Emperor WuShuang

Chapter 87: Dedicated to him


The two got in one after another.

When Yun Chudai stood up, the hem of her skirt hissed, and she was cracked by the purple bamboo in the wall.

"Miss, are you okay?" Qingtao stood up, feeling tight, wanting to see her skirt.

Yun Chudai stopped her and said in a low voice: "It's okay, let's go quickly."

The whole backyard was quiet, and no sound was heard at all.

This period of time before dawn is the heaviest time for all people to sleep. Coupled with the role of playing the barbarian rabbit, Yun Chudai believed that everyone was already asleep at this time, including King Zhenling.

She knew King Zhenling's abilities, and what she was going to do when he was sober was absolutely impossible to succeed, and the usual drug-drug methods would certainly be easy to see through him.

There is only a stray rabbit, which is absolutely impossible for him to detect.

She often came to play this place when she was young, and Qing Tao had always followed her, and both of them knew exactly where the main bedroom was.

Sure enough, they weren't blocked at all until they reached the main dormitory, and there was no human shadow at all from the bones.

Yun Chudai and Qingtao both felt a little more at ease.

"Miss, how did you know that to put the rabbit out?" Qing Tao couldn't help but ask. When Yun Chudai talked about this to her today, she never believed that the little hare that had been raised several years ago, but has never been able to grow up in red, snow and white, has such an ability.

She always thought it was a pretty hare.

Yun Chudai pursed her lips and did not answer.

How did she know

It was two months after she became a princess, her father took the rabbit into Beijing and entered the palace, and dedicated it to the queen who was almost deposed because of a big mistake.

The queen used it to regain the favor of the Emperor of Jin, almost every night.

Jin Tianhao, who had lost his emperor's heart because his mother was almost abolished, has regained his position as the Prince of the East Palace.

However, his father did his best for them, but only let Jin Tianhao spoil her for a few months. A few months later, he fell in love with other fairies.

Now, how could she be willing to let this rabbit from the Western Regions show light and heat for Jin Tianhao and the Queen? If you want to use it, she also uses it!

This rabbit was not brought by the little noble guest back then, but was later sent by a Western Region dancer, and it seemed to be given to Mu Jia.

Yun Chudai also knows about the affairs between Mu Jia and her father, but she is not disgusted with Mu Jia, because Mu Jia's identity does not seem simple, as long as she is on the side of her father, she can become her in the future. Because of her help, she is totally unlike Hong Shi, who can't tolerate Mu Jia's existence.

Fortunately, she remembered what the barbarian rabbit was eating to make such a call, otherwise she would ask Mu Jia, she would definitely not want to say it, and her father would also know her plan.

Thinking of this, Yun Chudai became more confident.

She remembers many things in those two years, much ahead of everyone else, and she must be able to reverse her destiny based on this!

In the future, she will be the most noble woman in the world, and she will marry the most majestic and beautiful man in the world!

How many women are afraid of King Zhenling now, how envious of her in the future!

Looking at the closed door, Yun Chudai tightly grasped Qingtao's hand and whispered in a low voice, "Remember what I told you before!"

"Maid slave remembers!" Qingtao's palms were sweating.

Yun Chudai took a deep breath, walked over, reached out and pushed open the door.

The door opened silently.

There was a cold and quiet room rushing towards her, as if to swallow her in.

However, the King of Zhenling is inside. The handsome and innocent man is on the couch.

Yun Chudai walked in and gently closed the door with her backhand.

Qingtao was so nervous outside that she was clutching her fingers, feeling that she could hear her heartbeat like a drumbeat, as if she was about to jump out. It's one thing to be afraid of being nervous. On the other hand, she also felt extremely ashamed. They were all unmarried eldest daughters of Huanghua. Thinking of what her lady had to do when she entered the Zhenling King's room, her green peach face burned.

In the room, Yun Chudai also held her breath, blushing, and touched the bed.

The curtain had not been lowered. She had already seen the man lying on his side, the ink spreading between the pillows, and it seemed that he was asleep deeply.

Yun Chudai has the memory of being a princess in her previous life, and her bedside matters are naturally clear. Although her face is hot, she is not as embarrassed and embarrassed as Qingtao.

Standing by the bed, she began to undress herself.

The skirts fell on the ground one by one, until there were no more strands on her body.

She bit her lower lip and wanted to climb onto the couch.

At this moment, the chill was raging, and the murderous intent was everywhere, her eyes were dark, and the thin brocade on the bed suddenly covered her, covering her tightly in an instant, revealing only one head.

She was thrown to the ground with others, watching the man who should have been asleep and physically excited slowly sit up, looking at her, her eyes were as cold as ice thorns.

"The saint of Xianqimen is so holy?" A cold voice sounded low, "The saint who crawled on the man's bed in the middle of the night?"

He bit the sacred letter so hard that it sounded ridiculously mocking.

Yun Chudai wanted to speak, but found that she had been dumb acupuncture.

She panicked and could only try to calm herself down.

She underestimated him. She knew he was good at it, but she didn't expect that he would be able to withstand even a rabbit.

However, as long as she is allowed to speak, she can tell him everything in her heart!

She likes him and delights him. When the women of the world are afraid of him, she is willing to marry him and enter the Zhenling Palace. As long as she is given the opportunity to talk to her heart, he will be moved, right

However, Jin Cangling looked at her like a bug.

He got out of bed, walked past her, and soon someone came over, clicked her sleeping hole, lifted her up, and swept her out.

The bone shadows went up and down a few times, touched into Jin Tianhao's room, and shook Yun Chudai, who was wrapped in the blanket, onto Jin Tianhao's bed. At the same time, Yun Chudai's sleeping point was solved.

Originally, like Gu Li, he was looking forward to the saint being the Princess of Zhenling, but after experiencing this time, he only deeply disliked and despised Yun Chudai.

Such a woman should be paired with Jin Tianhao!

Feng Ming

Standing in the courtyard, Jin Cangling glanced up at the full moon, and what appeared in her mind was a beautiful and alluring face. Her eyes were full of spring season, shining brightly. That night, behind her, the phantom phoenix that emerged was gazing at the world.

At dawn, a scream cut through the tranquility of Xianqimen.

... ...

When the moon fell and dawned at the beginning of the day, a scream of exclamation sounded from the grave formation on the mountain.

"The stone is sinking!"

Jinfeng has not dared to sleep, and Yu Muye kept staring at dawn until dawn. Just after dawn, they saw that the stone barriers that had originally appeared to be very strong were suddenly sinking silently. .

That circle of sandy land looked like quicksand.

The ground vibrated slightly.

When the stone was halfway down, their eyes widened in horror.

Outside, there are all that kind of strange flowers densely packed! What is waving all over the sky are long fangs!

Like a heavy wall, they really are in desperate situation.