that Yunchi has no internal strength. A little girl who has no internal strength is here to make a big fuss, just slap him in the face! Hit Xianqimen in the face!

"King Zhenling, please leave! You and Chu Dai are unmarried couples, where do you put her like this?" Yun Wensong shouted angrily.

Yun Chudai lowered her head, her fingers gripping the hem of her clothes tightly.

"Isn't going to retire from the king? This kind of fiancee is not rare for this king." Jin Cangling took out a folded piece of paper from his cuff, pinched it, and shook it away.

The two big characters of the marriage book caught everyone's eyes.

Yun Chudai suddenly looked up in disbelief.

The marriage paper stabbed her heart.

Last time, he also agreed to resign, and then tossed the marriage certificate, which happened to float on the candlestick and turned to ashes. However, at that time, she was so excited that she shed tears of excitement and fulfillment. At that time, how much she wanted to retire from him!

But this time is different!

She don't retreat, don't retreat!

Yun Chudai stared tightly at the marriage paper with tearful eyes.

She knew that the marriage certificate would float to the candlestick, and she must rescue the marriage certificate before then! As long as it does not burn, as long as it is still there, there is still a chance for marriage between them!

While staring at the marriage book in his hand, Yun Chudai has moved step by step towards the candlestick that lit her marriage book.

She must be able to protect this marriage certificate!

She wants to be Princess Zhenling! She wants to be Princess Zhenling!

"King Zhenling! What are you going to do?" Yun Wensong's eyes widened with anger.

He wanted to retire, but not in this form.

In this way, his daughter's reputation will be damaged!

It was they who followed the emperor's decree and pointed the marriage to the prince, and the king of Zhenling destroyed the marriage certificate first, and took the initiative to withdraw from the marriage. The two things are completely different!

To put it bluntly, when you become a bitch, you have to set up an archway.

"Zhenling! Don't mess around!" Jin Tianhao also shook the token in his hand, the threat was self-evident.

"King Zhenling, it's not worth it for such a little girl of unknown origin." Hong Qi also stared at him closely.

If it is a woman whose marriage certificate is ruined by her fiance, her reputation is indeed not good.

He wanted to fight to marry the saint, so of course he had to choose to help her at this time.

"Hehe, funny, hello, prince, what they mean is that only the saint can dump you, and you are not allowed to dump her first." Yun Chi's ending sounded harshly.

It is a group of people who are extremely hypocritical and selfish.

"Really?" Jin Cangling raised the corner of his lips and moved his fingers.

Yun Chudai, who was staring closely at the marriage book, raised her throat with a heart.

As long as he throws out the marriage paper, she immediately rushes to pick it up!

As for how to explain, let's talk about it when the rescue is reached!

However, in her gaze, Jin Cangling suddenly let go of Yun Chi, pinched the paper marriage paper, and tore it.

Tear once.

Tear twice.

Three times, four times, until the marriage letter was torn into snowflake-like pieces.

"Do not!"

Yun Chu Dai suddenly let out a desperate scream, she rushed towards Jin Cangling, trying in vain to rescue the marriage certificate, but Jin Cangling raised her hand forcefully and resolutely.

Snow-like fragments floated up and down one after another.

Like a heartbreaking snow.

It was so broken that it was impossible to piece it back together.

"Because of the uncleanness of the saint, the birthday and birthday banquets go together three times and four times. This king is here to announce the world, and the marriage contract with the fairy gate Yunchudai will be discontinued. From now on, Princess Zhenling can never be her! "

Jin Cangling's cold and merciless voice could not hear half hesitation or nostalgia.

Not only did he announce his resignation, he also gave Yun Chudai an almost fatal charge, hook! three! take! four!

This notoriety is so painful and terrifying for a woman!

Yun Chi couldn't help but glance at him.


This man is too poisonous.

The mind is absolutely narrow!

It is completely revenge if there is grudge.

Since you are retiring? Okay, I'm not reluctant, but I will retire this marriage, and I have to pour all the dirty water on you!

"Hey, as a man, would you be too stingy and bad like this?" Yun Chi asked with a grin.

Jin Cangling glanced at her and said, "Who told you that men should be tolerant and generous with pity and love for jade?"

Sorry, he still doesn't know what Lianxiangxiyu is when he has lived till now.

Therefore, even if Yun Chudai was looking at him with tears and grief, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Everyone failed to react.

They did not expect that Jin Cangling would tore the marriage certificate to pieces without hesitation, and at the same time stabbed Xianqimen severely.

Three hooks and fours, that is a loss of virtue.

When such words spread out, the identity of the saint Yun Chudai is a bit embarrassing.

Also, the people they are here at the moment are also a bit embarrassed.

Yu Fengchi couldn't help but shook his head secretly and laughed.

This Zhenling King is really so sad as the rumors.